you no longer can hold your own values in America

Posted by MaxCasey 11 years ago to News
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you are no longer able to chose to exercise your values in America. You now run the risk of being forced to become a hypocrite by the government. Whether you agree with gay marriage or not, this baker should not be forced to work for people he chooses not too.

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  • Posted by jimslag 11 years ago
    I have read most of the comments and some good arguments are being made. Problem is, I believe that everyone has the right to freely associate with whoever they want. Whether it be marriage or a business transaction. If I run into someone who does not to do business with me, I take my business somewhere else. I do not claim discrimination or even think a second about why. I just move on and deal with someone who wants my business. That is a big problem with today's society in that if you don't want my business then you are obviously discriminating against me. I am not saying it is wrong, I am saying it is prevalent. In my belief, I think the judge was wrong as the baker is now being forced at the end of a gun to do business with these people. He is being made a slave to government regulation, not a business who can decide who he wants to do business with and it is wrong.
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  • Posted by Eyecu2 11 years ago
    Judge Spencer said “At first blush, it may seem reasonable that a private business should be able to refuse service to anyone it chooses.This view, however, fails to take into account the cost to society and the hurt caused to persons who are denied service simply because of who they are.”

    The cost to society be DAMNED! If this man wants to refuse service to anyone for any reason it is his choice. He is willingly not accepting payment for his services and he should be able to willingly then refuse service. I would refuse to comply with these orders on the grounds that I am not a slave. I can feel the steam raising off my head over this one. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!
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    • Posted by RobMorse 11 years ago
      I agree that the cost is irrelevant. I find the judge's logic quite twisted as he carefully ignores the cost to society of demanding we serve anyone. There are a number of things I won't provide to anyone.
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  • Posted by DaveM49 11 years ago
    I'm not sure why anyone would make an issue of this. Would you want to order a cake (or anything edible) from someone who didn't like you? This sounds vaguely like the sort of lawsuit that is filed because "it's not the money--it's the principle", and of course it's always the money. The couple who ordered the cake are also fighting for the right to subsidize someone who does not like them. I certainly wouldn't do anything like that.

    A private business is private property. If you do not like the attitude or ideas of the property owner, do not patronize the business. And if you wish, do what you can to make other customers aware of what they are subsidizing by their patronage. Let each look to his or her own conscience.

    Ayn Rand wrote on this subject with regard to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (I believe the essay was entitled "Racism"). The Civil Rights Act was enacted in the belief that racial bigotry could be abolished by legislation. Looking back from 50 years' distance, wouldn't it have been far better to let those who wanted to run "whites only" restaurants, etc. do so, and let all who pass their places of business know what fools they are? I certainly would not patronize such a place--who would? It would be far better to be able to see who did, and know to avoid such people.
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    • Posted by plusaf 11 years ago
      This could create a secondary confectionary market for homosexuals... have ANY bakery "make the cake," then take it to another company to add the names and little statuettes on the top.

      You can get the quality of the "base product" PLUS any "custom options" you care to add.

      Works well in SO many other markets... (got an app for that?)

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      • Posted by DaveM49 11 years ago
        Quite so--there is a business opportunity here either for someone going into the field, or an established business which wants to promote itself as "gay friendly". The market will show what is "best for business"
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    • Posted by RobMorse 11 years ago
      Well said, Dave. "I don't want to serve you, so are you sure you want to buy my cake?"
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      • Posted by DaveM49 11 years ago
        There are a few people in this world you should not deal with if you don't like you. Waiters, dentists, and barbers, to name a few. I would include any food service person. Do the couple involved expect their cake to be "made with love"?
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        • Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years ago
          Personally, I would have filed a lawsuit and then gone to a different bakery. I wouldn't want any food products produced under such circumstances, but that doesn't mean I'd let the baker/cook get away with discrimination. Financial compensation is a sastisfactory method of justice.
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    • Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years ago
      Ayn Rand's stance against the Civil Rights Act was one of the single biggest flaws in her philosophy. The Act was good.
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      • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years ago
        I don't see how it could be a 'flaw' in her philosophy, since, per her philosophy, there's no way for her to avoid opposing it.

        You want to guarantee the perpetuation and survival of bigotry? Force people to associate with others when they don't wish to. Resentments will build.
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        • Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years ago
          Considering racism was worse before the Civil Rights Act was passed, I'm gonna have to say that's a faulty premise. Associating with someone causes resentment to go down, not up.

          And Ayn Rand's philosophy also said the only way to violate someone's rights was through physical force, which is simply untrue. That's the flaw.
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          • Posted by khalling 11 years ago
            after the civil rights act passed, blacks completing a high school degree have significantly gone down, out of wedlock births have skyrocketed, and the poverty rate among blacks has also skyrocketed compared to other races.
            I completely agree with you that race should not be a factor in associating with an individual but that's lots of negatives, maph.
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            • Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years ago
              Yes, those things are caused by the war on poverty and the war on drugs. They are not caused by the Civil Rights Act.
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              • Posted by khalling 11 years ago
                philosophically, the programs were part and parcel of the same package. Which is all about government should be actively interfering in peoples' lives to create social changes. When govt should ONLY be about protecting natural rights for us all.
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  • Posted by flanap 11 years ago
    When a business is forced to serve, it is no longer a business, but a slave.

    Wasn't slavery outlawed already?
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  • Posted by barwick11 11 years ago
    Sad state of affairs in this nation. Government is forcing you to support anything and everything, despite your deepest held beliefs.

    I believe they called that "Fascism"
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    • Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years ago
      Actually, fascism declared homosexuality to be illegal, punishable by death. This is about as far away from that as you could possibly get.
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      • Posted by barwick11 11 years ago
        Actually, learn your history. Fascism isn't defined as "declaring homosexuality illegal". Fascism is the ability to own private property, but Government telling you what you have to do with it.
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        • Posted by $ nickursis 11 years ago
          Uh Merriam Webster says"often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition " Sounds to me like the United States of Obamanation ( Or the Free Democratic United States, if you don't want to get too personal) Either way, I think you could both be right here. Both Italy and Germany in WW2 tried to run that drill, however, since a lot of their leadership swang that way, it wasn't used except when convenient.
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          • Posted by barwick11 11 years ago
            You're right. Liberalism IS Fascism plain and simple. It's funny, Liberals are often most guilty of what they accuse others of.

            Racism? Liberals are often the most racist.
            Homophobic? Ever hear Alec Baldwin?
            Anti-Poor? Whose economic policies keep people poor so they keep voting for you?
            Fascist? Who's telling private people what they can and can't do with their lives or private property?
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          • Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years ago
            The claim that the ranks of government in fascist Germany and Italy were full of homosexuals is actually a myth. Homosexuality was not tolerated in the slightest. As far as I'm aware, there was only one legitametaly homosexual officer in the ranks of the Nazi regime, and when Hitler found out, he had him sent to a concentration camp.

