I think that future historians will look at the record and point to our current era and say, "This is where the Great Experiment in government failed".
That's absolutely correct. Further, it never ceases to amaze how many of the prescient statements made by the Founding Fathers (particularly Jefferson) warning of the dangers are being ignored with the prdictable consequences.
"They were smart men. They warned us, we didn't listen." I agree with this, esp wrt the Ben Franklin quote.
I wish there were a way to fix the system so that it did not depend on smart people heading important warnings, in other words so it could tolerate a flawed people failing to head warnings.
There is. A constitution with checks and balances and all powers not explicitly granted to the federal government reserved to the states and the people. With strong state militias and an armed populace as counter-balance to a federal government with minimal standing armies and police powers.
Oh. That's right. That's what we have. I guess it's possible to screw up anything if the people who are running things are allowed to completely ignore the constitution and do whatever they want.
The failure we are experiencing, hopefully temporary for X time, is our congress. They have given away much of their powers and ignore or refuse to use what powers they have left. Where in the world does the constitution give congress the power or authority to demand a certain type of light bulb or toilet? I'm not saying that these are bad ideas, I just don't see congress getting into such things. Where is this using their co-equal powers? The marketplace will gravitate to a better product without pushing by congress.
The progressive / conservative thing is just one vehicle to allow politicians to talk about something other than telling their districts that a bunch of SBIR/STTR grants are going away, the local Air National Guard Base will have layoffs, and families will have to pay for some of their indigent parents' medical care.
Eliminating this one flaw won't necessarily make the problem go away. I don't have the answer on how to stop it.
No, it means using your brain instead of your feelings and voting only for someone who is worthy and has proven competence. That eliminates the DemRep candidates and leaves the ones with principles.
"it means using your brain instead of your feelings and voting only for someone who is worthy and has proven competence" Who is that? Almost all mainstream candidates accept the bipartisan consensus that gov't will stay large and intrusive.
Yes. If enough people protest vote, even 10%, it will shake things up. If not, it's up to people who operate within the current duopoly.
BTW, I recognize the circular nature of my argument: "if enough people throw away their vote / donation dollars, then those people won't have thrown away their vote / donation dollars."
Voting is a right but it takes work to have it accomplish what it is to be used for. Someone important (I forget who) said that the greatest mistake happened when people learned that they could give themselves money (not exactly right but the idea is there. Maybe someone can put down the exact warning). I think another great mistake was made when we allowed politics to become a profitable lifetime job.
"you prefer socialism" As I said, the other mainstream choice is so-called "conservatives" who are more socialistic. Boycotting them at this point is the answer, for me. Most of them, regardless of party, are good people who will respond to lobbying. It's an uphill battle, though, because there is much more incentive to lobby for a slice of the gov't pie than to lobby to reduce the size of the pie.
We made voting a right for everyone not a privilege for the shareholders (Land Owners).
We made presidents get elected by popular vote rather than governor appointees to the electoral college.
We made Senators get elected by vote rather than appointed by the legislature.
We went from the President Answering to the Electorial College and indirectly the governors and thereby representing there needs. The Senate be appointed by the state legislators and thereby being interested in preserving the powers of the state. The House of Representatives being the democratic limb of the government that represented the people.
If to get a law through you had to meet the demands of the people, the restrictions of state legislators and the governors most of what has destroyed america would never have happened.
We had it, but we changed it to a Representative democracy in whole and as a result the whims of the "Useful Idiots" now rule.
What truly amazes me is the consistency with which our elected officials don't seem to have any respect for any of the good warnings our forefathers gave us. Goes to show you that power corrupts, and that corruption is contagious.
Who keeps electing them? The people who head the DemRep party control who the candidates are for national office, and the congress-critters in that party have passed laws that prevent any third party (imo it's actually second party) success. Since the people can't select the candidates, and the 2 candidates that run are 2 peas in a politically modified pod, the people are not responsible for who wins. The only real choice is to reject the system completely, and so far the sheep are still willing to allow the wolves to control their lives.
Right. All of us saw the Dem-Rep monopoly offer up only a motley pair of Statist / Collectivists to choose from, resulting in 98% of the voters crawling aboard that hayride. That shows what we're really up against. Voting is not and never has been the answer. Perhaps if all ballots contained "none of the above, start over", along with an item to vote "Continue, or Dissolve" this (or any) government, real rational human beings might have a fighting chance. We know that could never happen, tho! Sob!
