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  • Posted by $ TimCutler 9 years, 12 months ago
    I don't want to use the tern "brainwashing," but a meaningful majority of Venezuelans seem to view the world with a very peculiar disregard of easily-verified facts. Some of them have turned apostate in the last two years, but not enough to convince me that this once important nation has evolved into a psychotic cult. We all know that this will not end well. We in the Gulch should take a special interest in Sender47; he has a front-row seat very close to the splatter zone.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 12 months ago
      I think brainwashing is the perfect term... I have seen them negate things that are just in their face, not in the news, not someone in whom they trust, in their face, just because their leaders said so.

      I have been front road to the negation of mathematics o.O (the father of a friend), At last he used a calculator to prove I was wrong, what he said in the end? "The calculator is wrong".
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    • Posted by khalling 9 years, 12 months ago
      This seems to be a cultural aspect of latin and south america. I think this goes back to early spanish rule. These citizens have never tasted the freedoms we are remembering. We are unique in the world to that. I would say Chile is the only south american nation, who through economic policies, have a better understanding of at least economic freedom. The US has played their card very poorly. One minute ago they just opened up the trade sanctions with Cuba, looking to negotiate the same with Iran-but condemn Venezuela -full well knowing Cuba has a hand in that hot mess?! it's actions like these that show the President's true motives
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      • Posted by 9 years, 12 months ago
        What puzzles me is, even existing the law for the sanctions to human rights violators of Venezuela... This move where Obama gives the status of "risk to national security" feels odd. Because:

        1) Obama sanction 7 individuals, something that could be done with the existing law and was done in the past. So you are not using the extra powers that the "Threat to national security" could give you.
        2)If the moment come where you need this extra powers just use the national security card in that moment.
        3) Now the label of "Threat to national security" is being used by communist and Anti-USA. Obama shifted the opinion from:"Is ok to sanction human rights violators" to "You're threatening Venezuela labeling as national security threat"

        And one thing that I find most concerning... There is one actor that has even sent some troops for this "invasion drills" of the last days in Venezuela... Russia.

        I hope there is a really good reason behind that move. if not, the it was a gift to Maduro.
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