            There's a book called "The Pink Triangle" you might want to read.
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        • Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years ago
          Every government in the history of mankind has had economic regulations. If simply creating regulations is all that it takes for a government to be classified as fascist, then there has never been a non-fascist government. Your definition is flawed.
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          • Posted by khalling 11 years ago
            Fascism is govtental control of private property. It is not It's not any one regulation, its the fact that nominally you have private property but in reality your title to that property does not allow you to control it. The only difference between it and socialism is who has taken control of the title to your private property. This includes your ability to associate freely. If I have a business and the govt only allows me to contract with them-not other private citizens-those regulations would be hugely onerous. Our government is moving closer and closer to that point. so I ask you-you see it as huge that the govt does not come in and claim my title-BUT totally regulates who and when I can do business? 6 to one, half dozen to the other
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  • Posted by Zenphamy 11 years ago
    This is what we get for supporting idiots and their children, total inanity. So, are we discriminating against gluten allergy by not knowing how to make a gluten free cake that tastes as good as one with gluten, against the diabetic, or ultimately against the poor because we charge too much for the cakes we make?

    I can remember when it was a compliment to describe a person as a discriminating individual. If the market doesn't like the baker that won't sell gay wedding cakes, the market will put him out of business. Anti-discrimination and hate laws are no saner than blue laws. Both are utilizing force to impose someone else's idea of right/wrong on me. I'll take my ball and go home.

    Who's John Galt?
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    • -1
      Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years ago
      You expose the flaw in your reasoning with the phrase "if the market doesn't like it."

      Human rights should never be determined by the market, because the market very often is entirely capable of permitting discrimination.
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      • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years ago
        I don't have to make a wedding cake.
        I don't owe a pair of homosexuals a wedding cake.

        Yes, the market is very often entirely capable of permitting discrimination; of course it is. That's why avocado appliances haven't been sold since the 1970s.

        Human rights are not determined by the market.
        The homosexuals in question do NOT have a right to have a bakery make a cake for them. Nobody has a *right* to the efforts or creation of other humans.
        If they want a wedding cake, find a baker who will make one for them. Or make one themselves. Or have a relative make one. Or do without.

        I have no sympathy for people intent upon perverting valuable cultural traditions out of a refusal to recognize their own illness.

        And the judge should be jailed.
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        • -1
          Posted by plusaf 11 years ago
          "Their own illness..."????????????????

          Ah, the truth comes out. And the religious base of it, and the hatred. You've outed yourself.

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          • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years ago
            You must either be new here, or just haven't read much.

            I don't use a religious base for my stand that homosexuality is a mental/emotional illness. I have explained my position in other message threads.

            Sexual attraction and romantic feelings exist for the function of perpetuating the species. Just as your stomach exists to digest food and provide nourishment, your genitalia exist to perpetuate the species.
            If you are compelled to inhale hotdogs, and swallow carbon monoxide, there's something wrong with your mental/emotional processes. If you are sexually and romantically attracted to the same sex, to inanimate objects, to animals, to children, there's something wrong with your mental/emotional processes. This, in and of itself, doesn't mean you're a bad person. What makes you a bad person is attempting to force others to ignore your illness and pretend it's normal and healthy.

            I have no hatred for anyone suffering from homosexuality. I have hatred for anyone, homosexuals, feminists, communists, Westboro Baptists, politicians, Hollywood performers, and many others, who attempt to force me to accept their changes to a society that was once quite successful and becomes less successful in direct proportion to the success of their attempts to warp the nation to match their delusions.

            You want to play hide the banana with some other guy's rectal orifice, go for it, so long as I don't have to be in any way involved. But, don't expect me to believe a tail is a leg. Worse, don't try forcing me to accept tails as legs.
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            • Posted by plusaf 11 years ago
              I'm relatively new here... just a few months, and no, I haven't read all of your posts all around here... just some.

              But I call bullshit on your claim of mental/emotional illness.

              One of the major bullshit points is your claim that romantic feelings exist for the function of perpetuating the species.

              Oh, wait... romantic FEELINGS (including attraction and sexual arousal DO SUPPORT the FUNCTION of perpetuating the species... true!

              But the concept that those things are the REASON for arousal or attraction is bullshit! The arousal and attraction and all that crap are driving forces that lead (virtually) all species to MATE because the MATING produces PLEASURE.

              You could just as easily conclude that sex feels good IN ORDER TO perpetuate (the) species, but that is really a disconnected leap.

              When you were a teenager hot for some member of (obviously) the opposite sex, were you thinking, "well, that's a hot number and they turn me on so that we can make babies to perpetuate the species"????

              Get real. It was for pure animal pleasure.

              It's only after humans reach some level of maturity and socialization that they desire to HAVE CHILDREN, and their GOAL is NOT "perpetuation of the SPECIES"... maybe perpetuation of their family name or to feel the wonders and fulfillment that come from bearing children, raising them and enjoying them.

              But not, for crap's sake, "for the purpose of perpetuating the species."

              And you may be "new around here," too, because if you'd been around enough, and met and talked with enough gays, lesbians and other flavors of LGBT's, I'll bet you that NONE of them would say "I suffer FROM homosexuality."

              They may admit to suffering persecution and reduction of social and legal rights and privileges as a result of their homosexuality, but they do not suffer directly FROM being homosexual.

              You can project that all you want, but it doesn't make it true, and even if you collect a lot of fellow travelers who agree, "consensus is NOT the same as truth or fact."

              I don't play hide the banana. I'm hetero and my wife (actually, both of them) would attest to that, but nobody is FORCING YOU to accept the "changes in society."

              Society is changing. You're the one who'll have to adapt or fade out. "Society" used to "accept" slavery as the norm. Society changed.

              Some countries kill anyone who is vaguely homosexual. But look at the changes in state and federal laws over just the past few decades. You can accuse society of "decay" because of the increased acceptance of gays, but that doesn't make you right, either.

              And I've written a lot about this on this and many other blog sites.

              BTW, more and more science is proving ME right than proving your position.

              Get over it if you want, or don't. I'm not forcing you to like it. I'm just encouraging you to open your mind to some new views.

              I'm not optimistic, though.

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              • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years ago
                "But the concept that those things are the REASON for arousal or attraction is bullshit! The arousal and attraction and all that crap are driving forces that lead (virtually) all species to MATE because the MATING produces PLEASURE. "

                The purpose of mating is not pleasure; mating is pleasureful IN ORDER to get creatures to procreate.

                There was a study of heroin addicts, because they were the most recidivist. It turns out that the high one gets from heroin is most like the endorphin rush one gets from sexual climax. Which is why addictions exist.
                Through the process of evolution, the intense, addictive pleasure of the sex act, which compels animals to copulate regardless of the personal threat or harm it may cause them (some insects continue mating even as their mate is eating them; eagles are sometimes killed because they begin mating in midair and won't stop until the act is completed or they become a stain on the ground below).
                Romantic feelings, paternal and maternal instincts, likewise developed in many species, again, for the purpose of perpetuating the species. Such mating ensures the survival of the next generation to an age when they can, in turn, mate.

                yes, they suffer from being homosexual, because it denies them the reward of mating and producing young.
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                • Posted by plusaf 11 years ago
                  Oh, ps....
                  Ever meet any homosexual couples who have BORNE children (yes, the females can and do) or adopted children to raise as "their own"?

