One of These Is Just Like the Other
This is an excerpt, the full article can be accessed via the link above.
After six years of tagging President Obama as a sissy, Hillary’s muscular foreign policy presents a problem for the Republicans. They march in lockstep—even Rand Paul has fallen into formation—to the drumbeat of foreign intervention. Itching for a war somewhere, anywhere, they have given Benjamin Netanyahu standing ovations, sent a letter to Iran, pressed for a convoluted plan to take out Isis and then Assad (see “They Said That? 3/12/15,” SLL, 3/12/15), and are looking for Vladimir Putin’s scalp. Regime change everywhere! Nothing gets the testosterone going quite like wartime propaganda, remote control drones, espionage, fast planes dropping big bombs, collateral damage, domestic surveillance, and sending someone else’s kids off to die. The problem: Hillary’s got just as big as testicles as the Republicans—just as much testosterone courses through her veins. She’ll call their chicken hawk bets and might even raise them an intervention or two.
After six years of tagging President Obama as a sissy, Hillary’s muscular foreign policy presents a problem for the Republicans. They march in lockstep—even Rand Paul has fallen into formation—to the drumbeat of foreign intervention. Itching for a war somewhere, anywhere, they have given Benjamin Netanyahu standing ovations, sent a letter to Iran, pressed for a convoluted plan to take out Isis and then Assad (see “They Said That? 3/12/15,” SLL, 3/12/15), and are looking for Vladimir Putin’s scalp. Regime change everywhere! Nothing gets the testosterone going quite like wartime propaganda, remote control drones, espionage, fast planes dropping big bombs, collateral damage, domestic surveillance, and sending someone else’s kids off to die. The problem: Hillary’s got just as big as testicles as the Republicans—just as much testosterone courses through her veins. She’ll call their chicken hawk bets and might even raise them an intervention or two.
Yes. I want to stay out of foreign affairs. We should not be fighting other people's battles, but I wish to reserve the right to hit back with everything we have if attacked. I also desire a better definition of American interests. I do not like our present one... as you have accurately stated, "...whatever the leaders consider US interests..."
I liked Rand Paul's non-intervention stand and believe he feels he must temper his message in order to garner wider support... Sometimes I wonder if we ever know what a politician really believes.
Good article,
That rings true
The R's put out a budget that supposedly balances in 10yrs. As if that budget controls this next year, much less the following 9 years! It's three ring show time and here comes the clowns and the little dogs dancing.