Is the head of the EPA a mindless automaton?
Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 10 years ago to Government
Is the head of the EPA a mindless automaton?
Senator Berates Obama’s EPA Chief When She Can’t Answer If Climate Models Are False
The head of the EPA knows less about climate facts than Senator Sessions.
She wants more money so they can prove their theory. This will be accomplished by offering more grants to people who justify the EPA’s existence. Now, even if one is willing to accept the anthropogenic theory, then wouldn't all this money be better spent developing technology to help. I am anti-pollution, but CO2 is not pollution. It is plant food. Without it we could not feed the hungry.
CO2 has been higher both during Ice Ages and warming periods of our geologic history.
Spirited debate between Bill Nye and Marc Morano:
A little dated, but the additional new measurements have not helped Mr. Nye. Some pretty good comments following too.
Senator Berates Obama’s EPA Chief When She Can’t Answer If Climate Models Are False
The head of the EPA knows less about climate facts than Senator Sessions.
She wants more money so they can prove their theory. This will be accomplished by offering more grants to people who justify the EPA’s existence. Now, even if one is willing to accept the anthropogenic theory, then wouldn't all this money be better spent developing technology to help. I am anti-pollution, but CO2 is not pollution. It is plant food. Without it we could not feed the hungry.
CO2 has been higher both during Ice Ages and warming periods of our geologic history.
Spirited debate between Bill Nye and Marc Morano:
A little dated, but the additional new measurements have not helped Mr. Nye. Some pretty good comments following too.
That "lightly-used" is important.
The book value goes down drastically.