Creepy Biden invades personal space

Posted by Non_mooching_artist 10 years ago to Pics
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This goes beyond creepy, landing firmly in the completely inappropriate and perverted category.

I don't care who a person is, this would deserve a firm slap across the face. A punch. An ass kicking.

There is a "bubble" of personal space that does not get encroached on. Unless you are my family/husband/close friends, don't get within that space. Ugh. He is just making a bigger joke of this administration in the eyes of the world.
SOURCE URL: http://americanlibertypac.com/2015/02/joe-biden-creeps-on-defense-chiefs-wife/

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  • Posted by barwick11 10 years ago
    This man is the reason why people don't want to impeach BHO. Could you imagine Vice President Bite Me becoming president?
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    • Posted by Mamaemma 10 years ago
      Biden is certainly insurance for Barack. On the other hand, if McCain had won, assasination could have had a good result
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 10 years ago
        Vice Presidents are selected to ensure Presidents are completely safe.There is no other reason for them to exist except hosting Saturday Night Live, appearing on the Gong Show, or acting with a Rap Group on MTV.
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        • Posted by $ blarman 10 years ago
          That's because of the 12th Amendment. If we were still going based on voting popularity, we would see dramatically different results in the races because the Vice-President would usually be the losing candidate for President.
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 10 years ago
            I'd make changes a step or two further.

            a. VP must do the job set forth in the consitution.

            b. Act of Succession changed to skip the entire cabinet and put Senators ahead of Representatives and perhaps Governors after Senators. Why? Who votes for Reps? A handful. Senators and Governors get the vote of at least a whole state. Cabinet secretaries all totaled together? Zero. It's called Due Process.

            3. Change the State Department to Department of Foreign Affairs. Then have a Department of the States with the Senators and Representatives listed as recallable delegates to the federal government. VP can run that one too but the States with a capital S should have a permanent presence in Washington DC as does any foreign country. Otherwise they are only states with a small s.

            4. Anyone in the Line of Succession must be of the same party or coalition as the President being replaced. Due Process and meet all the requirements. Anything less would amount to a change in the will of the people at least those who voted. Same requirements as the President to be in that lineup.

            5. And speaking of will of the people Dump the Electoral College and go with the popular vote, add None of the Above, include all the candidates AND NO voting by opinion polling by some tv propagandist.

            Put the power back where it belongs. Constitution in the center as the sacred ground. The people governing by divine right.And government relegated to it's proper role as servants of the people.

            Maybe then we would get Vice-Presidents capable of the job instead of LBJ's and Bidens.

            But then I would ban lawyers from the Supreme court as well. Why them? There's no requirement listed in the Constitution. Come to think of it there''s no requirements at all! A 12 year old Martian or former President of Mexico and no one has bothered to amend that in 240 years.

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            • Posted by $ jdg 10 years ago
              #1 - What job is that? Yes, the Constitution allows him to preside in the Senate, and break ties; but Article I, Section 3 goes on to state that the Senate shall choose a president pro tempore. So even then the founders knew that most VPs wouldn't spend much time in the Senate.

              Divine right -- WTF? That sounds like something the Obamination would enact. The founders had good reasons for avoiding direct majority rule, and they didn't even have to deal with a reality where the voter base of the largest party have an IQ of 70 and an attention span of one sound bite.

              Ban lawyers -- Good idea, but let's go farther and ban them from Congress. Then restore and extend the "rule of lenity" so that anyone can follow the most favorable (to him, the accused) interpretation of the law that an average high school graduate could come up with.
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              • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 12 months ago
                Damn a real discussion for once. Or we could have Judges that refused to explain the law to juries.. I forgot...that's common practice. Rely on the Constitution that is largely ignored or re-interpret every five seconds? I can't keep up with the changes? Allows? I would have thought requires a better word but does it really matter? Not at all. To beat a dead horse the divine right comment was meant to show that an entire nation of citizens had a divine right as the one with the biggest sword. But you are right I daresay in a nation of couch potatoes they will ensure they get what they richly deserve. Not worth the effort.

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            • Posted by Technocracy 10 years ago
              No on #5, that would destroy the last vestige of the republic originally set in place by the constitution.

              Bad enough the Senators are elected by popular vote instead of appointed by their respective states.
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              • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 10 years ago
                Whiy would you want to keep a system which is wholly under the control of the Government Party as opposed to the citizens.

