And, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor... And, Benghazi was the result of a spontaneous uprising resulting from a Youtube video... And, the IRS didn't target political enemies...
Al Gore didn't invent it and nobody said he did. There's a case to be made that he "invented" the concept of the modern-day, commercial Internet by being the one who put forth the bills to enable that to happen. When I wrote the cover story in Byte in 1991 about the coming commercialization of the Internet, this Senator from Tennessee I had never heard of had a sidebar in the article. So the commercial aspect of it was certainly something he was involved in from very early on.
I'm talking about the people running around wringing their hands because eek, now the government has control and it's going to mean the death of the Internet, who don't seem to know its history.
Previous comments...
Reminds me of the Healthcare bill. We have to pass it before we can find out what is in it.
And, Benghazi was the result of a spontaneous uprising resulting from a Youtube video...
And, the IRS didn't target political enemies...
Not to mention ozone.
That goes way back also.
Before I had a Honda Accord for 12 years and traded it in.
They own virtually none of the physical infrastructure it is built on. At this point it is nearly all privately owned equipment.
Would you be ok with it when they decide to use YOUR equipment with no recompense? Or tell you what to do with it?