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Obama is a TOTAL collectivist. I am sure Obama is the inspiration of the Borg. You WILL be assimilated..Resistance is futile!"
"I" from the book "Anthem." Take away "I" and we are all slaves.
"We the People.." is not being used in a "collectivist" sense. "We the People.." was being used as each of us individually are of the same mind and each of us individually provide our consent..." We are each our own "Sovereign" nation in reality if we really read the constitution carefully.
Next Obama shows his TRUE ignorance, in that WE DO NOT LIVE IN A DEMOCRACY!!!
We were provided a Representative Republic. "PERIOD."
Democracy is just Mob Rule.
Head of State Obama also said that there's nothing exceptional about being American and as he is the Chosen One, it must be true.
Put back in a requirement to vote so its a privileged that is earned rather than an entitlement given. (Destroyed by the women's right to vote movement.) Women actually voted for Washington who were widowed from the revolutionary war and land owners appointed to the electoral college in honor of their husbands service. That movement was about removing the requirement of land ownership from voting as a woman who owned land could vote on anything a man could.
Next we changed the electorial college from a group of people appointed by the governers to elect the president to numbers representing some form of popular vote.
Finally the 17th amendment removed state representation and the last leg of a republic from the government. All offices of the federal government were now simply a representation of the people (as the house of representatives was intended to be).
The republic is gone and has been since that amendment. That is why our government is failing, we are a representative democracy not a republic.as we were created to be.
1: very small : diminutive
The single most powerful word in our *Constitutional Republic* is, "Bye!"
Sry KHalling, PoH in que... lol