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I'm OK with Closed Captioning - it gives people with hearing issues the opportunity to follow along. What I **hate** is when it's a dumbed down caption (with mistakes, misspellings, and BS paraphrases) or they feel they have to caption someone speaking English - IN English - because they have a dialect or accent.
There is only one thing I detest worse - and it TRULY makes me angry enough to stop watching - Translators who do such a poor job the entire meaning of the original speech is lost. I watch feeds where the translator obviously has NO clue about what the speaker said or meant, so they catch a few words and make it up, or has NO CLUE about the language they're translating from, etc. etc., ad nauseum. My other half CONSTANTLY hears me yelling at the pBS stations news for doing this - there are times I'd like to hear the original rather than some "college intern's interpretation" of what the speaker said (and getting it as wrong as possible).
OK, I lied, it DOES hurt. Chills, sweats, stomach cramps, and headaches.
I can, on the other hand, envision an unscrupulous lawyer specializing in exploiting the 'challenged' (I believe that's the currently accepted PC term for being disabled) to come up with clever, but disingenuous schemes in which they can earn huge commissions by litigating garbage suits, based on providing access 'opportunities' to folks who simply can't do certain activities and shouldn't expect the rest of us to support their unreasonable expectations. This process, almost a scam, succeeds because a lawyer has convinced them that they 'can do anything', and who sees an opportunity to use the system in a way that it was not really intended to be used.
Like much else in modern life we've seen the pendulum swing to extremes. There's no doubt that historically the disabled were quite literally ignored by society. That was of course, inexcusable. But now, we have arrived at a point where they are being encouraged to think of themselves as not disabled, at all. And, as such, they are being manipulated by despicable people who's true motive has nothing to do with compassion.
Furthermore, the threat of a suit being filed where the disabled are involved, is frequently perceived as a 'loser' case by the defendants attorney, so settlements are reached for considerable sums without the benefit of trail.
This environment was almost predictable once the government got involved with disability rights and the inevitable legislation like the ADA. What has happened, in fact, is the development of an almost collusive relationship between government agencies and the legal profession. Just look at the contributions to the DNC by the National Trial Lawyers Association.
Here's a good example. A certain nationally known mountaineering club applies for government funding through the Dept. of the Interior, to upgrade their shelter facilities perched on top of mountain ridges. The funds are granted so long as the structures to be renovated comply with ADA (American Disabilities Act) guidelines. This, for example, would call for wheelchair accessibility (ramps) into the shelters. But, everyone knows that folks who are wheelchair bound can't climb up the extremely difficult, even dangerous trails to reach these shelters. So, now the disabled activist groups attorney and the droids at Interior mandate that the mountaineering club create a program in which volunteers will carry these invalids up the mountainside so that the ramp costs can be justified as being in the public interest. Needless to say, major big bucks here for all the 'mouthpieces' as they were cynically referred to in gangster movies of the 1930's.
During the last election cycle, Republican efforts to advance legislation to reduce clearly frivolous law suits, unclog the court system, speed up due process for the accused, and reduce the obscene size of settlements commonly awarded, on which attorney frequently earn 50% fees, were undermined and scuttled by the Democratic establishment,
Now we are seeing the Internet exploited in the same manner.
Generally, I have favored the remedy of legal costs paid by the loser. In these cases, the extortionists must feel they have a good chance of winning or bank on the fact companies find it onerous to go through the process due to legal costs. This is all due to the legislation, Americans With Disabilities Act. Thank you President Bush.