Kingsman and the Year of the Spy

Posted by Itheliving 10 years ago to Movies
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Kingsman : The Secret Service / Rated R for intense comic book violence, nudity and bad words.
The Man from U.N.C.L.E. / Rated PG13 for action content, suggestive content and partial nudity. Filming complete.
S.P.E.C.T.R.E. Not yet rated still filming.
Yes, this is both the year of the spy and the year of the abbreviations. Except for Kingsman. They spelled it out for us. Now in theaters KTSS starts the year of the spy off with a bang. Based on a graphic and very violent comic book/graphic novel, KTSS pays homage to the TV series (see above and below) and all of the James Bond films (also see above and also below). KTSS is a gentlemen’s movie about gentlemen who privately run a super secret espionage organization to combat evil. The very select group of Kingsmen are well dressed, well mannered and armed to the teeth. And very, very deadly. Colin Firth plays the main good guy who recruit’s a new kid into the group because of an event which occurs in the exciting opening scene. Samuel L. Jackson plays the evil bad guy. The back up cast is also a stellar and talented group. The film is full of fantastic action sequences and a lot of tongue in cheek humor. It is gruesome and comically violent.
On August 14th Sony Studios will probably release The Man from U.N.C.L.E. I say probably because the film was scheduled to premier in 2014, then moved to mid January of 2015 and now next August. UNCLE stands for the United Network Command for Law Enforcement. It is based on a TV series that ran from 1964 to 1968 for a total of 105 episodes. Robert Vaughn played Agent Napoleon Solo (Ian Fleming who created James Bond also created the character of Napoleon Solo) and David McCallum played Russian Agent Ilya Kuryakin. They worked for a NY based organization that traveled the world to fight evil bad guys. The update directed by Guy Ritchie stays in the 1960’s and stars Henry Cavill (Superman’s latest portrayer) and Armie Hammer (The Lone Ranger’s most recent masked man) as the two agents first at odds then teaming up to stop what we assume will be the bad guys of THRUSH.
Then on November 6th the most anticipated spy film of the year opens with Daniel Craig back as James Bond. The main bad guy is double Oscar winner Christoph Waltz. This time James Bond still in the guise of Craig takes on the baddest of the bad organizations we first encountered in Dr. No in 1962, six years short of when Daniel Craig was born. We know S.P.E.C.T.R.E. as defined by the Dr. himself as Special Executive for Counter Intelligence, Terror Revenge and Extortion. They should have called them the BG’s. Or Bad Guys. Easier to remember. Now filming in England, Morocco, Austria (the snow scenes) Rome, Mexico City and Italy, it promises loads of new thrills and terrific action sequences. This, the 24th episode in the series, is to be followed by number 25. The star of film 46 in the series will not be born for another 6 years.
Kingsman Rated 3.5 out of 4.0 007‘s, 11 and 2. Only fans of the original UNCLE TV show will under stand 11 and 2.
UNCLE and SPECTRE rated ?????????? Try and remember what these letters stand for. Good luck.

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