Posted by Boborobdos 11 years, 2 months ago to Philosophy
Ah, I see censorship has reared its ugly head again. What is it about some "philosophies" or individuals who can't stand any point of view but their own? Around here it appears that they gang up to crush any descanting point of view.
Do you even like Ayn Rand?
Point is, you had a looong rope...
What ever happened to the notion of just not looking at posts? Censorship? Looks to me like you are using the "rope" for a lynching.
ROFL... You seem to have a very narrow point of view if you can't accept that some of us don't accept rants as chapter and verse.
But I'd rather keep arguing by myself than for a second pretend you're helping me. Now you're wasting time and I hope you get the hint and find another place to waste your life.
These reasons lead to downpointing. It was up to you to post interesting topics that we would up point. The rules are straightforward and few.
The people who are interested in this forum are so because they want to form a new type community.
We do not seek to force yours to be what ours is - we seek to leave.
Instead of letting us leave in peace, you badger, and harass, and belittle us.
We understand (very well) that you have little to no respect (perhaps even outright hatred) for us and what we believe, so why not just let us go away in peace?
If you are so convinced we are going to fail, and if we are the villains in your world, why not pop some corn and watch us fail?
Laissez nous faire.
Apparently it doesn't apply around here for posting.
It is my opinion that mankind has evolved entangled in a social structure to preserve the species as a whole and that most can and should make a contribution to that society.
To exclusively promote selfishness and "my way or the highway" is just anti-social and anti-American.
Don't you see the hypocrisy in that?
I do not do much voting but when I do I follow the pop-up hints on the up and down thumbs.
I recall a few down votes on one or two of my own posts no doubt due to my religious animosities.
I have seldom voted down- one person has got both up and down votes from me (on different occasions!), more up than down as some of the time he makes excellent points. There are a coupla persons on here however, that are verbose without meaning, wrong, persistently aggressive, and insulting to others. Some have concluded that this is spam, or decidedly not interesting or not at all contributing and have voted down accordingly.
Now and again I look at the posts that are hidden due to low scores. I find the negative scores are a good guide to not bothering to read. There is, I think from memory, one person who has recovered from a net negative count - fortunately a top intellect and a key contributor.
I can understand that. For there to be chiefs there needs to be Indians.