Eminent Domain

Posted by radicalbill 10 years ago to Business
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I remember a case in Pennsylvania. What was at that time PA 9, the northeast extension of the PA Turnpike, ended a few miles short of joining 76, the main part of the PA Turnpike. The reason for this was a woman's house and land that was blocking completion of the highway to connect to the main Turnpike.

If I remember correctly, she won her court case, and it was not until the year 2000 that they were finally able to get the property after the woman died.

This was the last time this happened, where the individual won.

For PA 33, to connect it to 78, they not only took the farmers land to build the highway, they also took all the farmers ( multiple farmers ) lands to then sell to large retail companies.

They did the same for 202.

and for 287 in NJ.

For the highways, I can see taking a house, if there is no other choice and no other way around it, but the person should be compensated at 10 times the rate it would cost to replace the house in a nearby location. Not 10 cents on the dollar, like happens most of the time.

But taking land to then sell to retail companies, that is just plain wrong.

Here, in upstate NY, they are about to take several homes and lots of land, to build traffic circles.

There is no fighting or stopping it. The real shame is, we need a traffic circle where I live, and there is tons of empty land they could use and not bother anyone, but they won't build one here.

Drives me crazy.

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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 10 years ago
    Hello radicalbill,
    Eminent Domain is more often than not, government sanctioned theft.
    Hank Rearden: "If you believe you may seize my property simply because you need it... Well, so does any burglar. The only difference is that the burglar doesn't ask my permission."
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    • Posted by 10 years ago
      I don't like the idea of the govt taking people's property. I also don't like the idea of people paying tax on their property. And I think school taxes are just a criminal enterprise. School taxes are now 500% of what the county tax is. That is just plain wrong.
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      • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 10 years ago
        I hear you. My wife and I have no children, but we have paid exorbitant school and property taxes for longer than I care to admit. One can never really own property as long as you must pay property taxes year after year for the "privilege" of staying in your own home.
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