Venezuela: Now in pre-USA.invasion drills =.=

Posted by sender47 9 years, 12 months ago to Government
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The problem with not writing often is that now I don't know where to start.

But in the end…. Just imagine a banana republic dictator and that’s all you need.

The gov has already “denounced” and “stopped” 3 coup d’état in the current year (of course all starring USA). And well, after the declaration of a menace to national security, and the sanction to 7 individuals, Maduro and his thugs have been screaming all day long of this being a direct attempt to overthrow him
The only thing I would correct of the article of the WP is that is some opposition leadres that rejected it and also got “lost in translation”. The important ones like Leopoldo, Capriles, Maria Corina etc… didn’t read wrong.

In my opinion, there was already a law approved on December for the sanctions to individuals, and although I understand the reasons, putting the label of national security threat by Obama, well… Is a gift to leftist and Anti-USA :/ … Marco Rubio an company worked hard to promote that law, Obama took his sweet time to do anything with it, and now suddenly he go full throttle making more noise beyond the law for sanctions, and gives a great excuse to leftists. (The gov is going to make military drills and civilians are also invited to participate) tomorrow, in-case-of-USA-invasion drill. Is my opinion, but should had been kept as a law to sanction human rights violators.

Please tell me your thoughts about this.

Meanwhile in Venezuela

Each day more biometric scanners are used on markets son you can only buy a regulated quantity of a product (if it exist), and if it is no biometrics the las number of your ID is the one used to allow you access to buy in certain day (mine is friday). Let’s laugh to not cry, because there are products that only arrive on Monday (like milk in Plan Suarez market), so if you don’t have an ID good for that day, then no product for you sir.

Violence is as bad as always, and if that wasn’t bad enough, recently a friend got stopped by the police (Policia Nacional Bolivariana), they checked him and told him that everything was ok that he could continue his way… Everything ok except that he continued without his phone and money. Not an uncommon thing, and if you claim for your cellphone, then they menace you asking if you are accusing them of robbing you.

Roy Chadreton ambassador of Venezuela in the OAS, casually talks in a state TV program saying … well this:
Just last night died Rodolfo Gonzales, one of the accused of instigate protest last year. He was detained in April last year after being accused by a “cooperating patriot” of leading protests in his neighborhood. Since then he was detained with other protesters in a cell in the f “El helicoide” of the Bolivarian Intelligence Service. “Official” version he hang himself after he being informed of being moved to “Yare” a high risk jail (not high security, high risk… jails are part of the most dangerous places in Venezuela).

Lines for food continue, yesterday I saw a fight for regulated coffee (that is one of the really rare ones) a new kind-of-non-regulated (still under state control) USD market was open. Called SIMADi and is already over 180 VEF per USD (Still the official rate that nobody can access but is used for propaganda and of course to give data to foreign institutions) is 6,30 VEF per USD. Black market is way over 250 VEF per USD… minimum wage is 5622.48 VEF. And prices if you buy food in the black market or one of those non-regulated (yet) products, are more like if the dollar were around 200 VEF per USD. As an example olive oil (non-regulated yet), is over 2000 the 750 ml bottle… almost half a month pay.

PDVSA has been involved in money laundering with Andorra bank, probably Hezbollah connected. Diosdado Cabello president of the National Assembly has been accused of direct a military driven drug cartel called ”cartel de los Soles” (basically in charge of letting pass drug shipments without troubles through Venezuela).

In short… all is shitty and going worse, yep we always can be worse.

By the way Maduro seemly likes to be compared to Stalin, he said himself


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  • Posted by SaltyDog 9 years, 12 months ago
    Invade Venezuela?

    With what?
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    • Posted by 9 years, 12 months ago
      Bites me.

      They have a singular formula that I have no freaking idea how their supporters buy.

      1-"There have been an attempt to overthrow me, I will soon show the proof of that"
      2- Blank space.
      3-"There was an attempt to overthrow the socialist revolution, just as the proofs I showed demonstrate"

      last denunciation of coup d'etat involved 2 "bombers" (SuperTucano), in fact training planes to add more foolishness. That supposedly would had flight from Colombia or some Caribbean island to bomb several places in Caracas. Of course there is no proof of this, except the "I already showed the proofs".

      Common sense doesn't apply in here.

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      • Posted by SaltyDog 9 years, 12 months ago
        Yeah. No concrete proof like an anti-Islamic video started it all, or I learned about Fast and Furious on the news, just like everyone else.

        Tinhorns are all alike, aren't they.
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