Free Market Alternative to Obamacare (ACA)

Posted by kantnow 11 years, 2 months ago to Government
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Of course you knew in the end that the government would have a hard time herding all the libertarian cats into Obamacare (ACA).

Well, now the Free Market alternative has Allows you to 'Opt Out' of Obamacare and all the TAXES associated with it as well!

Self Directed, No third party interference (just you and the doc making the decisions), Less Expensive, No doctor Hospital restrictions (any doctor or Hospital on the planet is yours if they can generate a bill in English. That means Chile too!!), You clear all bills BEFORE they are paid to docs or hospitals, Total Non Profit and Totally Transparent.

Plus, if small businesses offer it as their company plan for employees, they get to also OPT OUT of Obamacare taxes and reporting.

Pass the word!

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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 11 years, 2 months ago
    Who do the doctors work for? Themselves or the collective? "Total Non Profit"? How do the doctors and hospitals replace worn out equipment? Revenues must exceed costs or any business must go out of business.
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    • Posted by 11 years, 2 months ago
      The hospitals can be for profit or not for profit, that is their prerogative. This program sets the consumer up to be a self pay patient in the eyes of the doctor. A cash paying, no waiting to get paid sort of client. You know the ones that docs prefer if they have a choice. The doctors work for themselves or get contracted with a hospital. This program just pays the bills past a preset amount ($500, which is WAY below what any Obamacare plan charges) that the member pays initially themselves. The doctors and hospitals ideally are out for profit. Only the program is not for profit, so that the bulk of the money pays medical bills, which is the whole reason someone wants health care in the first place!
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  • Posted by 11 years, 2 months ago
    Socialism? Where did you get that idea. Is a food co-op socialism? This is as libertarian as it gets.

    A group of like minded individuals band together to share in their medical bills. As a group they sort out the real world experiences of the members as to money in and money out to strike the right balance between actual usage and the amount everyone puts in per month. The group has its own board to decided what is covered and not. They operate as a non profit to keep as much money in for actual medical expenses, not salaries, commissions, advertising, government lobbying, etc. They do not get involved one bit in any medical decisions as they leave that to you and the doctor. Plus, they place NO RESTRICTIONS on what doctor or hospital you use domestic or foreign (English Billing). I am still trying to spot the socialism in that?! Because its a group of people? What? Elaborate please, just tossing out hyperbole is not a position or a response.
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 2 months ago
      "It simply unites like-minded Americans to share medical costs together.

      In this way families all over America share their medical expenses each month. There’s power in group sharing!

      And it’s reciprocal! Should you ever have medical costs, others in the program contribute their monthly share amount; even send notes of encouragement, to share in your expenses. "

      Sounds like the 20th Century Motor Company to me...
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      • Posted by 11 years, 2 months ago
        It is exceedingly simple and therefore very efficient. This firm has been doing it since 1990. In fact in the last year they were able to reduce by $50 per month the monthly shared amount!
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        • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 2 months ago
          And how does that address the taint of socialism?
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          • Posted by 11 years, 2 months ago
            Hello there. You still have not pointed out how this is socialism in any way. It is no different if I live in a housing development and befriend the neighbors. We have a bunch of beers and pledge that if anyone's home burns down we'll meet up and rebuild it together. And vice versa.

            No money extracted, no forced participation. Friends helping friends voluntarily. Where is the socialism in that?
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