                  Homosexuality "denies them the reward of mating and producing" is more BS, since (I trust) they can achieve a lot of pleasure from "mating activities" even if a person of the opposite gender is not there, AND they DO produce young!

                  In fact two of my favorite people in the world did exactly that. They have twins, and they call one "Mom" and they other "Mommy" and their kids are two of the nicest, brightest kids I know.

                  Get out more.
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                  • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years ago
                    Yes, people can derive a great deal of physical pleasure from masturbation as well... it's not the same thing.

                    Sure, I'll get out more. Want to visit some BDSM clubs? Maybe we could visit a chapter meeting of NAMBLA? Or we could visit the zoo, if that's your thing.

                    There's no such thing as homosexual "couples". The children in question have a father, who is male (and who can be made legally responsible for them, in a wry twist of injustice). That they are denied their father is just yet another example of the failing of the mental/emotional illness.

                    What you are talking about is an application of technology. An application of technology attempting to get around the facts of nature.
                    A crutch to compensate for mental/emotional crippling.

                    That you like someone who suffers from homosexuality doesn't cure them. There are mental hospitals filled with people who are loved by someone; it doesn't cure them of their various problems. There are people out on the street with phobias, paranoias, obsessions, fetishes, who are loved by their friends and relatives. Doesn't make the phobias, paranoias, obsessions or fetishes go away.
                    The same is true of sexual deviancy.
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                • Posted by plusaf 11 years ago
                  ... which just proves my point that PLEASURE is the goal in BOTH cases (drugs and sex) and anything more than that is pure projection.

                  Of course, if your belief system includes the idea of a Creator Whose Hand Is In The Game at all times, He/She obviously made sex pleasurable so His/Her Creations would "be fruitful and multiply."

                  Your position assumes a Prime Mover Designer who built the system with that purpose. If there is one, sure! If not, your argument falls apart.

                  Maybe a SurveyMonkey poll is in order..
                  "Why do/did you have children?
                  o Perpetuate the species
                  o It was an accident
                  o Wanted to bring wonderful children into the world
                  o Other ______

                  That should be fun!
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                  • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years ago
                    Pleasure is NOT THE GOAL.

                    Two animals may fuck because they want the high, just as an animal may shoot up heroin because he wants the high, That doesn't make pleasure the PURPOSE or the FUNCTION of the ACT.

                    I guess I have to teach bio 101 to you. See, daddy gets excited, and puts his thingy in mommy's special place, and pretty soon the drugs are released in his brain and he squirts his sperm into her.
                    IF she's in her fertile period (which in most mammals occurs during certain parts of the year), there will be an egg available for the sperm to invade. The resulting zygote becomes embedded in the wall of mommy's special place, and 9 months later she pushes out a baby.

                    This is the function of these organs. This is the function of the desire, of the endorphin rush, the addiction. To perpetuate the species. That it is not 100% successful all the time is a tribute to the sloppy nature of evolution.

                    You don't need to invoke God, though I am amused that you feel comfortable heaping scorn on religion but get your back up when I describe the true nature of homosexuality.

                    Did God create hunger? What is the function of hunger? To induce one to seek food and to eat. What is the purpose of the feeling of satiation? Again, to induce one to seek food and to eat.

                    This does not require divine intervention on the part of the Almighty. Hunger, thirst, lust, love, hate, envy, remorse, compassion, fear, cold, heat, loneliness, fellowship... all these feelings can be the inevitable result of the evolutionary process. If one doesn't ever get hungry,one doesn't eat, one dies. If one doesn't ever get thirsty, one doesn't drink, one dies. If hunger is particularly unpleasant for one, one is more intent upon seeking food. If sex is pleasurable for one, one seeks it more frequently and intently.

                    It doesn't matter why one has kids; evolution doesn't care about why, just so it happens.

                    My position assumes nothing about any intelligent designer.
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                    • Posted by plusaf 11 years ago
                      no sense in trying to "discuss" this with you any further. your posts make that clear.

                      And that's not bio 101... that's "facts of life" for a five-year-old's brain.
                      Ciao, again. Game over.
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            • Posted by airfredd22 11 years ago
              Very well put. your comparison of eating and homosexuality was very effective in making your point.

              When did we loose the right to free association? Yes, the judge should be taken off the bench for violating the constitution which doesn't specifically give us the right to free association in those exact words, but historic rulings have certainly established that principle.

              Fred Speckmann
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              • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years ago
                Well, the Constitution doesn't grant *any* rights.
                It only protects pre-existing, God-given rights.
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                • Posted by airfredd22 11 years ago
                  Re: Hiraghm,
                  You are of course correct and my comment was directed more at the fact that the Constitution is being disregarded more every day. Of course since they are god given rights and the Atheist don't believe in god, one could argue that since they don't believe in god those rights don't exist for them either. Just joking.

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                • Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years ago
                  The problem with saying that rights come from God is that they are not written down anywhere except in legislative documents. The Bible makes no mention of rights, nor does any other religious holy book. If rights are truly pre-existing, how do you know what they are?
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                  • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years ago
                    While there may not be an explicit enumeration of rights in the Bible, a reading of the old and new testaments reveals the existence of certain rights and what they might be.

                    Any "right" only written down in legal documents is a right granted by men, revokable by men. The wording of the Constitution makes it clear that the document does not grant rights, it grants powers, and protects rights, which can't be granted by men.

                    If men are equal, they cannot grant "rights" to other men.

                    Therefore, either rights come from God, or rights don't exist. Or men are not equal.

                    I already dealt with this in another thread.

                    "Rights" are a convenient fiction for allowing men to deal with one another. Without the authority of God behind them, the concept is meaningless.

                    In such a world, you have the "right" to do anything you have the *power* to do. You are denied the "right" to do anything you lack the *power* to do.

                    In such a world, I have the "right" to discriminate against whomever I choose for whatever reason I choose, so long as I have the power to enforce it. Thus, if a pair of homosexuals enter a bakery, the proprietor has the "right" to pull out a shotgun and help them back out the door.
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            • Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years ago
              Sexual orientation is controlled by biology, and as such, must be subject to mutation and deviation, just like every other aspect of biology.
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              • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years ago
                And most mutations, the vast, vast, vast majority of mutations, are contra-survival.

                There is nothing you can say in 'defense' of homosexuality that cannot be said in 'defense' of pedophilia, bestiality, or any of a thousand sexual "orientations".
                Sexual appetites are sexual appetites, and if a homosexual can't "choose" to be attracted to members of the same sex, then a pedophile can't "choose" to be attracted to children, or a bestial "choose" to be attracted to animals.
                The difference being, we haven't been coerced and propagandized to accept bestiality or pedophilia as healthy and normal... yet.
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      • Posted by Zenphamy 11 years ago
        If not by the market, responsive to humans, who; the government? So how's that working for you?
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        • -4
          Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years ago
          It actually seems to be working out pretty well, for the most part. A few bumps in the road here and there, but overall pretty good. The government can be responsive to humans, as well.
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          • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years ago
            Governments are made up by humans. Governments have passed laws making it *illegal* for people *not* to discriminate.