                #6 Senators elected by the population and known as Senators At Large for the District of the State. OR selected by the Legislature and Governor and known as Senator For The State of...

                However on 5 it would have to be a Constitutional Amendment not a wink and out and forget about it. Or an intentional violation such as "The Supreme Court hasn't visited that portion yet." So would dumping Department of Education as it's not mentioned and isn't a power given to the feds. Or amending to change people to citizens where census is concerned.

                General Welfare is in the mission statement at the beginning and not listed in the rules and regulations. Few things that use that as an excuse are in general for the entire population.

                Personally I don't know any vestige that's left excepting a thin patina used by the hucksters.

                Some vestiges of checks and balances are left. The Representatives are controlled by the 20 or so largest states and the Senators by the 26 or 27 least populated. Moot point they are all controlled by the Government Party. Ditto for Electoral College members.
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                • Posted by Technocracy 10 years ago
                  You think straight democracy would be better?

                  Look at what the popular vote results have been since the turn of the century.
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                  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 12 months ago
                    I don't think it matters much anymore. The idea was and is to elicit comments, suggestions, discussion. What I really think is it's too late. Their is only one entity that can change things and I doubt they think the general population is worth the effort. Oath of Office or no oath of office. A majority rest are either hiding behind a delusion, are easily deluded or just don't care. It's easy to lay claim to thinking and reasoning but I see too much loyalty to the leftist notion that thinking about or talking about is the same and knowing or doing. Still let the discussion roll on it's only been 240 years,
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      • Posted by $ jdg 10 years ago
        You don't think Sarah Palin would be equally good life insurance for McCain? Don't get me wrong, I think Palin is hot stuff, but she's sure not smart enough to belong in the Oval Office.
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        • Posted by Mamaemma 10 years ago
          Difference of opinion. I think she is smart enough. I think the Media spent a lot of effort to convince everyone that she isn't smart. They also spent a lot of effort to convince everyone that Obama is smart, and I think he is not.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 10 years ago
        Government Party didn't hire McCain to win. Who? Hmmmmm. No one knows. What evil lurks in the minds of those who pander to deceive? Government Party after gets two candidates for each of the top jobs. Which gives you four reasons to say None Of The Above.

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  • Posted by richrobinson 10 years ago
    I ask people occasionally why some were so afraid of Sarah Palin being VP. They have fewer answers now. Joe is not only creepy, he is not fit for office. How sad.
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    • -4
      Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years ago
      Palin is a my nightmare candidate because she tries to divide people into groups and set them against one another to further her own interests. I guess that's part of the job description of politician, but she is particualarly annoying. It seems like she wallows in anti-intellectualism.

      Biden's action in the video clip, though, was possibly the creepyist single short clip of a politician I've ever seen. I can't weigh that on a scale against Palin, who hasn't had one uber-creepy moment but has a career of coming off like she opposes everything I believe in. If we were judging Biden just on that clip, he'd be the worst.

      He politically punched himself in the face by acting like that.
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      • Posted by richrobinson 10 years ago
        I see Sarah Palin as the person the founders envisioned. She was a regular citizen who wanted to change things and got involved. At the time McCain chose her for VP she had an 80% approval rating in Alaska. I have never heard anyone name specific issues they disagree with her on. The
        Pro-choice crowd hates her but beyond that I doubt anyone could name one reason they oppose her. The problem is that most on the left HATE her and I don't get that.
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        • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 12 months ago
          The Left only hate her because she is a strong, successful *woman* who doesn't buy their agenda. It's the same so-called reasoning that makes them call black conservatives "Uncle Toms"; I guess there isn't an equivalent phrase they can use to smear women like her yet.

          Of course Biden trips over his tongue 10 or 20 times as often as Palin, but the media are very obviously selective in their hearing.
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        • Posted by $ puzzlelady 10 years ago
          Sarah Palin is also a fundamentalist Christian who believes the earth is only 6000 years old. That is not someone I would want running our country.
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 10 years ago
            Firist Amendment - Religious Freedom does not mean separation of church and state it means no founding a single church for the entire country. Now if t hey had added the word secular we might have got somewhere. As for 6,000 years can anyone find God's definition of one year? On the other hand you got Barney Biden. Don't you just love the choices given to you by the Government Party?
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        • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years ago
          I see what you're saying about regular citizen. She seems weird, but that may be what we want. Other politicians are masters of seeming like whatever you want them to be, empty public personas that allow your mind to fill in people you're comfortable with.

