Vote for the Crony of the Year

Posted by AaronDay 9 years, 12 months ago to News
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Unfortunately, today we live in a mixed economy full of examples of special interests merging with the power of the state. We have developed the Atlas Shrugged Cronyism Contest to allow everyone to participate in identifying crony capitalist and educating the world about the destructive nature of crony capitalism. We crowdsourced 138 crony candidates in 4 categories (individual, politician, corporation/non-profit, and government agency). Please visit to vote, investigate the candidates, and interact with the community. The person who earns the most points wins $1000. In addition, the points can be redeemed at our online store for books and merchandise. I have provided summary overview of key dates for the entire contest: 1) Nominations (we received 274 submissions online and accepted 138 entries). This phase of the contest was completed on 2/15. 2) Primary Voting (3/6-4/15): Vote at Choose one candidate in each of the 4 categories. The 3 top vote getters in each category will advance to the general election (12 in total). 3) General Election (4/15-6/1). A final round of voting will yield the winners from each of the 4 categories. 4) Awards Dinner (6/20): The winners will be announced at The Atlas Summit on June 20 in Nashua, NH. 5) Videos of the Winners (Q3): The Atlas Society will produce and distribute short videos describing the winners. You can only vote once. We only need your e-mail address and name to verify and will keep your information private. Thank you for helping us defeat the cronies!

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