            Please explain to me the virtue that is bestowed upon an organization that seeks to control other people that it might be trusted with personal decisions above my own judgment?

            “Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then, be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the form of kings to govern him? Let history answer this question.”

            —Thomas Jefferson
            1st Inaugural Address, 1801
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            • Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years ago
              "But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary."
              - James Madison
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          • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years ago
            Here's another one for you, Maph:

            "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
            Eleanor Roosevelt, 'This Is My Story,' 1937

            I really don't give... I mean I REALLY don't give a rat's posterior if people get hurt feelings because someone won't do business with them. Find someone else to do business with. Or go into competition and tap an obviously untapped market in that area.
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      • Posted by BambiB 11 years ago
        … because in the Magna Carta, one of the first lines was, "We hereby recognize the human right of being queer - and the right of queers to force others to work for them…"
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  • Posted by ronallensmith 11 years ago
    When dealing with other people, whether in business or personal life, most people tacitly decide on how the interaction between the parties will affect them--whether for good, or bad. It seems to me that this is a case where the cake maker could not abide with serving this couple because of what his faith says about gays. The article kept mentioning discrimination because of who or what the couple are. I'd bet the problem lies not in who they are, but the behavior in which they engage. This is most likely the problem relating to this man's faith too. We as Americans have the right to freely associate with whomever we wish. This is usually centered around behavior also. Values lead to behavior. This Judge has twisted anti-descrimination laws to force this guy to associate himself and his business with a couple whose behavior he disagrees with. This ruling is a form of slavery by threat of violence. In my opinion, applying the full force of Government to an individual through the court and penal system against one's will, in matters of religious conviction, is violence. And, what is going through the minds of this couple, when it is so easy to find a cake maker that caters to the Gay community in any large city. It makes me wonder about their moral aptitude. They are willing to reduce their fellow American to the level of a personal slave and force their wishes upon him, whether or not he agrees. --Slippery slope comes to mind.
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  • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years ago
    “This view, however, fails to take into account the cost to society and the hurt caused to persons who are denied service simply because of who they are.”
    The 'hurt'... (Oh whoa whoa whoa...)
    As I keep saying, over and over and over, this screaming "discrimination" whenever a business owner doesn't capitulate against their own belief system with whomever walks through the doors of their business does NOT have the affect they are hoping for. I would venture to say it has the opposite affect. Live and let live...unless you refuse to make me a cake and then I'll ruin you!
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    • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years ago
      Hmmm this business is being bullied and the bullying is being backed by the Supreme Court.... who's the minority in this again? I'm getting confused.
      This smells of Mob rule!
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      • -1
        Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years ago
        The business owner is not being bullied. Rather, he is being prevented from engaging in bullying. It is not bullying to stop a bully.
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        • Posted by 11 years ago
          a person who is forced to do work for another, regardless of compensation, a man who has no choice, no ability to choose his values is a man that is oppressed, a man who is a slave to the moral dictates of "society".

          Maphesdus, you need to step out of your emotional based thinking and understand the nature of rights. While the gay couple may have had their feelings hurt, no force was used against them. Now the shop owner is being forced, at the threat of a fine, which is equivalent to a portion of his life if he doesn't serve the gay couple. You don't have the "right" to do business with anyone that doesn't of his own free will choose to serve you. If you claim that a person choosing to refrain from service, even for prejudiced or biased reasons must serve another, even if it can be morally shown that the bias is immoral, you are still using the ends to justify the means.

          If the means are not moral, the ends cannot be justified. Denial of rights, for the sake of someone's definition of Utopia is not justifiable and the Gay's rights are not being violated any more than a black man's would have been, or any other "protected" group. Yes, people should be allowed to make their own decisions. In private enterprise they should be able to express their prejudice or bias and they should not be protected from the ills that their irrational behavior will inevitably bring upon them.

          How you can suggest that the shop owner is the instigator, the bully is beyond me. I honestly don't understand how you came to be on this site. You are obviously no Objectivist.
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          • Posted by airfredd22 11 years ago
            It is amazing that there are so many rational comments in favor of the baker. I too am in favor of his position. He is not the only baker that can provide the type of cake that is being demanded. Yes, demanded is the proper word for what is going on here. We have allowed our judiciary to create artificial rules and enforce them as if they are laws. pretty much what the IRS does as well, not to mention the EPA and all the r4est of the government alphabet soup departments.

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          • -3
            Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years ago
            The shop owner violated the rights of his customers. He deserves to be fined. Freedom does not permit one to violate another's rights.

            And you're right, I'm not an Objectivist, though I do consider myself a capitalist. I came to this site because I found Atlas Shrugged to be an entertaining story and an admirable criticism of socialism. Yet in spite of that, I find many parts of Objectivism to be self-contradictory and impractical. But I also enjoy debate, and discussing the pros and cons of Objectivism wouldn't be possible anywhere except on an Objectivist forum.
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            • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years ago
              What rights did he violate?

              Enumerate them.

              And if he does not do business with them, they are NOT his customers.
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              • Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years ago
                I believe I've told you before: the right to not be discriminated against.

                A businessman can choose his product and price, but he cannot choose his customers.
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                • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years ago
                  That is not a right. And it's bootstrapping.

                  A businessman, as with any laborer, can choose his customers.

                  I cannot be compelled to wax the floors at Target.
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                  • Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years ago
                    Well, if you're an employee of Target, the management could certainly compell you to wax the floors. I suppose you could choose to disobey, but that would result in negative financial consequences of no longer having a job.

                    Also, the regulations which govern the behavior of an employee must naturally be different from the regulations which govern the employer.
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            • Posted by 11 years ago

              If you rape a woman and then toss her $100.00 afterwords is she a prostitute or a victim???
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              • -1
                Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years ago
                A businessman who is selling a product to the general public cannot choose his customers. His products/services must be provided to everyone who can afford them, or to no one at all.

                You're rape analogy is more like breaking into someone's house and stealing things that weren't for sale to anyone and leaving money.
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                • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years ago
                  So if the woman willingly has sex with her husband or boyfriend, it's okay for you to rape her as she walks down the street?

                  She can't discriminate between you and her husband, after all.
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        • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years ago
          By refusing to do business with someone is NOT bullying them. If I am FORCED to interact with someone I do not wish to interact with, or to engage in an exchange of some kind, then I am being bullied. How is refusing to do business with someone bullying THEM! By this lack of reasoning you've got going here then you'd say that John Galt was bullying the world for NOT sharing his motor (ideas) with it. Wanting to keep YOUR ideas, or YOUR inventions, or YOUR personally owned property OR BUSINESS from someone, or EVERY one is in NO way bullying them. And your cartoon is ridiculous. The lgbtxlmnop people are not being crucified by religion. Religious people just don't want you (them) telling them (the religious people) that they can no longer operate under their own belief system, or their principles, because you want to cry discrimination. Again, Maph, we are not going to agree on this. But I leave you with this...I say it to my kindergartners all the time... what's yours is yours and what's mine is mine and none of it is up for grabs. If it's not yours don't touch it.
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        • Posted by khalling 11 years ago
          you always ignore the Force factor in areas you support. One must be consistent throughout with the law. You want preferential treatment for certain groups. Because of that, you open the door for other groups to get preferential treatment under the law-groups you would agree should not get such treatment. How about courts granting exemptions for Sharia law? hmm? There must be a basis. Will people make bad decisions? YES. However, it will not be through FORCE. You ignore this argument throughout. You want to force ME and hide behind the "govt"
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          • -1
            Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years ago
            I don't want preferential treatment, I want equal treatment. That means implementing laws which explicitly outlaw persecution and discrimination.