It's not just them, really. The majority of the people don't even bother to vote. (I must confess, this last mid-term election marked the first time that I didn't vote since 1972.).
George Washington once said that, "Where public spirit prevails, liberty is secure. Sadly, we've long since thrown away that particular baby with the bath water.
I think that those who regularly don't vote could be considered a good thing because they probably are completely without knowledge about anything political. I have friends who view politics too dirty to sully themselves with learning more about what is going on.
If by "Great Experiment" you mean Individual Rights and limited government, then I would disagree. We no longer have that kind of government. What is on the verge of failure is Socialism in America. It is failing here as it has failed in every country in which it has been tried as an "Experiment".
No, the 'Great Experiment' was what the Founding Fathers envisioned. Never in modern times had this been tried...no divine right of kings, no hereditary government, etc. We have been becoming socialist for quite some time now; however, it's been accelerating at an alarming pace.
I'm deathly afraid socialism will accelerate to a breakneck speed should Clinton or Warren win the upcoming election. "The Great Experiment" aka "The American Dream" will crash and burn. But maybe it has already. Hence the title, "So Who Keeps Electing These People" (I was itching to replace that last word with Retards. Then I decided not to insult retards).
You are correct in your presumption that if either is elected, Socialism will continue to advance, although the Clintons still have their Wall Street ties. The latter may cost Hillary the nomination, but if it didn't, and she did get in, I think Hillary's true Far Left roots would come to the fore.
All the more reason to oppose them, strongly and loudly.
I agree totally. We are still a "mixed" economy, but definitely becoming more Socialist, and THAT is where all the stagnation and failures are coming from. This is anything BUT a "failure of the free market".
Despite Socialism's horrific philosophy (Anti-mind, Anti-life, Anti-prosperity) and its evil record of death and destruction (Nazi Germany, Communist Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, et alia) it is poised to dominate the governance of the world through the U.N. Why are we humans so incapable of resisting the evil which we have been plunged into repeatedly over the last eighty centuries.?
When the people themselves are convinced that there is no universal law, that there is no reason NOT to indulge one's whims because of the future costs, society itself is in a state of rapid decay. It is only by building upon lasting lawful principles and upholding those principles that ANY nation - even one as brilliantly formed and constructed as in the US Constitution - can hope to survive. When greed, lust for power, and elitism infect the ranks of government, know that the seeds of downfall have been planted and are shooting forth their tender leaves. If we do not weed them out, they will grow to the point that they will choke out anything but themselves.
Is it not possible for a free society without government to have the rule of law? Free people are capable of making clear and logical decisions, even re crimes.
Simply put, no. Law is the social agreement that sets forth predefined and uniform punishments for abrogation. Logic can lead to the institution of correct legal principles, but the absence of law can not lead to a lawful society.
Who Keeps Electing Them? Obviously the last time it was the people that came out in the streets in support of the false pretenses of Ferguson. And our Federal government response, is this the kind of government we really want, one that propagates false scenarios? The Federal government needs to be cut at least in half for starters. We need to elect those that are willing to do it. We do not need to elect any more politicians, period.
The ones I detest the most are those for whom I have no say in their being elected. I don't live in California - how can I prevent Pelosi, Feinstein, and Boxer from being elected? I don't live in Nevada, so how can I prevent Harry Reid from being elected?
This week I have spent my spare moments following the links in
Thorner: Jeb Bush embraces New World Order; Common Core provides global education - Illinois Review http://illinoisreview.typepad.com/illino... (Thank you, again, for that one, UncommonSense.)
Brilliant: 6.5 Million Social Security Numbers Exist for People Over the Age of 112 ObjectiveAnalyst I did not follow the audit link to validate this, but the headline is probably not far off the mark.
Cumulatively, along with the welfare programs, indoctrination through the education system, not just the public system, and other incremental brain washing schemes…
‘HOW’ these people keep getting elected is weighted against us.
With sites like Galt’s Gultch we hope to shift that weight.
We can hope but how many even know of this place much less read a big book with no pictures? Notice that there are many of the same people that come here to comment. We have a small population taking part.
Easy: 1. Supreme Court: Not elected here in the Empire, which is no loss either way. 2. President: Bought by the special interests with the most money (Soros, Big Businesses (all allowed to pay for play by our appointed kommisars in the Supreme Court)) 3. Congress: Repeat number 2, add in the huge amount of voter fraud (which can be added to number 2), rigged elections (remember the voting machine video that always came up Democrat, even when Republican selected?).
