What if instead of Dagny...?
Posted by j_IR1776wg 9 years, 11 months ago to Philosophy
What if instead of Dagny, Nancy Pelosi had been flying that plane? Would John have brought her to his home? What if Al Sharpton was her passenger? Would he have hit up Midas for a bribe to keep the Gulch a secret? What would the Strikers have done?
Many of the Gulch organizers knew Dagny and she was "on their list " of recruits... This is the only plausible reason she was allowed and welcomed into their center.
I would imagine anyone else "crashing" into the Gulch, a life and death matter, if they survived, could easily be put on a plane and flown out, blindfolded (like Dagny on her way out). That should work. Fine.
Compliments on having that part in the movie- an indelible experience.
Thanks for the laugh too!
If Lillian Rearden and Wesley Mouch had accidentally crashed in the Gulch, they could have been flown out and anonymously dropped off near the closest veterinarian.
No one in the Gulch would have needed to initiate force. All they had to do was...
Until it came time to clean up the bodies, of course.
Now one can argue that it was an initiation of force to breach the barrier in the first place, but I find that to be pretty flimsy reasoning to justify what essentially boils down to slavery.
Here's another option: set them to work on one of Ragnar's ships as a deck hand. They'll either go mad watching their own products destroyed before their eyes, or they'll be forced to confront their own laziness.
And for an added measure of protection, one could always set up a trip-wire at the exit. If they manage to make it that far, you could take other steps. I'm sure that Dr. Hendricks could slip a little something into their drinking water that would reduce them to babbling idiots. Oh, wait - to unintelligible, babbling idiots. ;)
Midas Mulligan never did mention exactly how he camouflaged the northern, downstream road, the one that follows the Uncompahgre River out of the mountains. Midas had cut off the Million Dollar Highway, that approached the valley from the south. Now maybe he turned the northern road into a maze.
Still...actually, the only reason Dagny became a problem was that she was brave, or reckless, enough to descend to Flight Level Zero Zero Eight Point Seven. I wonder whether even a USAF pilot would have been brave enough to make such a descent. And I certainly wouldn't expect him to be following John Galt's plane.
Set them to menial labor under close supervision. If it was good enough for a few square-pegs-in-round-holes who had to get jobs as linemen and so on, then it should be good enough for Nancy Pelosi.
Now maybe Dr. Hendrix, the neurosurgeon, could induce a coma, confine her to bed, and feed her intravenously. But it would be a lot more expedient to set her at some kind of labor.
If I were a Gulch resident, I would not only offer myself as her guard and warden, but would apply for the position, and argue loudly before the Committee of Safety that (a) she needs to hear from one of the "unpersons" who landed in the Gulch because she and her fellow looters left me with no opportunity, and (b) I'm the one to give her an earful. That, of course, would be the string on her living under my roof: that she would have to listen to me.
I say turn the pilot over to Ragnar Danneskjöld for interrogation. That ought to be an interesting psychodrama. The two men would have spoken close to the same language. The pilot would have been more likely to "turn."
Hand her a broom and tell her to fly away, fly away home!
they would have fixed her plane, speaking in some
code among one another, and sent her packing
post-haste. . . and used the Men-In-Black eraser
on her at the last minute. -- j
She would have to be given some sort of memory losing drug and taken back to her moocher-land. Could be allowed to turn over atlantis to the moochers. She gave up her human rights by doing the things that she has done, so the question is just a practical one- how to protect the residents of the gulch.
Let some of the Gulch livestock be what they eat.
But that assumes Nancy Pelosi would have had the skill actually to fly an aircraft.
Now I suppose you really want to ask: how if a USAF pilot, assigned to the 89th Airlift Wing, had been at the controls of what would have been a C37, with Nancy Pelosi as a passenger?
My guess: he would have held both as POWs. The pilot he would have turned over to Ragnar Danneskjöld for interrogation. Because Ragnar would have known exactly what psychological buttons to push, to "turn" that pilot. That would have been quite a psychodrama right there.
Less interesting would have been the interrogation of Pelosi, by Midas Mulligan, the owner of the valley. Or by Galt himself. It would have been the reverse of the session between John Galt and "Mister Thompson" in the penthouse suite of the Wayne-Falkland Hotel. And I'm not sure at all that Galt would have succeeded in changing her mind.
He therefore would have had no choice but to keep her firmly and closely imprisoned and guarded until the collapse came. And then turned her loose, saying, "Behold the world you created. And if you know what's good for you, just stay out of our way until we can bring order out of this chaos."