Finest sleeping bags and warmest clothing in the world

Posted by wiggys 9 years, 7 months ago
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Wiggys manufactures the finest sleeping bags and warmest clothing in the world. 100% made in USA.

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"I usually don't write reviews for products but I must say that your products are exceptional." - Danny Ferreira

"I think I bought my Ultima Thule back in like 1997 and it's still my go to bag in the winter time here in Colorado. Over New Year's eve I backpacked up Pikes Peak and camped inside Monty's Rock Pile just below Barr Camp. The temp at night was around 5 below zero and I slept toasty warm thanks to your bag. Thanks Jerry." - Jeff Rotondo

"In the few years I've used your bags, I have not had one single nights cold sleeping, ever. I definitely couldn't say that before I bought your bags. And yes, I had some of the top named brands, some costing double what yours cost me." - Hart Chase

More testimonials: http://wiggys.com/testimonials.cfm

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Some informative videos:
- TAKE A TOUR OF THE WIGGY'S FACTORY: http://youtu.be/--jnpcdUhzU
- THE MYTH OF 'WATERPROOF & BREATHABLE: http://youtu.be/M5azfUc4jSU
- WHY YOU NEED FISHNET LONG JOHNS: http://youtu.be/vlf1NmaFnBc

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For those of you interested in how I have proceeded with my business via a objectivist philosophy, I recommend that you view my archived newsletters ( http://wiggys.com/archives.cfm ) and you will see many of them have a quote from Ayn Rand that deals with the subject of the newsletter. I am blatantly honest with my customers. what I say about my products is how they perform. That is based upon many years of personal use and an enormous number of testimonials from my customers which can also be viewed on the site ( http://wiggys.com/testimonials.cfm ). Honesty, integrity and morality are paramount. If you have further questions, you can always contact me via my web site ( http://wiggys.com/index.html ).

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SOURCE URL: http://www.wiggys.com

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  • Posted by sdesapio 9 years, 7 months ago
    Wiggys! Great to have you in the Marketplace!

    We're going to do some quick editorial on your post here to ensure the highest possible click through rate to your site. Stay tuned.
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  • Posted by $ puzzlelady 9 years, 2 months ago
    Wiggy, the first link doesn't work: http://youtu.be/hOHkx6ZYcjY

    I enjoyed watching your videos.

    Four months of the year I live in a sleeping bag. How are yours for machine washability?
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    • Posted by 9 years, 2 months ago
      I always tell people if you buy my sleeping bags and don't intend to wash them when they get dirty I will not sell it to you. My bags are and always havew been machine washable as many times as you want to wash them. call me when you are ready to place an order (i hope) and i'll advise which is the best bag for your purposes.
      thanks for writing
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  • Posted by $ blarman 3 years, 6 months ago
    Bought one of these and I'll give my own ringing endorsement. I got the extra long bag rated to -10 and it really is comfy even in cold weather. I used it on a hike to a high mountain lake where even in the heat of summer there was ice on the streams. I didn't have any problems sleeping warm that night.

    I will note that if you are a restless sleeper like me who frequently turns over, the tight fit of the bag may seem a bit constraining. But I didn't have any problems staying warm! It was also lightweight - which to a hiker is gold.

    As a former Scoutmaster accustomed to camping in rain, snow, or shine, thanks for a great product I plan to use for years to come!
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  • Posted by nethealer 3 years, 7 months ago
    For a few years now, I have enjoyed sleeping in your warm sleeping bag. Your boot liners really do work to keep feet warm. I love the booties “slippers” for around the house.
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  • Posted by khalling 9 years, 7 months ago
    wow wiggys. awesome! going thru all the youtubes now
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    • Posted by 9 years, 7 months ago

      I have modeled my business philosophy after AR's attitude as to who her customers were. I'll have to explain that one day to you, all, etc. Last night I reread her talk at West Point and it had some very interesting points that apply to me. Thanks for viewing.
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      • Posted by Mamaemma 9 years, 7 months ago
        I know it would take a lot of time but I would love to hear how you modeled your business philosophy. It might help me, and I bet a lot of us in the Gulch would like to hear what you have to say. Great website,
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        • Posted by 9 years, 7 months ago
          Emma, thank you. I will make the effort shortly as it has been more easily done over the years as I have learned more or I like to think have understood about her philosophy over the years. at least that is what I think.
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          • Posted by 9 years, 7 months ago
            just go to my web site and click on the archives and see the many newsletters that i quote AR and then the article to follow showing how the quote influenced ma.
            if you still want more information from me just e mail me as per the email address on the site.
            thanks, wiggy
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