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  • Posted by LaissezFaire 9 years, 9 months ago
    An income tax of any kind is the worst kind for the economy, and the best kind for government. We REALLY need to encourage passing of The Fair Tax to replace the current income tax; this would mean every time someone buys something in a store, they would SEE how high taxes are and politicians would be pressured daily to reduce tax rates. The income tax system lends itself to behind-the-scenes schemes!
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  • Posted by $ KSilver3 9 years, 9 months ago
    While I'm happy to see any discussion of tax reform, I hate the way the argument has to be framed. First, that was a rather long article, and yet only one paragraph was actually dedicated to the proposed change. The rest of the article only dealt with political ramifications. Second, tax proposals are always judged statically, and you cannot do that. The same thing goes for spending proposals. They never take into account the "law of unintended consequences". If you let people retain more of their own money, that puts more money into the economy, which increases the corporate taxes. By simply subtracting out the lower tax brackets, you don't take into consideration any of the Macro changes that real tax reform would bring about. And finally, this supposed tax reform is simply the same menu packaged a different way. Take this special interest group's special deductions away, and give them to that special group.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 9 months ago
    No beef in this article. Just another 'simplification' program that avoids the real solution: repeal of both the 16th amendment and the federal reserve act.
    We need a Thomas Jefferson or an Andrew Jackson, not the eternal compromise of GOP shills.
    Any tax must be voluntary. That means a consumption tax that excludes necessities (food, shelter, communications, utilities, personal transportation, health products including supplements.)
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