Prophecy of Atlas Shrugged

Posted by Lnxjenn 10 years ago to Movies
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I came across this Documentary on Netflix. I wondered if anyone else had seen it. I found it fascinating and it made me want to read the book again... I love Atlas Shrugged and reading it now-a-days gives me odd comfort, or at least a sense of i'm watching it happen. I was just wondered if anyone else had seen it and what you thought of the documentary.

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  • Posted by Crushmore 10 years ago
    I watched this documentary last week. it is a little slow but very informative. Tidbits about her struggles to write the book and the criticism it received when it was released.
    It was interesting to hear others viewpoints on Atlas Shrugged and see some parallels with the news today.
    It's worth watching.
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  • Posted by khalling 10 years ago
    I really know little about this. Has anyone else watched this?
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    • Posted by 10 years ago
      I watched it last night, which is why I posted. I wanted to see what others thought of it. I actually liked hearing more about Ayn Rand's life as well, at least in the context of writing her books. I knew some of her life and some of her philosophy, but I thought this tied what I knew together a bit. I also liked the struggle to get Atlas Shrugged made into a movie while she was still alive! She liked the idea but wouldn't let them if she couldn't get script approval!

      I had heard that "We The Living" was as close to her autobiography as one could get. We The Living almost made me cry. When i read it last, I saw similarities to political and societal actions to what became Soviet Russia to what was starting in 2008/2009. (that was when I read it)

      i'd recommend the Documentary.
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