The most important part in the story:
"Just 1 in 10 independents expressed a lot of confidence in the presidency in 2014." Those are the only people left who should be allowed to vote.
The Great Experiment has almost failed as over the years socialism crept into the country, edging out capitalism until capitalism is no longer sustainable. As has happened time and time again, the more socialism, communism, fascism entered, the more freedom, diminished. Further results of government intrusion created a breakdown of the economy, manifesting itself in higher prices and fewer jobs. We have not yet reached the apex of the collectivist takeover, but we are getting close. When capitalism virtually disappears, we will begin the slide down into a 3rd world country. I don't think we are there yet, but we are close -- very close.
With out education system and the lack of attention and learning that we have, how many realize that socialism sounds good but has been proven to be a failure every time it is tried?
The tactic is working. do multiple actions, "leak" inferred actions that you know you can`t do, just to inflame the average American - and remove attention from what you are doing.
Create an atmosphere of one crisis rapidly following the last to justify quick ( unread) fixes.
Introduce the narrative that the other side are extremists, then buttress with class warfare using the union organization, along with Sharpton & company to silence any opposition by squealing "racist!"
It works because the opposing party reveres their power over their character.
It works because a lot of folks get overwhelmed and just stay home. (2012)
Term limits solves the problem. Until we demand our elected representatives write and pass solid legislation to limit their stay, it either will not change, or it will go real bad, real fast.
Calls, e-mails, letter, etc. are easy to ignore, not so when your offices, fundraisers, corporate donors places of business, etc. have constituents on site regularly - that will draw media eventually. We have allowed the premise of who is in charge to be flipped, until we can flip it back, by simply refusing to let it slide, by not asking, but insisting term limit legislation be introduced, we`ll get nowhere. A simple demand of " Follow the law" backed up with a list of lawless acts they have refused to be accountable for, along with a list of flat out lies from the admin. that can be handed out to media may get the ball rolling. You must also target local media outlets, they are the the real problem - they live and die on advertising dollars, go after the advertisers. It won`t happen quickly, but to avoid a very bad ending, it must happen.
I don't think a lot of powers should be reserved to the States. Look at slavery and segregation. I think that the power to run his own life should be explicitly reserved to the individual.(And NOT the state government). As to who keeps electing these people, it's pretty obvious that it is voters who have no regard for individual rights, who are basically no better than street thugs, who think it is right to commit armed robbery on one's neighbor so long as it is done by proxy and the robbery is legalized. But John Galt in "At- las Shrugged" said, "I saw that the enemy was an inverted morality...." (that is, altruism).
Hello SaltyDog, I vote "No Confidence." "So who keeps electing these people?" The truly greedy... those who covet the property of others and enjoy the government redistribution. Respectfully, O.A.
Those "greedy" you mention aren't the problem, as greed is merely desire. When that desire turns to Action, then it's properly called theft, extortion and beyond. Only "governments" are allowed to do such dastardly deeds - we people are not. Governments throw people in jail or kill them for crossing that line.
Hello DeanStriker, I quite agree on who has the power of force and that these things could not happen without it, but the question that was posed, was, who elects these people?... I also agree that what the government does is out and out theft. Carpe diem, O.A.
Hello sumitch, Carpe diem, as I understand it, is usually interpreted as "seize the day." I like your warning, but my intention is to inspire and fortify one to do what they can for the cause they believe in. Regards, O.A.
I oft refer to "vote2012" in which the political monopoly offered up a horrid duo to choose from, yet 98% voted for one, or the other. Those 98% are that "who".
The errors in the constitution which allowed for rampant crony capitalism have come home to roost. Now government is used to dole out favors and money to the "connected" people. So citizens vote for the people who will give them "goodies", and the democrats have done a good marketing job as the party that gives "goodies" out to the masses. This means our country is doomed to be internally defeated, unfortunately.
I think the constitution didnt specifically protect property rights. They were into the "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness". But they didnt include "property". As a result, the political majority just slowly took away property rights one by one, and left us a society replete with cronyism where groups use government powers to take from other groups. Now, its ALL about who is connected and gets government power applied to their endeavors.
