White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest confirmed Monday that President Obama is "very interested" in the idea of raising taxes through unilateral executive action.
We fought a war 2 centuries ago for exactly this action by an executive of state. It appears that Obama is hoping to start a war before he leaves office, but he does not understand the power of his enemy. This slimy ignorant savage reminds me more of Dictator Abe Lincoln every day.
Unfortunately, the media will carry President Obama's water for him on this and point out that the President has the moral high ground trying to give back to the poor and Corporations just want to kill your grandmother and enslave their workers for profit.
This is what the last 2 years will look like if Congress does nothing. At some point Democrats have to realize the possibility of a Republican President one day acting the same way. The Democrats need to step in and stop him.
Yes! I'm amazed at the short-sightedness. It's worse that they're talking about using the questionable power to raise taxes. Who knows what some future president will use executive powers for.
I am totally ashamed of the "New Republicans" that are just towing the Democrat line. I told my wife during the November elections.. "You watch..nothing will change...these republicans including 'ol Mitchy-boy' will be cowardly lame ducks, not willing to do what they were elected for."
I should have saved my Atlas already Shrugged for this article. Corporations will flee as fast as they can. The only reason they are still here is because as dysfunctional as this country is right now. It is the most stable economy in the world or at least perceived to be.
It appears that Obama is hoping to start a war before he leaves office, but he does not understand the power of his enemy. This slimy ignorant savage reminds me more of Dictator Abe Lincoln every day.
I just don't understand this guy...
Corporations will flee as fast as they can. The only reason they are still here is because as dysfunctional as this country is right now. It is the most stable economy in the world or at least perceived to be.