            I agree that there must be a basis, but whether or not force is involved isn't it. The correct basis should be whether or not the action causes harm to another person.
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            • Posted by 11 years ago
              who are you to determine the correct basis and impose it upon me?

              Are hurt feelings harm? How about lower self esteem? who is the arbiter of what "harm" is?

              You are not free to not be offended. there is no demonstrable right to be free from being offended, nor is there any right to be universally liked. People must be allowed to determine their own values and act accordingly. If you deny that, then there is no freedom and there is no individuality. Where does it stop? Who decides? Society? A simple majority? A super majority? How many men does it take to vote the panties off of an unwilling woman?
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              • -1
                Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years ago
                People have unalienable rights, one of which is the right to not be discrimated against.
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                • Posted by 11 years ago
                  HAHAHAHAHA! Tell that to the supermodel that discriminated against my sexual advances! At this point I think you work for this site and are paid to troll posts, and get us fired up to create more activity on here. I can't honestly believe you buy the stuff you are saying.
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                  • -1
                    Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years ago
                    I don't think you understand what discrimination is. A woman who chooses not to return your sexual advances is not discriminating against you.
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                    • Posted by $ nickursis 11 years ago
                      Maph, that is where the whole "discrimination" thing falls apart. It is a relative term, based on your own bias. If a KKK dude walked in there and wanted a cake with a black man hanging from a tree, and the baker refused, would he also be subject to sanctions? There cannot, should not, ever be rules or laws, forcing anyone to do anything, for another, or in specific favor to a certain group. You would just as soon have a painter be forced to paint objectionable pictures every day, objectionable to his morals. What these people probably did (because there is no record of the actual event), was go in together, and tell the baker that THEY wanted a CAKE, and THEY wanted it for THEIR WEDDIING, and rubbed their issue in his face. Rather than one go in and order a wedding cake. The bottom line should be: If they do not agree with what the baker says he will do, go find another baker. The baker is not the government baker, he is not the legal baker., he is not the licensed, sworn to uphold bakery freedom baker, he is a businessman who is offering his services for a set fee. Would he have been just a guilty of immoral activity if he had just said he would do it but wanted a $1,000? The may have gone to a different baker then. The point is, you cannot force a person to do anything they do not willingly decide to do, and still have "freedom". Just like they could not decide to beat up the baker because he would not bake, not damage his shop. It is a simple "will you do this?":"No":"THank you" (exit stage left) equation. No judge, no ruling, no "discrimination". Granted, the baker may be someone who does not approve of homosexuality, but the real issue is "Does the baker have the right to refuse work he does not want to perform?". Nothing else matters here.
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                    • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years ago
                      It is if she accepts the sexual advances of someone else.

                      Suppose she spurns my advances but accepts the advances of a man who happens to be of another race? That's racism, isn't it?
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                      • Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years ago
                        Potentially, it could be. But that's part of a person's private life, so the governing has no business regulating it. Honestly, I don't understand why you people have so much trouble distinguishing between private life and public accommodations.
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                • Posted by airfredd22 11 years ago
                  This so called right when implemented through law, just breeds a greater resistance to those laws. It is unnatural and immoral for a law to interfere with natural rights. The right to associate with whomever you wish, is one of those inalienable rights and no man made law can change that.

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                • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years ago
                  That is NOT one of the unalienable rights.
                  The unalienable rights are cited in the DoI as being life, liberty and *pursuit* of happiness.
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                  • Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years ago
                    Actually no, the inalianble rights are detailed in the Bill of Rights (the first ten Amendments). The 9th Amendment also says the list should not be considered complete, and other rights exist which were not listed.
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            • Posted by airfredd22 11 years ago
              Who is being persecuted in this case? You are forgetting the factor of religious freedom that is a part of this case. The Supreme Court has taken on the case of hobby Lobby who is refusing to provide contraception in their health provision for their employees. A different purpose, yes, but the decision will determine whether the owners of a business have the right to live according to their faith.

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              • Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years ago
                Religous freedom applies to churches and one's person life. It does not give one the right to violate government regulations.
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                • Posted by airfredd22 11 years ago
                  By definition, "Religious Freedon" trumps any man made law in contradiction to the constitution. Sadly, our legislators have virtually no understanding of the Constitution any longer and the vast majority of Judges in all jurisdiction have become activists and are following their teachings received from socialist and communist influenced professors. See:

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                • Posted by airfredd22 11 years ago
                  With all due respect to you as a person, you have no clue on the subject of Christianity and it is frankly a waste of time to engage in a debate with someone who hates so much. Please alolow me to make one small point, Christians do not oppose or want to subject anyone to anything. we are willing to discuss the concept of God and Christianity with anyone who seeks information. We'll pass it on and then that person can decide what they will. If they decide agains god, then any Christian that I know will wish them "God speed" in the persuit of their life. you however seem to work very hard to impose your view on everyone.

                  Furthermore, I would be happy to write you a civil union contract that will stand up in any court in the land, this land that is. As "uncommon sense" has tried to tell you, try and get married in any Muslim Mosque anywhere in the world. why is it that these protests are always directed at Christian and their churches in this nation of tolerance. that does not mean that everyone is as tolerant as you want them to be. On the other hand I seldom see tolerance exhibited by militant LGBT's and whatever other acronym you want to be known as. I would wager that you didn't loose your job as you claim because you are gay or whatever else you wish to be, but because of your militant attitude towards everyone.

                  Having written those words, I again wish you god speed and a happy and successful life. Perhaps you should try a little better and more lighthearted attitude. you can't change who and what you are, but you can keep it out of everyone's face at all times.

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  • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years ago in reply to this comment.
    It pretty much does.

    It's stalking when you pursue me with nonsense arguments and outright distortions.

    You haven't corrected one thing I've said. You're not holding my Christianity in any light; you're flinging poo; rather poor quality poo at that.

    I am not an Evangelical, nor am I a Catholic, nor am I an Anglican, nor am I a Greek Orthodox.
    None of their belief systems have anything to do with me.

    I am not interested in debating your hatred for all things Christian. This thread is not about me, nor about my beliefs, but about some assholes trying to force a bakery to affirm their twisted compulsion. Stick to the topic.

    I'm well aware that Ayn Rand was an atheist. So was Carl Sagan. A lot of otherwise smart people held false and often idiotic beliefs; the world is full of Wiccans, Scientologists, Moslems, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Taoists, Shintoists, and atheists. They can't all be right, especially since *I'm* right.

