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Has anyone found Ayn's time machine yet?
all here like to equate the story Atlas to what took place in detroit. however, if you look all over the country you are seeing the same events taking place that will allow what happened in detroit to happen all over the country. things have gotten so bad that the process can not be stopped. i suspect the crime rate is actually climbing regardless of government statistics. why because there are no jobs for the masses that are here now and our illustrious government which is run by incompetents is encouraging and hence allowing more of the uneducated to come here. when it becomes obvious to them that they can't find a job they become what they were where they came from criminals. it took 40 years for detroit to come to its end and at the rate things are deteriorating all over the country by 2040 i suspect the country will be in shambles just like detroit. I for one could not watch more than 3 minutes of the video.
** this is why I used it in my book
Tomorrow night I'm slated to speak at our school board meeting about a proposed totalitarian law they are contemplating supporting. I find that my efforts are wearing me out. Going Galt is looking better each week. People, in general, just don't get that these leftist/statist policies are ending a great nation. Here in California you can see the Detroitization occurring before your eyes. I've been in this state most of my life. There are many towns that are just bleak now. You can go somewhere like Clear Lake, a place with really great natural beauty, and see nothing but tweakers walking around like zombies, and dilapidated structures. It's really something... My buddy's dad was murdered in Clear Lake last year, trying to stop a guy from knifing his wife or girlfriend at a gas station...
I have driven through there many times for some of the work I've done on the Lost Coast area - I'm in the Sacto area. I often marvel at the beauty of the place. I really like the look of it. But, the poverty confuses me and saddens me as I drive through. "America's Switzerland..."
Nope. No investment, and it is now to expensive to keep as a watch fob.
China is hard to beat - they seem to have blended the most effective parts of capitalism with the most effective aspects of authoritarian government, to become a virtually unstoppable economic juggernaut.
America's future lies in an export commodity which until now it has been unable to supply - cheap labour. The mainstream American population will soon appear to the rest of the world very similar to how the Native American population appeared to the invading European colonists - heart, spirituality, utter poverty.
Living outside America, it's amazing to see a country in so much denial. The Cold War is still in full swing, and America is copping one mother of an ass-whoppin', from which it may never recover.
American manufacturing and the decline of the middle class.
US trade agreements give foreign goverments an unfair advantage. It is not a level playing field.