Why Leave the Gulch?

Posted by johmah 11 years, 1 month ago to Economics
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How I left the looters and destroyers but stayed in the Gulch.
I read "Atlas Shrugged" in 1979. I have been Libertarian ever since. I am an amateur Austrian economist. I believe in and uphold the Constitution. I believe in decentralization of the federal government and the abolition of the FED and IRS. OK coming to the point, there is only one way to leave the looters and destroyers. Nowhere on the face of the globe can one get away from "globalists". I am retired and don't have the money, health, ambition, or will to fight the self appointed husbandmen of society. I believed in gold many years because it is rare, anonymous, and in the right investment vehicle, relatively safe from the banking cartel, military industrial complex, and progressive politicians. BUT ~~ I have found something much better and it gets me off the plantation but allows me to remain geographically where I now live. BIT COIN. The only "not" caveat! : Trade only in bit coin world wide and never use exchanges to transfer back to FED bankster notes. The FED and other world currencies are in a state of panic trying to keep monetary exchange centralized, but can do nothing about BIT COIN as long as it doesn't return to FED bankster notes; where profit is taxed. Buying BIT COIN is still legal, yes even in China, but one has to do it in countries where it is legal to do so. For more, please start here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQ1YI2H3O...
I took the moocher account, sorry. I will rectify that shortly when I pay down my bankster credit card. Yes, BIT COIN has built in inconveniences under the present FED tyranny. When more people use BIT COIN, we may be able to obviate the need of FED and similar world banks. I wish we had a "pair" like the Icelanders have. They removed their central banksters and threw them in jail, some serving life terms.

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  • Posted by Macro 11 years, 1 month ago
    I've got into Bitcoins a few weeks ago! I really like the idea of being able to send money to people all over the world with such ease.

    Also, Satoshi Nakamoto, the inventor of Bitcoin, kinda feels like a modern John Galt haha. The mystery surrounding his identity is really cool, I must say!
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