While it is true that Jefferson's original draft of the Declaration of Independence said "Life, Liberty, and Property", it did get edited out. However, I believe that was because it was felt that the adoption of the Common Law covers that territory.
Much of the arguments around "errors" or "defects" in the founding documents revolves around the complaint that they were not clear enough. Another example is the removal of a sentence specifically laying out the Equal Footing Doctrine. That is where any new States admitted into the Union are on an Equal Footing with the original thirteen in all respects. They thought this was redundant and was already plenty evident in the structure and other clauses of the Constitution. Which it is. I think what they didn't expect was that there would be a general dumbing down process over the centuries. That would be probably be the most bewildering thing for them today.
I read in one of the documents at the Jefferson museum that at least one of the founding fathers knew that over time the constitution would be watered down and eventually would falter- but it was a good start anyway. Its turned into a socialist manifesto now where Obama thinks that what we all make pretty much belongs to him to distribute as he sees fit. Private property hardly exists now, particularly with the IRS powers, the DEA powers, and even city council powers if they want something you have.
I would add that - in effect - we have no constitution today, at least one that is being paid attention to. Even as watered down as it is now with some pretty bad ill-advised amendments, if we followed it, we would be better off than what is happening now. The current flagrant ignoring of the basic separation of powers is just astounding.
I am really beginning to clearly see Leonard Peikoffs Ominous Parallels. The Demoblicans in Congress are on par with Hindenburg handing Hitler the Chancellorship. Next is a Reichstag Fire and then a Night of the Long Knives. And we'll have a bonafide dictator.
I visited Jefferson's house a few months ago and it was great to see how the country was started. Between that visit and the series "The West" on Netflix, I could see how the constitution was not really some sort of Randian thing based on absolute morality. It was a compromise that let the settlers have "their" religion instead of the king's religion and cut out the taxes to England. But the mormons couldnt have their religion, and the US immediately set out to capture all the land over to the pacific ocean from anyone and everyone. Neither of those things were really justified under our "constitution"
I find most of the statements on your site to be rather broad brushed and highly debatable as to whether they are sourced in actual errors or defects in the founding documents.
However, in general they capture the broad sentiment of what has happened overtime by deviating from the founding documents.
The one point that I find intriguing and worthy of further contemplation is that of having defined no means for a State to secede or a means by which the governed can replace the government when it has become destructive of those very purposes of good government. One could perhaps look at the intent of the Second Amendment, but like you say that was an add-on to the 1787 document by the States. I suspect the answer - and there will be those that don't like it - will be in the fact that they did not provide any means for the Congress or the States to control an Article V Convention once convened.
@flootus5 -- Well, I wish the Article V Convention to come out well, but it scares the hell out of me, because the collectivist-progressive-types seem most likely to somehow take over in that convention, just as they now control America. Things are most likely to end up even worse than they do already.
As to the other, I've written many articles which perhaps you'll appreciate my sentiment more once you get the picture. It's quite impossible to me to even imagine a libertarian/objectivist being rationally able to accept being Ruled!
The idea of a constitutional convention scares me. I just can't see that any such gathering doing only to let the existing powers grant themselves more and the vast population losing much of what little they have left.
Yep; a con-con is a great unknown, and scary. If it comes to be, it will be most likely like all the other "tinkering" going on repeatedly, and worse because the collectivist-progressive herd has come to be in total control of this government of force. Worse, 98% in vote 2012 went for "more of the same.
Bottom line, we would still be "governed", but more-so.
Thus the last-gasp for mankind will be the inevitable global Great Collapse. This will put the Rulers out of business. No more fiat dollars, and nobody to pay out the dole.
Then we'll have some version of Galt's Gulch. What happens then will be up to the survivors, and that's a big sweat!
Agreed upon the Article V thing being pretty scary.
Your second point raises quite an interesting point of discussion. I am thoroughly familiar with the point of view of absolute freedom through anarchy (a poor choice of word application). Where is the balance point of accepting to live under a rational Rule of Law that is consistently applied (unlike today's chaos), and retaining the sovereign man principle and the right to pull out altogether? A tough one to evaluate, but worthy of attention. Probably worthy of a whole new post.
On the Article V thing, let's face it. People have been tinkering with the ways to make governments of force somehow better, and ALWAYS they have FAILED. To Govern means to Force, you know. So this planet is divied up into "nations" for the express purpose of herding "citizens" of common languages and traditions within "borders", then to wage "wars" in the name of "defense". All this can indeed serve only to deny man's individual sovereignty/sanctity and to designate "Rulers" who can, and do, sacrifice Man's very Right to Life.