    Rand was wrong about many things; she was a woman with insight, not a messiah. I do not worship at her feet as some here might, or as you might worship at the feet of Obama.

    It's amusing that you think it appropriate for you to denigrate my faith "around here", and yet you continue to prattle your evil philosophy of socialism around here... and Rand certainly wasn't a socialist.

    So, you're a childish, hypocritical poo-flinger.

    In the words of Hank Rearden... we're done here.
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    • Posted by khalling 11 years ago
      do not put atheist in with Wiccans, Scientologists, Moslems, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Taoists, Shintoists,
      FAIL. good gravy-those are belief systems. atheism is NOT a belief system.
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      • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years ago
        Yes it is.
        It may be based upon doubt rather than faith, but it's a belief. And it's not Christianity as I understand it.

        I'm not going to enter a debate over the merit of atheism, but I will point out that the brand of atheism likely practiced around here is based upon faith in a rational world.
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        • Posted by 10 years, 6 months ago
          This is retarded and ignores the definition of atheism. Theism defined "the belief in one God as the creator and ruler of the universe, without rejection of revelation (distinguished from deism )." The prefix "a" form the neo-clasical means "without".

          atheism properly defined means without a belief in god.
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    • Posted by Boborobdos 11 years ago
      Tell us why you should impose your religion upon anyone else?

      For example:

      Your "faith" incorporates organized bigotry here in America. I find that sad. Remember, render unto Cesar.
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      • Posted by 11 years ago
        I find it sad that you can't stick to the point of the thread, which is about governements denial of one's right to exist for their own sake and instead are trolling the argument into a Christianity versus homosexual-ism debate.

        For crying out loud, the baker could have been a Scientologist and the result would have been the same from the court.
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        • Posted by airfredd22 11 years ago
          For that matter, he could have been an Atheist and simply find homosexuality distasteful or simply believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman as it has been for eternity before this permissive age. It seems that no one is allowed to speak up for traditions or personal beliefs. marriage and homosexuality have existed side by side since the dawn of man, but now it's discriminatory to voice your beliefs?

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        • Posted by Boborobdos 11 years ago
          Yes. And in America we aren't allowed to put "some" people in the back of the bus.
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          • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years ago
            Yes, thank you for pointing out that we have some laws which exceed Constitutional authority.

            So, there were these white kids and black kids arguing over who was going to sit next to whom, and so on.

            The bus driver, he's had enough of the bickering and says to the kids, "Look! I'm tired of this stuff! Nobody's black or white on this bus! You're all... green! Y'got that? You're all GREEN!"

            "Now... all you light green kids go to the front of the bus, and all you dark green kids go to the back of the bus..."
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            • Posted by Boborobdos 11 years ago
              Integration laws do not exceed the Constitution.

              What runs roughshod over the Constitution is trying to trump it with religious mumbo jumbo. America doesn't follow yours or any other religion.
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              • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 6 months ago
                Yes, integration laws do.

                We have the freedom of association, which means we get to CHOOSE with whom we associate, by whatever criteria we CHOOSE.

                When the government forces little black girls to travel for an hour (or more) to attend a school in an environment so hostile that National Guardsmen are required in the girls bathroom, when neither she nor her parents want her to attend this school, particularly as a new, superior school closer to home has been provided... yeah, that's riding roughshod over the Constitution.
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      • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 6 months ago
        Well, geez, you on the left have organized bigotry in every other aspect of society, now you want to pretend moral superiority and try to prevent religions from having organized bigotry?

        If one truly believes, for example, that there is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet, you can't be really tolerant of other beliefs; you're right and everyone else is wrong... or vice versa. Doesn't mean you have to kill people who don't believe as you do, but it does require that you don't give other beliefs the same gravity as your own.

        You're another one of the Humpty-Dumpty people, aren't you?
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  • Posted by BambiB 11 years ago
    The first question is: Is being queer a matter of choice? Or a medical condition over which no one has any control?

    If it's a personal choice, the court would force women to serve rapists, blacks to serve KKK members and Republicans to serve Democrats… all cases of a self-selected group being served by those who abhor them.

    But if being queer is a medical condition, then one has to wonder if the individual is having that condition treated? If an unbathed customer with oozing pustules and putrefying flesh brought on by their own failure to bathe, sought service in a restaurant - would the owner have to serve them? Keep in mind that the person has done nothing to correct their own unsanitary condition.

    Clearly, if someone has an untreatable condition, or has sought treatment, discrimination is unwarranted. If someone has lost a limb, or is blind, there's nothing they can do about it. If they've sought treatment for a skin disease - to no avail - it only compounds their misery to deny service.

    So have the queers sought treatment? Is research being done on a cure for being queer? Does Obamacare cover the cost of de-queering?
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    • Posted by 11 years ago
      medical condition or not, no man or woman holds a mortgage over my life or the products I produce.
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      • Posted by BambiB 11 years ago
        In the context of this story, are you saying you would refuse service to someone because they happened to be blind or missing a limb?
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        • Posted by 11 years ago
          If I found their values to be repugnant, then yes. I refuse service all the time. If you are a communist, socialist or any type of statis and I know it I will not work on your equipment, I will not engage in commerce with you and the extent I will deal with you is to debate you and show you the contradictions of your ways.

          In the context of this story though, what I'm saying is I reserve the right to choose who I allow to be the beneficiary of my labor and my mind. No man or institution can lay claim to me.
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  • Posted by teri-amborn 11 years ago
    Does an upholsterer and a charter member of PETA have the "right" not to be forced to work with a hide of leather that someone brings and wants it installed on a footstool?

    Belief systems (rational or not) are yours to own and exercise. As long as your actions aren't aggressive, your beliefs should be accepted by others.

    It's too bad it doesn't go that way for Christians. The LGBT community needs to learn to hear and understand that the word "no" is simply a boundary.
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    • Posted by 11 years ago
      I just think its funny that the LGBT is screaming about tolerance and open mindedness, yet they are intolerant and not open minded to those who are close minded and intolerant ;)
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      • Posted by teri-amborn 11 years ago
        I don't think that the Christian bakers are "intolerant". If Christians were "intolerant" they would be aggressive.
        "Intolerance" is what Islamists have for everyone else. They don't accept that others disagree with them AT ALL and the net result is your and my death.
        That's aggressive ... and the ultimate evil.
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        • Posted by 11 years ago
          You're right, I really don't consider the baker as intolerant either, just unsupportive. Its not like he killed them for coming in his store. Out of curiosity, what do you thing about the "God hates Fags" church that protests funerals? Are they intolerant or just visibly unsupportive?
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      • Posted by plusaf 11 years ago
        Yeah, Teri, "tolerance of intolerance" is a good thing, right?

        Wait 'til the Taliban and Islamists decide YOU'RE in a group that should be eliminated if YOU don't convert to THEIR beliefs.

        As it was said... "but then there was nobody left to speak up for ME... and they took me away, too."