          If I believe the Wikipedia article on her, I agree with her on 13 out of 31 positions, 42%, much more than I would have guessed.
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      • Posted by khalling 10 years ago
        no. palin is herself. your people divide people into groups (obama) she's plenty smart. you watch her like a comic. curiously, like small children. we live in the real world and produce stuff
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        • -2
          Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years ago
          I don't have any people at all, to be divisive or inclusive.

          It's interesting you imagine people seeing her a comical. I didn't say that, but she does come off comical. If she's actually like that in person, she's one very odd individual, which is in itself something I approve of. I don't approve of her dividing people into groups.
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          • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years ago
            And at the same time you think Hillary is worthy. You are useful idiot with a severe case of blank out. And I suppose Obama doesn't divide people... sheesh.
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            • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years ago
              Please read the rest of my comments to this message. I think almost the opposite of what you're saying.
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              • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years ago
                I did...and you don't. You went to a hillary event and it was fabulous...surprisingly you agree with palin more than you thought.... you're a hillary and an obama supporter..palin is your nightmare candidate.... crimony, really??? I think I know how you don't think already.
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                • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years ago
                  I went to several Hillary events during that time, and the only thing that was fabulous was the first one b/c I met my wife and invited her to the event, before I even knew she followed Hillary. A year later we got married. I went with her to more events in '07, but I always preferred Obama or Paul. Neither one of was militant that any candidate was perfect/horrible.

                  Since gov't as a share of GDP actually grew with President Obama, I'm reminded of my wife's predictions 8 years ago that this would happen. But I also question if any person can get to be in charge of the executive branch and then cut its powers. Maybe we need a president focused on cutting spending and a Congress focused on cuttting presidential powers. I always thought by being involved I could nudge things in that direction, but it seems like being involved makes it easier to get a piece of the gov't pie but not easier to reduce the size of the pie.

                  I've always been in the private sector, with only very ocassional clients who have any gov't funding; so all of this is an avocation to me. But I see very serious problem forming, and we're just ignoring it. If you have solutions, I hope we see them at least partially implemented in our lifetimes.
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                  • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years ago
                    How can you put bo and Paul in the same arena even? Obama is against everything that a free loving person holds dear...and it anti objectivist if ever there was one. How do you square ANY of this?
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                    • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years ago
                      I obviously don't agree that the POTUS is against freedom. Instead of making it about the person, just talk about the policies.
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                      • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years ago
                        No...I'm making it about the PERSON... what the hell does that even mean? make it about the policies? Policies don't think, they don't have control, they don't determine...I go after the mind behind implementing the policies... One has to seriously wonder why you are in here....for what purpose do you hang out in the gulch? You are polar opposite to everything we are for in here and you act as if you're like minded...you're NOT.
                        Seriously if you can't see that bo is absolutely against freedom you completely lack reasoning skills. Obamacare, is that at all freedom based?????? His big pride and joy accomplishment to fundamentally change America... He is anti-freedom policying us right into socialist hell. OPEN YOUR EYES!!!!
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                      • Posted by plusaf 10 years ago
                        CG, I'm either puzzled or confused by that statement... or both?

                        How do you separate the 'policies' from 'the person' ??? The policies Come From The Person, their beliefs and attitudes, don't they?

                        They're Separate from The Person!? Please elaborate!
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                        • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years ago
                          "How do you separate the 'policies' from 'the person' ??? The policies Come From The Person, their beliefs and attitudes, don't they?"

                          If you go by policies of mainstream candidates, they're all for a bipartisan consensus that involves gov't spending being a quarter of GDP and federal/state gov't intruding into all kinds of personal issues. Among policy makers who accept the bipartisan consensus, I don't believe you can work out their character based on policies. Trying to do it leads to pointless discussions. This is sort-of by design b/c if we're debating whether President Obama is a good person, we are not reducing exec power and cost/intrusiveness of gov't.

                          I watch only the pictures of news at the gym, but I get the notion news channels foment this. They need eyeballs, and this rabid bickering is one way to get them. It works for the politicians, too, because they want contributions, many from people who want a share of the gov't pie. They don't want to debate reducing gov't while taking money from people who want gov't dollars, so the partisan childishness works for them. They can debate whether someone should have used different language in describing racial groups or in describing our enemies without any risk of it affecting a contributor's gov't program.