So our Rulers provide that we shall worship the "rule of law" (theirs!) and other gods, and rant about "patriotism", oh my! Yet these Rulers are the very same human beings as ourselves, but who are somehow allowed the powers of Force which are prohibited to the "subjects".
Yet truth and rationality are not required -- go figger!
You can see how far the south got when THEY wanted to secede. I think Nevada should secede and could do well if it legalized marijuana and prostitution. This is kind of a wild west state anyway, and I would vote for it.
Haha! Being a Nevadan and being a precious metals mining professional, I have always tongue in cheek wise advocated that Nevada secede from the nation, all the while talking Northern California (I mean real North California) into the same from the rest of California and the nation, join together and create a new entity. That way said entity would have all the mining resources of Nevada, all the geothermal resources, all the timber and water of N CA., seaports, and then re-open the Carson City mint and issue real money coinage from the prolific gold and silver production in Nevada and call it good. Oh, and to grease the deal we would give Clark County to S Cal in order to get rid of those idiots distorting our demographics.
I would be ok with Neva as it is seceding from the usa. We could live off tourism and mining and be free at last. Freedom would flock here. We could have our own money and banking secrecy and do just fine
@term2 -- The only possible reason for drugs and prostitution being ILlegal (along with a myriad of other things) is because we little-people, aka Subjects and Slaves, have had yet another Government forced upon us -- with whose "consent"?
Exactly the problem today, and amazingly, it is almost invariably something THEY want us to do, that THEY do not have to do. It is always the "We know best whats good for you" philosophy, which ties right in with tyrannical, oppressive government.
I think what is really encouraging, however, is that confidence in the Press is also at an all-time low. I do not foresee changes to our system of government (for the positive) until the Press resumes its job as a critic of bad government policy rather than as a partisan mouthpiece.
And reports the facts. We just saw the New York Times abuse the power of the press by removing Bush from the picture of the march celebrating the great march lead by Dr, King.
Once we established a culture which said anyone who is a "minority" has has no accountability, we were screwed. I have and will never understand how this became a cultural imperative, so I have no idea how to reverse it.
“I think that future historians will look at the record and point to our current era and say” … [They didn’t learn from the Romans – welfare to buy the mob. At least the Romans had neural deficits from lead poisoning as part of their excuse for the dumbing down]
insert 'finally' in front of failed. The nice thing about a successful left wing fascist socialist revolution is it leads to a counter-revolution. What if they gave a street theater election Nobody came dressed as None Of The Above?
How it failed is easy. Too many barbie couch potatoes nowhere near enough responsible citizens. They forefathers also gave you the right to amend anything. But voting is soooooooo haaaaAAAARRRDDD and Comrade Clinton has such a cute butt! Which one? Cheek or Clinton?
It isn't about what the Forefathers did or didn't do.It's all about what you and I failed to do. They provided the mechanism.Not their fault the current generations failed to use it.
Any ballot should be invalid if it doesn't have a place to vote for "None of the above" and way to a vote of "no confidence" for any public official or organization.
blarman's list of "greed, lust for power, and elitism" are just the 'weaknesses' of the 'strengths' of "enlightened self interest, independence, and self esteem". These qualities, both the positive values and their corresponding negatives, have nothing to do with democracy or the US Constitution or any other form of government per se, but are attributes of the human condition. What is relevant is that the designers of the Constitution took these tendencies into account and tried to design a system that could control them.
Those are the people who keep re-electing them.
I agree with this, esp wrt the Ben Franklin quote.
I wish there were a way to fix the system so that it did not depend on smart people heading important warnings, in other words so it could tolerate a flawed people failing to head warnings.
Oh. That's right. That's what we have. I guess it's possible to screw up anything if the people who are running things are allowed to completely ignore the constitution and do whatever they want.
Eliminating this one flaw won't necessarily make the problem go away. I don't have the answer on how to stop it.
In most elections, this means voting for so-called "conservatives", who are even worse.
Who is that? Almost all mainstream candidates accept the bipartisan consensus that gov't will stay large and intrusive.
Q.E.D. Don't continue making the same mistakes again and again.