        Beware unintended consequences of "good ideas." Sure as hell most of the government doesn't...
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        • Posted by 11 years ago
          Just pointing out the contradiction. I'm not the one that goes around preaching tolerance while being intolerant.

          I'm already in a group that would be executed by the Taliban and as far as I'm concerned I have no desire to tolerate their nonsense.
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 11 years ago
    Wow, this must be some bandwagon for the authoritarians amognst us to climb up on:

    Personally, I am siding with the bakery people. Each business owner has a fundamental right to decide who they want to serve and sell to. If enough bakers refuse, then some gay baker will open up shop and cater to a niche group of his own, and do just fine. But, just like not approving of 9200.00 an hour CEO's, I may not approve of people who discriminate, either, but he may still make some damn good cakes. Acceptance does not constitute approval. Everyone has a choice. of course in oregon, it seems your choice must either be hard left, or hard right. It's the weather, it polarizes.
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  • Posted by Notperfect 11 years ago
    The Road to Serfdom! No where in the U.S. Constitution can you find a law that allows a judge to force anyone into serving anyone. There is an Amendment number 13 that states "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction". So tell me who broke the law and needs to be incarcerated. Someone who sticks to his or her beliefs or a JUDGE that after all the years of being on the bench that renders a judgement of that is against the U.S. Constitution. Enough said!!
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  • Posted by Boborobdos 11 years ago in reply to this comment.
    Not so. In America there is a thing called, "equality under law." Why should some folks be considered "different" under law? For example, why should some be sentenced to sit in the back of the buss?
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    • Posted by 11 years ago
      you are right, someone shouldn't be forced to the back of the bus, that is assuming that the private business operating the bus chooses to allow the person on the bus in the first place.
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      • Posted by Boborobdos 11 years ago
        Not nice Max... Bigotry in America isn't what America is about.
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        • Posted by 11 years ago
          reserving the right to refuse service to someone isn't necessarily bigotry. And besides, America is about freedom. The freedom to be an idiot, or the freedom to be intelligent. The freedom to be a bigot or the freedom not to be a bigot. I'm getting sick and tired of people telling me that America is about accepting this or accepting that way of life. That's just bullshit. Freedom isn't everyone holding the same values as you, or holding no values at all. Freedom is about being able to choose your own values. You have the freedom to choose your values and act accordingly, but not the freedom to escape the consequences of your value choices and actions. If you choose to sleep with other men, go right ahead, I couldn't care less, but you don't get to demand that your actions are free of consequences just because you want them to be. You are going to offend people. You are going to make some sick if they see you tongue kissing another dude in public. When they have gay parades with folks wearing assless chaps, people get offended and unnerved about it and guess what? They have every right to be offended. NO BODY IN THE USA HAS A RIGHT NOT TO BE OFFENDED! Its not anywhere in the constitution, and neither is forcing someone to work for you when they find you and your beliefs offensive.

          Freedom, its a double edge sword. You have the freedom to make stupid choices, but you don't have the freedom to avoid the consequences.
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  • Posted by Boborobdos 11 years ago in reply to this comment.
    1) marriage is not a civil right

    Actually it is. Equal treatment under law. Marriage is a CIVIL contract in the eyes of the government.

    2) there is no such thing as "same sex marriage".

    Please include the words "in your religion" so's not to confuse people. Remember, marriage is a CIVIL contract.

    In America we are ruled by laws and the laws in many states says the contract between some of the same sex is OK.
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years ago
      There are lots of civil contracts which are not marriage.

      Calling a tail a leg doesn't make the name fit.

      You can call baptism a sales receipt... doesn't make it so.

      In America we are ruled by the Constitution, which grants limited power to government. We are not ruled by any law which exceeds those powers granted by the Constitution.
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  • Posted by Boborobdos 11 years ago in reply to this comment.
    Awwwww shucks... Let's see how this works:

    Question asked: "How did the cake come into existence?"

    Maybe it was your christian god made it!

    Demand made: "Answer the question, Dr Potter..."

    Might that be a Harry Potter reference? Hmmmmm... Is Harry sinful?

    "So you're saying that if the plantation owners paid the slaves in the antebellum South, it wouldn't have been slavery?"

    Actually I'm not. What occurred was slave owners bought them from each other, at auction, or bred them. They sold human beings.

    The BAKER is selling a cake at fair market value. Completely different concept.

    "I asked whether you are saying that if the slaves would have been paid, would they have still been slaves?"

    Obviously yes. The slaves are property intended to be bought and sold. I'll bet you would have advocated that the ending of slavery would have been denial of ownership and illegal taking of property had you been in the South. You haven't said otherwise so it's rather vague.

    "Clue: slaves have no intrinsic value. Their value lies in their labor."

    Absolutely false. Folks traded, auctioned, and bred slaves for the profit they could make in selling them. They were transported strictly for sale and not worked at all on ships. They were a speculative commodity.

    "Clue: a slave is someone who is forced to obey another's will to another's profit or benefit. Remuneration has nothing to do with it."

    Actually there are records of some slaves being treated much better by owners based upon incentives, a form of remuneration. Why do you presume that an owner can't bargain with a slave for better performance? Wouldn't a breeder produce more for the privilege?

    But, the customer doesn't own the baker. Fair remuneration was offered for the product, thus the baker is not a slave by any stretch of the imagination, except perhaps yours.
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    • Posted by khalling 11 years ago
      you are pretty maniacal here. The baker is a slave if forced to perform even for a marketable wage. Is a prostitute allowed to refuse services to someone she/he doesn't want to "perform" for? you have never answered that question bobo
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      • Posted by Boborobdos 11 years ago
        The baker is not "owned" so he is not a slave.

        Prostitution should be legal. Folks should be allowed to sell whatever talents they have as long as it doesn't hurt another. (Hit man is an excellent example of where another would be hurt).
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        • Posted by $ Mimi 11 years ago
          You didn’t answer the question. Can a prostitute refuse to service a client?
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          • Posted by Boborobdos 11 years ago
            Yes. There is difference between having one's own body parts involved (for example disease could be transferred) and a cake that is simply handed over for a fair value.

            Arguments extremes don't make any points. Pushing things to absurdity just shows how desperate one is to make any "argument."
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        • Posted by khalling 11 years ago
          agreed that prostitution should be legal. The baker is "owned" if forced to perform. duh
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          • Posted by Boborobdos 11 years ago
            Really? Owned? Did anyone have a receipt for him? Was he traded at some auction?

            Americans are "forced" by social contract to do many things. Taxes, speed limits, clearing sidewalks of snow... I don't feel "owned" when I follow these conventions.

