Does Colin Powell Know He's Black
Posted by AmericanGreatness 9 years, 11 months ago to Politics
Vein of intolerance in the GOP??? Says the first black Secretary of State, who was succeeded by another black Secretary of State, both nominated by a Republican President. First black nominated the Supreme Court was also done by Republican President. He then, in his own words, was subjected to a "high-tech" lynching by DEMOCRATS. US history must not be Colin's strong suit, or he would know that Lincoln was a Republican, that Eisenhower signed the Civil Rights Act into law, that the segregation laws of the south were created by DEMOCRATS, that a greater percentage of Republicans voted for Civil Rights Acts than did Democrats, and that black poverty and employment has increased under Obama.
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- 1Posted by $ AJAshinoff 9 years, 11 months agoYes, I'm sure he is painfully aware that he is black. So sure that I think years of rational thought have heaped the moniker of "Uncle Tom" on him and his entire family to the point where he concluded that black approval was better than reason, rationality, reality and honor. Just look at the statements made about him when he was considered a contender for the GOP nomination for POTUS.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|