BTW, I recognize the circular nature of my argument: "if enough people throw away their vote / donation dollars, then those people won't have thrown away their vote / donation dollars."
As I said, the other mainstream choice is so-called "conservatives" who are more socialistic. Boycotting them at this point is the answer, for me. Most of them, regardless of party, are good people who will respond to lobbying. It's an uphill battle, though, because there is much more incentive to lobby for a slice of the gov't pie than to lobby to reduce the size of the pie.
We made voting a right for everyone not a privilege for the shareholders (Land Owners).
We made presidents get elected by popular vote rather than governor appointees to the electoral college.
We made Senators get elected by vote rather than appointed by the legislature.
We went from the President Answering to the Electorial College and indirectly the governors and thereby representing there needs. The Senate be appointed by the state legislators and thereby being interested in preserving the powers of the state. The House of Representatives being the democratic limb of the government that represented the people.
If to get a law through you had to meet the demands of the people, the restrictions of state legislators and the governors most of what has destroyed america would never have happened.
We had it, but we changed it to a Representative democracy in whole and as a result the whims of the "Useful Idiots" now rule.
The people who head the DemRep party control who the candidates are for national office, and the congress-critters in that party have passed laws that prevent any third party (imo it's actually second party) success. Since the people can't select the candidates, and the 2 candidates that run are 2 peas in a politically modified pod, the people are not responsible for who wins. The only real choice is to reject the system completely, and so far the sheep are still willing to allow the wolves to control their lives.
Voting is not and never has been the answer. Perhaps if all ballots contained "none of the above, start over", along with an item to vote "Continue, or Dissolve" this (or any) government, real rational human beings might have a fighting chance. We know that could never happen, tho! Sob!
George Washington once said that, "Where public spirit prevails, liberty is secure. Sadly, we've long since thrown away that particular baby with the bath water.
Edit: SP
"The Great Experiment" aka "The American Dream" will crash and burn.
But maybe it has already.
Hence the title, "So Who Keeps Electing These People"
(I was itching to replace that last word with Retards. Then I decided not to insult retards).
Try [bas]tards. Fits.
All the more reason to oppose them, strongly and loudly.
Why are we humans so incapable of resisting the evil which we have been plunged into repeatedly over the last eighty centuries.?
- Ayn Rand
Thorner: Jeb Bush embraces New World Order; Common Core provides global education - Illinois Review http://illinoisreview.typepad.com/illino...
(Thank you, again, for that one, UncommonSense.)
Brilliant: 6.5 Million Social Security Numbers Exist for People Over the Age of 112 ObjectiveAnalyst
I did not follow the audit link to validate this, but the headline is probably not far off the mark.
Cumulatively, along with the welfare programs, indoctrination through the education system, not just the public system, and other incremental brain washing schemes…
‘HOW’ these people keep getting elected is weighted against us.
With sites like Galt’s Gultch we hope to shift that weight.
1. Supreme Court: Not elected here in the Empire, which is no loss either way.
2. President: Bought by the special interests with the most money (Soros, Big Businesses (all allowed to pay for play by our appointed kommisars in the Supreme Court))
3. Congress: Repeat number 2, add in the huge amount of voter fraud (which can be added to number 2), rigged elections (remember the voting machine video that always came up Democrat, even when Republican selected?).
The most important part in the story:
"Just 1 in 10 independents expressed a lot of confidence in the presidency in 2014."
Those are the only people left who should be allowed to vote.
do multiple actions, "leak" inferred actions that you know you can`t do, just to inflame the average American - and remove attention from what you are doing.
Create an atmosphere of one crisis rapidly following the last to justify quick ( unread) fixes.
Introduce the narrative that the other side are extremists, then buttress with class warfare using the union organization, along with Sharpton & company to silence any opposition by squealing "racist!"
It works because the opposing party reveres their power over their character.
It works because a lot of folks get overwhelmed and just stay home. (2012)
Term limits solves the problem.
Until we demand our elected representatives write and pass solid legislation to limit their stay, it either will not change, or it will go real bad, real fast.
We have allowed the premise of who is in charge to be flipped, until we can flip it back, by simply refusing to let it slide, by not asking, but insisting term limit legislation be introduced, we`ll get nowhere.
A simple demand of " Follow the law" backed up with a list of lawless acts they have refused to be accountable for, along with a list of flat out lies from the admin. that can be handed out to media may get the ball rolling.
