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A friend (at the time) handed it to me and said that he would hang out while I read it so he could get my immediate reaction.
I finished the book, handed it back to him, and said "Stupid fucking tree".
His jaw hit the floor.
We no longer talk.
I'm sure this is part of the reason.
Oh well, it's still a stupid fucking tree.
This article did not make me want to read this author's book either...her spin that she sees it as a maternal message, giving up everything and the child not realizing it (or something like that). Um... it's a Mother's job to say "No, I'm not giving you this because you're taking advantage and being lazy"... and so on. THAT'S a Mother's job. Unless you constantly want to spare your kids' feelings and create monsters and have them grow up and sit on you like a stump ,,,and be all pouty that you have nothing left to give. I think not!
and I don't believe in God. I'm an ingrate
I would prefer kids read more Objectivist-type books like "An Island Called Liberty" by Joseph Specht, or perhaps "Anthem" by Ayn Rand, which can be understood at some level by grade school (unless Common Core is in full swing in your school) . Actually, Glenn Beck's "Snow Angel" teaches a lot about love and survival, and could be easily (hopefully) read by junior high school.
What really lost me with the interview, was the mention as animals as people. Scary. They might be part of my family, but who needs some government agency coming into your home, as they do so often now over kids. Makes me glad ours is fully grown. Beside, the UN is out to set pets free from ownership, and set them loose, under Greenwood's thinking. Remember when they tried that in Britain with minks? They ate the neighborhood pets and were starving anyway. Domesticated pets were not meant to be people and are not objectivists, any more than Ted Turner's wolves will ever become vegetarians, shock collar or not.. Not having read Greenwood's book, I cannot say I would not recommend it, until I did. I would want to read it before advising a child to read it however.