            America has been built following a path of equality and non-discrimination. To violate that is simply un-American.
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            • Posted by khalling 11 years ago
              You forgot healthcare. I am forced to buy something I do not want from a vendor I do not wish to associate with. I feel owned more and more each day. It is decidedly un-American.
              If the govt can force the baker to perform the baker should be allowed to force you to buy his cake. Just like with Obamacare. This is where your logic above leads. Just because YOU don't feel owned, does not mean taxes, clearing the sidewalk of snow (govt enforcement is very inefficient in this particular case-always is), obeying speed limits(also arbitrary and inefficient enforcement) make ME Owned. Note the objective reality of the government owning by these "conventions" as you refer to them and your subjective reality of not "feeling" owned.
              "Social contract" is a concept that originates with Locke. It did not allow unbridled govt to impose whatever people vote for. Number 1 thing social contract is to do is to protect property rights.
              If I own myself, I own the product of my labor, and I own the right to decide who I associate with. Anything that violates those tenets means I do not own myself. Straightforward logic.
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              • Posted by Boborobdos 11 years ago
                And the baker still owns himself.

                It is necessary for all to have access to health care to make sure disease isn't spread as much as it otherwise might be and the pool of workers remains healthy.
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        • Posted by 10 years, 6 months ago
          he isn't owned? If he is not owned who has the right to force him to do anything?
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          • Posted by Boborobdos 10 years, 6 months ago
            Society does. As mentioned earlier, taxes, clearing snow, and even health care. Vaccinations have defeated diseases like polio and small pox. They stay defeated only as long as folks do what's best for the group.

            Oh, in America we treat folks equally. To deny another because of religion, sexuality, or many other reasons is simply unAmerican.
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    • Posted by 11 years ago
      And the Baker turned it down and they ran to the government which in turn FORCED him to work for them. Which makes them slaves, with compensation. The same way plantation slaves were "rewarded" with house time or food, water and clothing.
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      • Posted by Boborobdos 11 years ago
        Nope. The baker was not owned. Nobody is going to put a price on him.

        For his work a fair market value was offered.

        In America we respect each other. It's part of being an American. "Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s”
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        • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years ago
          Of course he was owned. And the government put a price on him; the price of the fine if he did not comply and do the government's bidding.

          You might want to check the context on that quote, there, poo-flinger.
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          • Posted by Boborobdos 11 years ago
            Further, there is that "Render onto Cesar..." thing. In America that's equality under law.

            Are you advocating that folks disobey the law in the name of your religion? What if they don't subscribe to your religion? Remember, America doesn't have a state religion.
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            • Posted by $ Mimi 11 years ago
              The original premise of equal rights was to allow businesses that wanted to serve black customers in cities and towns that lived under Jim Crow laws, not to force other businesses that wanted to discriminate to be forced to do otherwise. The civil rights movement changed our views and the way we interpreted the law. Clearly, we are now exploiting the law, and have gone too far in the opposite direction of what is healthy and reasonable because there is no such thing as an completely egalitarian society.
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              • Posted by Boborobdos 11 years ago
                Yup, there used to be slaves in America.

                Things do change. It is getting better. But when someone can simply attempt to trump our laws with their religion they should fail. We are not a theocracy and a "religious" excuse for anything IMO is quite lame.
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            • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years ago
              Are you reciting the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet?

              Oh, wait, we're not asking irrelevant questions that have nothing to do with the discussion? Sorry, you had me fooled there for a second.

              I guess you can't be bothered to investigate the context of Jesus' comment you so love to quote.
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              • Posted by Boborobdos 11 years ago
                Strange I don't see Ayn Rand suggesting that any religion have anything to do with business either. Guess she didn't think much of religion either.
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years ago
      "Absolutely false. Folks traded, auctioned, and bred slaves for the profit they could make in selling them. They were transported strictly for sale and not worked at all on ships. They were a speculative commodity. "

      Bullshit. I didn't say slaves weren't ever sold; I said their value lay in their labor, which it did. I said VALUE, not PROFIT.

      Slave owners did NOT buy slaves from one another at auction. They bought them from the slavers at auction.

      "Might that be a Harry Potter reference? Hmmmmm... Is Harry sinful? "

      This is why I can identify you as a child. Either, as a child, you came here ignorant of Atlas Shrugged, but desiring to irritate the grownups, or you know damn well the Dr Potter reference and choose, once again, to be childishly irritating.

      "The slaves are property intended to be bought and sold."

      Wrong. The slaves are property intended to be utilized. Nobody buys a slave to have his lazy ass sitting around the plantation drinking mint juleps.

      "Actually there are records of some slaves being treated much better by owners based upon incentives, a form of remuneration. Why do you presume that an owner can't bargain with a slave for better performance? Wouldn't a breeder produce more for the privilege? "

      False assertion and false attribution.

      Again... how is any of this different than what happened to the bakery... or for that matter, Hank Rearden?
      "Your law holds that my life, my work and my property may be disposed of without my consent." An adequate definition of slavery.

      The government has stepped in and required the bakery to perform labor it does not wish to perform; as you yourself so thoughtfully pointed out, a slave *can* be remunerated.
      If the bakery should choose NOT to make the cake, upon being ordered to do so by the government, they will be punished just as surely as any slave who refused to work.

      No, the assholes didn't own the bakers. Nobody said they did. The *government* is the owner of the bakers.

      You keep saying "fair remuneration". Fair by *who's* reckoning? If the reckoning is anyone other than the bakers', then again, they are slaves.
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  • Posted by Boborobdos 11 years ago in reply to this comment.
    Awwwww, what difference...

    There used to be a christian sect that didn't eat meat on Fridays. The PUBLIC school cafeteria where I went followed that RELIGION. I like meat, even on Fridays. Why should I have been forced to abide by their religion in public school?

    Same thing with school prayer. Why should I be forced to participate in any religious ritual? Oops, that one has been fixed.

    The death with dignity has been opposed by religious interests viciously in any state where it has come up. Although I'm undecided in this moment while I am healthy I may want a graceful exit from this life some day. I know of an ALS patient who wanted to go and was tortured for the last 6 months of his life not being allowed to go.

    Ever heard of blue laws? Some are still around purely religiously based.
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years ago
      People with religious interests have as much right to try to influence policy as much as any scumbag socialists.

      Why am I forced to bend knee to the Green religion? Why am I denied decent lightbulbs because of the faith of the Earth worshippers?

      Why wait? You wanted to know if there was life after death... go find out. I'll wait here.

      Again, your reply has nothing to do with what I said in the message to which you reply.

      I repeat my question, what effect has vorpal blade had on your life?
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      • Posted by Boborobdos 11 years ago
        The vorpal blade is fictional. So, it has absolutely zero impact on my life.

        You are correct in "influence" to the extent that the Supreme Court allows. Equality has long ben the preference of the SCOTUS.
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  • Posted by BambiB 11 years ago
    Ah hell! Bake the cake.

    Now, where is that recipe for "Homocake"?

    Ah! Here it is! Let's see… 3 pounds of salt...
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  • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years ago
    Holy crap... I just realized...

    millions of gamers will have a huge lawsuit against Aperture Science in general and GlaDOS in particular....

    Because... as everyone finds out after it's too late...

    The cake is a lie...
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  • Posted by Dargo 11 years ago
    Remember the good old days when you could refuse service to people, for any reason. They could have gone elsewhere BUT NOOOO, they had to rise a stink. The government just like homosexuals have got to get into our face. Because they have RIGHTS, total BULL S.
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