Asset Forfeiture Just Thuggery
Posted by BradHarrington 9 years, 11 months ago to Politics
When our local County Sheriff Danny Glick came out in favor of asset forfeiture the day before yesterday, I decided that I wasn't quite done spewing on this topic. This ran in today's Wyoming Tribune Eagle, and I'm pretty sure I'd better not speed in Laramie County any more. LOL
P.S. Haven't been here the last few days, but I will comment on all the thought-provoking responses I've received over the next few days!
Make It A Great Day! We're Still Alive And Breathing!!!
Brad Harrington
P.S. Haven't been here the last few days, but I will comment on all the thought-provoking responses I've received over the next few days!
Make It A Great Day! We're Still Alive And Breathing!!!
Brad Harrington
For those of you who don't live in a community rural enough to have a sheriff, calling out a sheriff is a pretty big deal.
Plus, this particular sheriff is popular.
The last time I was in Laramie, I had a brand new '69 Dodge with a 440 hemi under the hood. I'd probably still be in jail if these rules were in effect then. When the cop stopped me back then (I don't recall if he was state or sheriff) he asked to look under the hood, and we discussed various cars and wondered how the Dodge compared to the Pontiac GTO. I thought I was getting off, but in the end he ticketed me anyhow, but shaved 20 mph off the speed. It still was pretty expensive. Lesson learned, but no forfeiture.
But see how fast that attitude creeps into everyday use. And check how many of each of the two halves of the Government Party voted for the start point in the Patriot Act even to the point of ursurping that word.
Then go out and vote for a Republican or a Democrat again. Voting for the lesser of two evils won't change a thing at the top they have all the available slots on the ballot locked in place and really don't care which of the four gets the two positions. Probably the same, but maybe not for the 50 Governors,.
But voting against all evil in any form might still work at the lower levels. Especially the supporters of George Soros and the rest of the left wing fellow travelers on the path of evil.
Try to get an initiative petition going to get things like None Of The Above WITH no plurality winners allowed. Fifty percent is not a majority it's only half. Go for 50% plus one.
Try to get Recall if you aren't lucky enough to be in a State with that sort of control over bad politicians, That includes for use against Senators and Representatives to Washington D.C. Even though the Supreme Court won't allow it doesn't mean it can be used as a mechanism to against re-election.
Don't speak with or listen to, don't donate money, time or material to any candidate at any level who is Republican or Democrat unless they prove by their actions over a period of time they have left the Government Party.
The schwerpunkt or center of balance for them is money at the top and the firesack is local elections battle by battle.
For sure you won't win all the time but you will cost them time, money and a lot of negative exposure.
Remember they use each other to keep passing the buck and the blame. Like two loggers on a crosscut saw. One pulls, one pushes. Don't be the next tree to get clearcut.
Keep those initiative petitions going. There is a great deal of subject material of which this conversation is just one example.
And while your shooting the Sheriff with ballots not bullets don't forget the Deputy. If you can get them to not enforce and unconstitutional law nothing wrong and everything right with that. No different than the leftists not supporting control of illegal aliens or being soft on crooked politicians.
And as for due process the rot goes clear up to the top in the Act of Succession? Why is a Representative from a tiny little district third in line? Senators at least required the vote of a whole State. Governors would be a better choice and why isn't required they be of the same party? That Act is nothing more than an illegal method of overthrowing the duly elected government.
Just to throw gas on the fire.
Congratulations - If you can do one of these things at the local level even with the understandable fear of retaliation you are a member of the counter-revolution to reinstate the Constitution and then ask for legal changes not shyster lawyer tricks.
Now the first disagreement besides the money of George Soros will be how long before some or before they block what I just wrote?
So I'll give you the alternative. Keep your arm straight when you salute and recite "We serve the party comrade."
But compared to The PRC, WY is a ridiculously vast improvement.
Also, in the short time I have been here, I have met more like minded, liberty-minded people who are ready to build communities of barter and the good-will that comes with it than I had the enitre almost 50 years in The PRC.
If it never happens, well then I still have farm fresh eggs, and artisan soap, other nifty things made by like-minded people.
Having someone as Attorney General who thinks civil asset theft is a "wonderful tool" would be a disaster for liberty. Please lend us your support at Campaign For Liberty,
You've got great big brass ones, my friend.