A warning from the past

Posted by Non_mooching_artist 10 years ago to Philosophy
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This was a great read. I had not read anything by Mr. Brownson, and for that I'm extremely disappointed. He should be read in every history class, to illustrate why it is so important to keep a government small and beholden to the American people who grant it its very existence.

A warning from 150 years ago that is powerfully resonant today.
SOURCE URL: http://dailysignal.com/2015/03/09/meet-19th-century-american-warned-big-government-religious-liberty-assaults/?utm_source=heritagefoundation&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=dailydigest&mkt_tok=3RkMMJWWfF9wsRoiva3NZKXonjHpfsX66uktWKCwlMI%2F0ER3fOvrPUfGjI4HT8diI%2BSLDwEYGJlv6SgFQrLBMa1ozrgOWxU%3D

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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 10 years ago
    I don't remember that Ayn Rand ever said that the
    downfall of the nation began with Lincoln. I do know that she said,"It was the agrarian, feudal
    south that practiced slavery. It was the industrial-
    ized, capitalist north that wiped it out." Also she
    said "The phrase 'states rights' is a contradic-
    tion in terms; there can be no such thing as the
    'right' of some men to violate the rights of oth-
    ers." Also, that "there is no such thing as 'the
    right to enslave.'"
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  • Posted by jimslag 10 years ago
    Thank you for bringing it to my attention. I liked the synopsis that Mr. Moffit gave and look forward to doing some more research into the writing of Mr. Brownson.
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  • Posted by wiggys 10 years ago
    it seems that we have had some very strong thinking people in our history that have been prophetic with respect to how the nation was going.

    today we can see from the observations of Ayn Rand how the nation is going, but it would be wonderful to know what he was observing back then that gave him the insight to cause him to present his ideas as he did. I believe that Ayn Rand wrote that the down fall of the nation started with Lincoln. He is the proof.
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    • Posted by Esceptico 10 years ago
      I think the fall began with Jefferson when he became president and (in 1803) foresook his oath to protect the constitution but instead relabled a purchase as a treaty, all the time admitting exactly what he was doing was to "go around" the Consitution. The Republic did not really last as envisioned for two decades.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 10 years ago
        OTOH, Jefferson could have believed what he wrote in the Declaration, and thought that the land in question would better serve free men than obvious despots. Jefferson also feared that a war with France could be avoided by taking advantage of France's short term economic weakness and removing their claims to the area through a purchase.
        Jefferson also feared that the act would transfer power from the states to the feds, a result that he wished to avoid, but viewed the danger from France to be the greater threat. He may have miscalculated there.
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  • Posted by KCLiberty 10 years ago
    Booo......a religious nutball, nothing more. (as if there is another kind)
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    • Posted by khalling 10 years ago
      Actually it was an interesting piece despite the religious angle. The focus in on individual rights is where we intersect nicely (politically) with Conservatives. This is often where you cannot get agreement with many libertarians. Your comment lacks substance. You seek to discredit by stating he was religious without discrediting what he actually was making arguments for.
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      • Posted by KCLiberty 10 years ago
        I disagree. My statement has substance, it is just not of a kind you appreciate. Justifying individual rights based on a deity-based axiom is the antithesis to objectivism. And, using the term "Conservatives" demonstrates that you are victim of the false left-right paradigm. Because, those who call themselves conservative these days are not even close to the true meaning of the term.
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