Working is Stupid
Posted by LionelHutz 11 years, 3 months ago to Culture
My BS meter went to high the second this call started, but the longer I listened the more I began to think this actually might be legit. I never got to more than 50% confident about it though. Anyone in Austin among us that can say whether this exchange really happened?
Don't believe that the government wants anyone off the system. I have repeatedly turned in someone committing SSI fraud, including did the entire investigation and handed all the documents over to my congressman who sent it to the IG of social security and they have never done an investigation or cut her off.
And lest anyone accuse me of racism, the parasites are all white.
your hunch was right. still, what the caller said was very interesting. she said she doesn't consider herself a bad person for taking money the rest of her lifetime. is there pride now in being a lifetime moocher? how do you change that thought? sure, you could cut them off and say, "work, starve, or find a private charity." even if they go to work, does that entitlement remain?
I didn't want to make a lot of hay about the particulars of what she said because I doubted the truth and even the motivation for the call.
Honestly - my first clue that something was amiss was that she was up before 8AM listening to a morning show. :-)
I half-suspected this was a setup by someone who wanted the hosts to jump all over her - to basically "punk" the radio hosts and then turn around and warp the deception into some sort of "well, this therefore proves there is no such thing as welfare fraud."
I shared it anyway because the detail in the conversation that i thought was intriguing / credible was the rationale of "well, if someone laid a million dollars at your feet, you'd take that too, so don't get all moral and look down on me because I'm taking my million in a form that comes slowly over my lifetime".
Additionally, if you read some of the comments about the video on youtube, you'll find some black people are making the argument "hey, this is reparations for slavery - so we're entitled to it. If you don't like it, I don't give a rip."
I'm a bit facinated by people's rationalization for living on welfare - I mean deliberately just laying in the safety net like it's a hammock for years on end.
While it looks like this caller turned out to be a big liar, that doesn't mean these people and, shall we say "interesting", justifications don't really exist.
I totally think there are good chunks of people taking the money believing it is their due or that there is really no moral difference between them and those that are actually providing for themselves.