                          People like me fancy we're above it. We think we can give to both sides and if we have access to politicians we can lobby for better policy. But I fall for their little bickering song and dance on some level, and it makes me inclined to vote Democrat, even though it's questionable that Democrats are any better than Republicans.

                          Sadly many people buy the narrative *hook, line, and sinker*. A few months ago a friend from high school who almost never talks politics said on Facebook she liked this show that featured a Republican family. It made her realize even though she doesn't know any openly Republican people, she could certainly get along and be good friends with this fictional family. I of course strongly agree. Most people in our network objected, insanely, with one person going full-on pitched-battle-against-Republican-baby-killers-- *intensely* stupid.

                          Maybe that answers some of your questions. This is stuff I felt like Rand was saying in the two books I read, part of what I loved about them.
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                          • Posted by plusaf 10 years ago
                            Thanks, CG.. I am in violent agreement with virtually everything you said!

                            I tend to try to hold the mirror up at a slightly different angle, though... When someone (nearly anyone) tried to rip a new one for the Republicans, Democrats or whomever, I try to point out that, at least in my never-so-humble opinion, There Is No Shortage of Mistakes and Stupid Things Done By Members of BOTH (or all) Sides, and to take a position that looks like "Our side is Right and Your Side is The Devil Incarnate" essentially immediately loses all of my respect for the speaker/writer.

                            Both (all) side make mistakes and have warts they hate to admit to and without that self-conscious world view, such 'debates' will continue forever and end up mostly as name-calling with no net positive outcomes or results.

                            That makes me very discouraged about the alleged future of our species. But late this year I turn 70, so I expect that I may not live to see the tide overwhelm us OR reverse and roll back out to sea.

                            Good Luck to you and all of us.
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                      • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 12 months ago
                        I do make it about the policies. His big three priorities in office haven't changed: Enact socialized medicine (or as close to it as he can get past Congress); enact cap-and-trade to destroy cheap energy; and enact card check to re-enable extortion rackets run by union thugs.

                        I defy you to come up with a pro-liberty defense of any one of the three.

                        About the only important pro-freedom positions he's asserted were the intentions to close Gitmo, stop torturing prisoners, and end the war in Afghanistan. He could quite legitimately do the last two of those things, and arguably close Gitmo as well, by executive order, but they haven't happened -- so I doubt he meant it when he said he'd do them.
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      • Posted by Mamaemma 10 years ago
        Palin has plenty of common sense. She is a woman who has earned what she has, unlike Hillary. I admire Palin
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        • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years ago
          In the media, Hillary comes off as *hard-core* politician. I've never met her. The day after I met my wife, I invited her to a non-political Hillary event. By my good luck, my wife had followed Clinton and has some distant ties to her, which I had no idea about, so it worked out amazingly well for me.

          That was huge event. At a smaller political fundraiser event, I remember talking to another high-tech guy while my wife talked Chelsea Clinton. I never met her.

          At another low-cost huge fundraiser for Clinton in late '07, I remember seeing Ron Paul protestors as I walked out. I told them I supported Paul more than Clinton. My wife said if President Obama got the nomination, there'd be Change alright, but it would be DC politics Changing him rather than the other way around.

          It's so unfortunate that I don't think any of these people, except Ron Paul who will not be running, can reduce the size and intrusiveness of gov't. An outsider couldn't do it, and a hardcore politician will be just as bad at it.

          It's a tough problem b/c anyone who gets to the level thinks they are the good/smart guys who will use power wisely. It's hard to get there and then limit president powers. I believe Ron Paul would have though.
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          • Posted by 10 years ago
            Oh no. Hillary is as hard core as a politician can be. She is a conniving liar. A con artist of the ages. And BO is cut from an even more insidious cloth. He is the worst thing that has happened to this country since its founding.

            Don't kid yourself. You found their politics to your liking. Otherwise, why would you have voted for such an unsavory option?!
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            • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years ago
              You apparently have spent more time with them than I have. I litterally haven't even shaken hands with Obama, Paul, or Hillary Clinton. As far as liking their policies, I obviously like some of them if I would vote for them and go to their events. I wouldn't go to someone's event if I thought he were hopeless.

              It seems like they get to that level, and there's a whole multi-million dollar industry of nonsense surrounding them, and apparently raising money for that just sucks them into the system.

