Lassen Forge - Wordsmith

Posted by $ Susanne 10 years ago
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Have something you want put down in words - but you just don't know the right words to use?

Have a brainstorm, but need it polished, or a wall to bounce it off of?

At a loss for words? Hit that tree blocking the creative paper trail?

Lassen Forge Wordsmithing services (part of the Lassen Forge Group) will put a FIRE under your thoughts, DESIGN the phrases that will LIGHT THE FIRE for you, SHAPE the words to fit the occasion, and HAMMER out the solution to your word based problems.

How can we be of service to you? Contact us today for a free estimate, PM here in the gulch, or EMAIL to mailto:lassenforge@gmail.com. Mention the word "DAGNY" for Producer's Special Pricing (subject to verification).

Lassen Forge - "We Fix It!"

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  • Posted by johnpe1 10 years ago
    Hi, Susanne!

    I did an edit of Pendulum for K&D the other year,
    and have done 3 other books recently. . . this has
    turned into a micro-cottage industry for me. . the
    most recent published result is " deadly cold" by
    Jed O'Dea on amazon:::


    don't know if I might be of service to you, but I
    just wanted to check in.

    nothing like retirement -- make it up as we go! -- j

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  • Posted by sdesapio 10 years ago
    This is great Susanne. Do you typically charge hourly, or by the job, or... ?
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    • Posted by $ 10 years ago
      Thank you, Scott. I hope to answer some of your questions below.

      I have a split pricing schedule. My "Standard rate" for work - Creative writing, fleshing out ideas, reformatting from one style to another (such as script revision or submittal requirement changes), manuscript reviews, etc. is normally $90 an hour, minimum of 1 hour then broken into 15 minute increments thereafter. What I'm calling the "Taggart Discount" for Producers is $60 an hour, subject to the same limitations above.

      My charge for Research and Development - where I have to do basic research into a subject to develop an idea, flesh out a project, etc. is $150 an hour - Minimum of 2 hours, and thereafter in increments of an hour. This because (1) research is time consuming and cuts not only actual production time, but time on other projects as well (which is valuable to me) (2) I may not be an SME on the project, and need to gain familiarity with it to provide an acceptable product, and (3) it encourages those with a proposal for an idea to do their own basic research and provide me with sufficient material with which to proceed.

      I will also do bid proposals and can work "by piece" - examples of this type of work would be things such as Technical Manuals, scripts, short stories for publication, etc. Because of the time involved in projects of this nature, the large amount of research I need to undertake in some instances, and the constant "back and forth review process" of such work, I find it easier to work out a negotiated price for such articles.

      In all instances, expenses incurred in travel, lodging, rentals, and other associated costs, are additional, and not included in the above price schedule.

      We look forward to working with you on future projects!

      Susanne Rohner, Owner, Wordsmith and resident anvil pounder,
      Lassen Forge - Viola
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