A warning from the past
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 10 years ago to Philosophy
This was a great read. I had not read anything by Mr. Brownson, and for that I'm extremely disappointed. He should be read in every history class, to illustrate why it is so important to keep a government small and beholden to the American people who grant it its very existence.
A warning from 150 years ago that is powerfully resonant today.
A warning from 150 years ago that is powerfully resonant today.
downfall of the nation began with Lincoln. I do know that she said,"It was the agrarian, feudal
south that practiced slavery. It was the industrial-
ized, capitalist north that wiped it out." Also she
said "The phrase 'states rights' is a contradic-
tion in terms; there can be no such thing as the
'right' of some men to violate the rights of oth-
ers." Also, that "there is no such thing as 'the
right to enslave.'"
“The American constitution is not founded on political atheism, but recognizes the rights of man, and therefore, the rights of God.”
I will not back down.
Damn the torpedoes--
today we can see from the observations of Ayn Rand how the nation is going, but it would be wonderful to know what he was observing back then that gave him the insight to cause him to present his ideas as he did. I believe that Ayn Rand wrote that the down fall of the nation started with Lincoln. He is the proof.
Jefferson also feared that the act would transfer power from the states to the feds, a result that he wished to avoid, but viewed the danger from France to be the greater threat. He may have miscalculated there.