              I don't doubt your personal account, but it seems like there are hundreds of narratives about people having positive/crooked interactions with politicians at that level, and people like me only know people in Congress or state gov't. It almost seems like the ads feed that system, which drives away normal people, which makes the dumb ads work, which makes the money needed. Sometimes it makes me think they should have a test for voting, but that solution may be worse than the problem. How do we break free from being dependent on finding a George Washington who will volunteer to reduce the power of the executive branch?
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              • Posted by 10 years ago
                Where did I say I spent time with any of these pieces of garbage? I did grow up directly across the river from DC, worked there, my mother worked on Capitol Hill... I have seen the inner machinations up close, but I would NEVER sully myself by being anywhere near those two vipers. (Bo and Pantsuit). So don't know where you got that from, but I am firmly disabusing you of that notion.
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          • Posted by plusaf 10 years ago
            CG, this is just my opinion based on my own observations and prejudices, but I believe your wife is/was wrong if you quoted her accurately...

            "My wife said if President Obama got the nomination, there'd be Change alright, but it would be DC politics Changing him rather than the other way around. "

            I think O didn't change at ALL after his arrival (ascension) to office in DC. I think he brought that attitude with him and has consistently demonstrated it to anyone and everyone able to see through the veneer.

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            • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years ago
              It could be. Maybe people, or at least some people, at that level bring an attitude.

              She was basing it on her experience defending big tobacco in the 90s, when we both were smart young people who didn't know each other driving very similar junky cars and learning about law/electronics in DC/San Jose (respectively).

              Now we're back home, and we know gov't is problem, but we don't know what to do about it.
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              • Posted by plusaf 10 years ago
                :))))))))... I learned to drive in a 1954 Chevy BelAir and I think I've only owned one 'junky car' that I can recall... I've been very fortunate in lots of ways.

                I stopped defending Big Tobacco, if, in fact I ever defended it, when spokesperson Arthur Godfrey had one lung removed due to lung cancer. His TV program had been sponsored for years by tobacco.

                I have no magic formulae or solutions for 'what to do,' but one hobby I have is to, as often as possible, ask people questions that might make them wonder where they got their beliefs from or who or how or what led them to their 'conclusions' on current Problem Topics.

                I prefer doing this with bright people, and one of my favorites right now is my step-son's elder son. The boy turned 14 last year and is extremely intelligent AND curious, and he likes to ask my opinion on a WIDE variety of subjects.

                Fortunately, I've been interested IN a WIDE variety of subjects during my life so we cover some pretty wide-ranging issues when he asks 'one of his questions.'

                Recently, I've been 'poisoning his mind' by using the Socratic Method of Questioning to investigate whatever issue he's curious about. His parents lean extremely left, relative to me, so I enjoy tremendously asking him questions that his folks might have trouble answering :) .

                One night, after a pizza dinner out with his family and my wife, we got to talking about taxes and government, and he made the grave mistake of saying something he probably picked up from his mom or dad... "the Government pays for...."

                I asked him how the government 'pays' for all the things it does and led him down the path to the realization that The Government Does Not PAY For Anything, but 'merely' collects taxes, skims off part of them for bureaucratic overhead, and then passes the money on to whomever convinces them they 'deserve it.'

                Now, once he gets THAT meme in his head, and I think he did, that may become the filter through which any similar ideas must pass before he gets sucked down some ideological rat hole.

                If that is successful, I will be a very happy camper.
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                • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 12 months ago
                  "I asked him how the government 'pays' for all the things it does and led him down the path to the realization that The Government Does Not PAY For Anything, but 'merely' collects taxes, skims off part of them for bureaucratic overhead, and then passes the money on to whomever convinces them they 'deserve it."
                  The next step is for him to imagine how much time and effort he would logically spend to maintain some program that pays him $100,000. It could be a program for a good cause like defense or cancer research. It's paid for by 100 million families paying an average of 10 cents apiece. How much effort will they put into the program? Multiply that times ten million. Now most people are have some customers getting money from the gov't, but they have to turn over a quarter of what they earn in taxes. Maybe they can lobby the gov't and get a modest tax decrease. It's easier, though, to get local gov't orgs that help people get federal grants to suggest your business, as a local provider, as a place to spend the grant money-- i.e. it's far easier to find a ways to get gov't money than to get them to reduce gov't.

                  I'm not sure how to explain that to a 14 y/o,but he's on his way.
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                  • Posted by plusaf 9 years, 12 months ago
                    Yes, CG, and that can be applied to any and all "worthy" programs.
                    Now, are you arguing for maintaining or expanding any and all such programs for the mysterious "common good" or suggesting, as I am to my 14-year-old grandson, looking at measuring the success rates versus costs?