You must also target local media outlets, they are the the real problem - they live and die on advertising dollars, go after the advertisers.
It won`t happen quickly, but to avoid a very bad ending, it must happen.
the States. Look at slavery and segregation. I
think that the power to run his own life should be
explicitly reserved to the individual.(And NOT the
state government). As to who keeps electing these
people, it's pretty obvious that it is voters who
have no regard for individual rights, who are
basically no better than street thugs, who think
it is right to commit armed robbery on one's
neighbor so long as it is done by proxy and the
robbery is legalized. But John Galt in "At-
las Shrugged" said, "I saw that the enemy was
an inverted morality...." (that is, altruism).
I vote "No Confidence."
"So who keeps electing these people?" The truly greedy... those who covet the property of others and enjoy the government redistribution.
I quite agree on who has the power of force and that these things could not happen without it, but the question that was posed, was, who elects these people?... I also agree that what the government does is out and out theft.
Carpe diem,
Carpe diem, as I understand it, is usually interpreted as "seize the day." I like your warning, but my intention is to inspire and fortify one to do what they can for the cause they believe in.
Of course... it is the politburo that choose the candidates from which we may choose. Some choice! :(
Much of the arguments around "errors" or "defects" in the founding documents revolves around the complaint that they were not clear enough. Another example is the removal of a sentence specifically laying out the Equal Footing Doctrine. That is where any new States admitted into the Union are on an Equal Footing with the original thirteen in all respects. They thought this was redundant and was already plenty evident in the structure and other clauses of the Constitution. Which it is. I think what they didn't expect was that there would be a general dumbing down process over the centuries. That would be probably be the most bewildering thing for them today.
I am really beginning to clearly see Leonard Peikoffs Ominous Parallels. The Demoblicans in Congress are on par with Hindenburg handing Hitler the Chancellorship. Next is a Reichstag Fire and then a Night of the Long Knives. And we'll have a bonafide dictator.
However, in general they capture the broad sentiment of what has happened overtime by deviating from the founding documents.
The one point that I find intriguing and worthy of further contemplation is that of having defined no means for a State to secede or a means by which the governed can replace the government when it has become destructive of those very purposes of good government. One could perhaps look at the intent of the Second Amendment, but like you say that was an add-on to the 1787 document by the States. I suspect the answer - and there will be those that don't like it - will be in the fact that they did not provide any means for the Congress or the States to control an Article V Convention once convened.
As to the other, I've written many articles which perhaps you'll appreciate my sentiment more once you get the picture. It's quite impossible to me to even imagine a libertarian/objectivist being rationally able to accept being Ruled!
If it comes to be, it will be most likely like all the other "tinkering" going on repeatedly, and worse because the collectivist-progressive herd has come to be in total control of this government of force. Worse, 98% in vote 2012 went for "more of the same.
Bottom line, we would still be "governed", but more-so.
Thus the last-gasp for mankind will be the inevitable global Great Collapse. This will put the Rulers out of business. No more fiat dollars, and nobody to pay out the dole.
Then we'll have some version of Galt's Gulch. What happens then will be up to the survivors, and that's a big sweat!
Your second point raises quite an interesting point of discussion. I am thoroughly familiar with the point of view of absolute freedom through anarchy (a poor choice of word application). Where is the balance point of accepting to live under a rational Rule of Law that is consistently applied (unlike today's chaos), and retaining the sovereign man principle and the right to pull out altogether? A tough one to evaluate, but worthy of attention. Probably worthy of a whole new post.
So our Rulers provide that we shall worship the "rule of law" (theirs!) and other gods, and rant about "patriotism", oh my! Yet these Rulers are the very same human beings as ourselves, but who are somehow allowed the powers of Force which are prohibited to the "subjects".
Yet truth and rationality are not required -- go figger!
has become a national pastime! -- j
firms, and ..... -- j
p.s. as a thousandaire, I can only vote.
I wrote this some time ago. I think its sorely needed more now than ever.
blarman's list of "greed, lust for power, and elitism" are just the 'weaknesses' of the 'strengths' of "enlightened self interest, independence, and self esteem". These qualities, both the positive values and their corresponding negatives, have nothing to do with democracy or the US Constitution or any other form of government per se, but are attributes of the human condition. What is relevant is that the designers of the Constitution took these tendencies into account and tried to design a system that could control them.
We have Gamed the system.
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