Happy Birthday, Gen. Washington, the founder of our republic
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 10 years ago to Government
This speaks of what a president should be, not the visions of utopia our current POTUS envisions.
There is a lot of work to be done to bring back the actual purpose of government. Which was to be limited, to be the will of the people, not the power trip of the elected.
There is a lot of work to be done to bring back the actual purpose of government. Which was to be limited, to be the will of the people, not the power trip of the elected.
I think that the people who get elected to represent us, should have tattoos put on their foreheads if they step out of the bounds of their scope of governance. Like the Scarlet Letter, but permanent.
"Usurper", "Ass Kisser", "Pork Pusher".
Thompson... ;-)