                    Yes, that's harder (or impossible) to do with pure research into difficult challenges like serious diseases, but even looking at the track records of such efforts might be worthwhile.

                    After all, the original charter of the DOE was to lead the US into energy independence. How should we grade their 'success'?
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                    • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 12 months ago
                      I'm just saying it's easy to start spending taxpayer money and hard to stop. It's easier for a good well-meaning person to lobby for a piece of the pie than to get govt reduced. So govt spending is self-perpetuating, hard to reduce even if most people agree it should be reduced.
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      • Posted by 10 years ago
        I think she is one of the most "real" in the political arena currently. She does not ever hide who she is, and is unafraid to back up what she says. This to me sets her far above her contemporaries. Is she the brightest bulb in the bunch? I don't think so, but she doesn't care, nor does she try to pretend she is something she's not.
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        • Posted by Mamaemma 10 years ago
          I disagree. She's a liar. She is a follower of Saul Alimsky, and pretends she is a good American. She pretends she's not homosexual.
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          • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years ago
            lol Non mooch was talking about Palin...lol
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            • Posted by kathywiso 10 years ago
              Funny, I was reading down this whole thread and when I got to NMA's comment, I thought, she HAS to be talking about Sarah, who I might add, I would love to go hunting with her, she knows how to survive in LIFE..and there isn't another politician I would trust to be around with a rifle..lol... She is a real person and portrays that in every speech. She wants to be free and wants her children and grandchildren to be free...who can say that about this POTUS....absolutely no one who can THINK !!!
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          • Posted by 10 years ago
            Palin, not Hillary, lol! I detest the pantsuit! Bwahahaha
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            • Posted by scojohnson 10 years ago
              I always thought that was the attack-point. Palin always looked hot, nice dress, nice legs... obviously... the Pants Suit queen can't show off the elephant legs, the ass of a pachyderm, or the horse-hooves for feet in toeless 'f*ck-me pumps'.
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              • Posted by $ puzzlelady 10 years ago
                Palin is a former model and beauty queen, Miss Alaska. She knows how to make herself look good. No matter how bad Hillary looks, that is not what she should be judged on but by what is in her mind--her values that inform her policies. Making mean-spirited fun of her appearance is not worthy of people who profess intellectual virtues. It's Hillary's socialist doctrines that are truly ugly. Would you put the whale-blubbered Chris Christie through a beautifying make-over, too?
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                • Posted by scojohnson 10 years ago
                  Chris Christie wouldn't ever be elected (or get the nomination) because:

                  1.) He looks like a walking heart attack

                  2.) He's from the northeast (a 'conservative' from the northeast barely qualifies as a leftist in the west). We don't elect northeast liberals (or conservatives) in the US. They have no idea how to relate to agriculture, manufacturing, shipping/exports, power industry, mining, etc. They always look like a fish out of water.

                  3.) His questionable stance on gun rights alone would toss him out of 30 states.
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                  • Posted by $ blarman 10 years ago
                    Add to that his stance on illegals and his praise of Obama and he's toast. That being said, the Dems would love to see him run to siphon off votes and cash from some of the better candidates.
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                • Posted by scojohnson 10 years ago
                  There is nothing mean-spirited in it. When you have been around as long as I have, your gay-dar and lesbian radar are pretty finely-tuned. I'm usually correct about 90% of the time.

                  Why is this important? Its one thing to be accepting of alternative lifestyles (and I am), its another thing to push it out as the front-man (or woman) of America to the rest of the world.

                  Bill and Hillary have always been a weird marriage of convenience, they both feed on power. If they were really a couple, at any point, there wouldn't be a relationship there now. Its obvious they have always been free to do whatever each of them wants... heck, I'd even question if the kid is really Bill's. Certainly doesn't look like him.

                  Does she resemble Vince Foster?
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                • Posted by scojohnson 10 years ago
                  This is going to be a race for nomination between Jeb Bush (which I think is kind of the underdog when it comes down to it) and Scott Walker. If Scott Walker had a master's degree, he would be a shoe-in, but he left college without finishing and doesn't have military experience... it's a hang up for sure. People like me look down on people that don't "finish" what they start. But I like his policies and viewpoints.
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                  • Posted by Technocracy 10 years ago
                    I don't know if that's necessarily apt sco.

