Rand Paul on warpath against Roe vs. Wade

Posted by $ puzzlelady 10 years ago to Politics
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Rand Paul is collecting signatures for his push for the Life at Conception Act that would overturn Roe vs. Wade by declaring an embryo from its first moment of fertilization a "person". So much for Rand Paul's alleged libertarian leanings. He is a full-fledged warrior for the Christian right and the National Pro-Life Alliance. This information is provided here as a cautionary note, not in any way as advocacy! Or is there anyone here who believes a woman's womb belongs to the state?
SOURCE URL: http://nationalprolifealliance.com/rlacd_petition.aspx

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  • Posted by Mamaemma 10 years ago
    I don't get it. I thought libertarians were pro-choice. Where did this come from?
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    • Posted by $ 10 years ago
      My thought exactly. Betrayal?
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      • Posted by Mamaemma 10 years ago
        Actually, later in another post I commented that I can see why they are both pro-life because they are both physicians. I have witnessed a 25 week or so suction abortion, and I can tell you it's heartbreaking. At the same time, I don't want the federal government making that decision for me or any woman.
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        • Posted by khalling 10 years ago
          hmmm, I don't think it's obvious that libertarians are pro-choice. Many make the case that following the concept of non-aggression Principal applies to fetuses. As well, Ron Paul would likely not agree with this legislation at all. to quote: "While Roe v. Wade is invalid, a federal law banning abortion across all 50 states would be equally invalid." I hope this was just a political feint. See, I proposed x legislation that I knew had a 0 % chance of getting through both houses.
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          • Posted by $ 10 years ago
            I don't know of any Libertarians who would give a fetus priority over the woman. Ron Paul did say that while he believes in God and has delivered tens of thousands of babies, he would not force his views on others through legislation. It appears his son is not of the same view. Ayn said that life begins at birth, and I agree with that. A fetus that cannot sustain independent llife outside the mother is not yet a person. A potential is not equivalent to an actual. At any rate, each woman owns herself and whatever is inside her. No one else has the right to override her self-ownership. Redefining personhood as starting at conception is just a religio/political ploy. How do you adjudicate when non-aggression against a fetus constitutes aggression against the mother?
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            • Posted by khalling 10 years ago
              puzzlelady, please meet religious von mises supporters
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              • Posted by $ 10 years ago
                Thanks, but religious thinkers have to do strange mental gymnastics to integrate their religious submissiveness with political freedom. That there are Christians who follow the philosophies of Ludwig von Mises, a Jewish economist, is further puzzling. One has to wonder what constitutes their religiosity and whether aside from disapproving of abortions, they would take measures to impose their ideas on others by force.
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