Mysterious Giant Holes in Siberia

Posted by $ TimCutler 9 years, 12 months ago to Science
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I've mentioned this phenomenon here before, but the story presented implies that these holes are caused by Global Warming. I submit to you that these holes are the original foundation of what is known as the "Concentric Spheres Theory.

After the War of 1812, a young man named John Cleves Symmes began to write about a giant hole in Siberia which was, he said, the entrance to a vast new world inside the earth. Many people agreed that gravity could allow such a condition to exist. I can't remember how light was supposed to exist inside the earth. Mr. Symmes went on a three-year lecture tour, and by the end, had a very large following of people who thought they might like to colonize this new world. Even the Tzar of Russia was impressed.

Mr. Symmes' eponymously-named uncle was a prominent jurist whose wife just happened to be the sister of President Benjamin Harrison. With the latter's endorsement, Symmes went to Congress to ask for money to go to Russia to find the hole, enter it, and claim the subterranean lands for the United States of America. (The Tzar was not impressed.) Congress actually appropriated the money for the expedition, but as far as I know, Symmes never went.

Jules Verne picked up the story fifty years later, and every generation or two, there has been someone who polishes up the earth-within-the-earth fantasy.

There is still a monument to John Cleves Symmes, the progenitor of the Concentric Speheres Theory, in Cincinnati. I know this story because Symmes' uncle was from Morristown, NJ - it's a local history story for us.

The reason the story is important today is because it is quite possible that these mysterious Siberian craters have occasionally appeared quite naturally - without any Global Warming.

Just my opinion.

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  • Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 12 months ago
    Pretty cool. I am curious as to what is causing these. Hope it is investigated properly and not by Climate Change fanatics hell bent on proving their "agenda".
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