                    Did you look down on Steve Jobs, or Bill Gates for not finishing their degrees?
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                    • Posted by scojohnson 10 years ago
                      They were not running for public office.

                      I'd vote for him, I'm just saying that its the typical swift-boat nuke that is used. He may not make it through the primaries for that reason. Look at how they @ss-raped Bush over his poor grades on his Harvard MBA and Yale undergrad.

                      If the C's in a Harvard MBA program almost sunk him, I would think that a 4-year degree drop-out would be really, really struggling.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 10 years ago
    Just one more lie from the left. Ho Hum. Nothing new there the list of Appearance of Impropriety now adds Groping.

    But not to worry. They are supported by what's left of the women's movement. Remember them? Big time one time until they turned on their sisters.in favor of Bobble's Butt.

    That's not Bobble Biden. The one from the 90's

    Best way to tell what they don't believe is they are saying it. How does a leftie decide how to dis someone?

    They look in the mirror and describe themselves.

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  • Posted by NealS 10 years ago
    What would happen if the president of Boeing, or General Motors did this to some woman, or to a man? I'd venture to say someone might pay a huge fine and go to jail. Why is it that government officials are exempt from sexual harassment laws, amongst other laws? They sure set a poor example. Reminds me of those two thugs with billy clubs standing outside of that polling place, another exemption of disobeying the law.

    Creepy Joe should have been at least punched in the gut or kicked in the lower extremities by her. Of course the administration would then have to figure out how to fire the guy they just hired, and you can be sure they would..
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    • Posted by $ jdg 10 years ago
      They're only immune if the party in power wants them to be immune. Look at how Clarence Thomas was raked over the coals for nothing, while Bill Clinton appears to have "gotten out of jail free" even for forcible rape on Kathleen Willey.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 10 years ago
    The serious question is: How do you trust someone to Defend The Nation as Secretary of Defense when he apparently doesn't have enough balls to defend his own family? How embarassing and demeaning for his wife to learn the job is more important than making her look meaningless. Reminds us of Hillary defending Bill. Think back. Is that what you want for President and Commander In Chief?
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  • Posted by wiggys 10 years ago
    biden is a politician which means he is a dumb ass.
    he does not think therefore when he does all of the dumb things he does he has not idea of what he is doing.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 9 years, 12 months ago
    I agree with the above statement but if he(Biden) touch me like that, Biden would find himself on the ground in a Chin-na Lock and unable to breath from a Dim Mak hit. I'm surprised it hasn't happen to him yet.
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  • Posted by HocusLocus 10 years ago
    Whatever happened to the Ayn-Randian idea that what happens between other mature adults (in this case Biden and Mrs. Carter) is no one's business but theirs, implicitly? With nothing more expected unless someone was clearly under duress (she wasn't).

    Perhaps it was the video camera cataloging their moment to moment behavior... with a whole Internet of haters waiting in the wings to remix and mashup and meme them... that is creepy.

    If this was anything but an Ayn Rand website I would have refrained from commenting.

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    • Posted by 9 years, 12 months ago
      The fact is, it was in public, open to the interpretation and scrutiny of all who attended. He was behaving in a manner clearly inappropriate to the circumstances.

      She showed her superior tact in NOT reacting, thus diffusing what could potentially have been a very ugly, tense situation. I'm sure the Bidens are not on any future guest lists at Carter household.

      It also shows that there is a clear and glaring disconnect in the mind of the VP regarding what is socially acceptable. He is a public figure, the man who would be expected to lead this country, (frightening fact), if something should happen to befall BO. His clear lack of judgement does not bode well for his ability to govern.
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  • Posted by $ Snezzy 10 years ago
    Rajendra Pachauri of the IPCC (UN climate change sales agency) has just resigned under similar difficulty.

    I hope the new Secretary of Defense defends the country better than he defends his wife.
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  • -2
    Posted by flanap 10 years ago
    All of those who are "creeped out" by this behavior need to realize that this is EXPECTED! This Biden guy is getting so much MOJO back in the "clubs" after doing this sort of thing and the husbands and fathers of these women know this is the price they have to pay to play.

    In fact, I am glad it is out in the open now...unfortunately, you cannot even imagine what is happening behind closed doors if this is what they are willing to do in front of the press!

    Prayer for the Lord to bring judgment quickly to help folks see they should repent and accept Jesus Christ's gift of salvation and follow Him is the only Hope.
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