records are set, and records are broken...

Posted by $ winterwind 10 years, 1 month ago to Politics
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There are so many reasons to hate ALL of the Powers That Be in this article that it almost overwhelmed me. But I kept reading, and once I got over the snotty tone, I did growl at the Pelosi spokesbeing's phrase "futile anti-government grandstanding".
My big fat old dictionary defines grandstanding as "an unnecessary play, as in baseball, to gain the applause of the spectators." Yes, I did applaud even the idea of shutting down the Dept of Homeland Security, but it was the very thought, not Boehner's "play", which the article labels irresponsible and uncooperative governance. About time!
"Anti-government?" oh, yeah, you bet. good. Futile? only time will tell that.
So really, what we have here is an instance of someone in thrall to Pelosi actually making a statement which is, for a change, not completely wrong, untidily thought out and stupid.
That's kind of a record, right?

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  • Posted by freedomforall 10 years, 1 month ago
    "government’s largest and most vital agencies "
    Too damn large and too damn alive.
    The republic (using the term loosely) survived and prospered for 227 years without that unconstitutional agency and can easily do so again.
    Republicans will never allow Fatherland Security to be defunded. Boner is a liar or the same caliber as BHO.
    The GOP isn't merely spineless; it's a traitorous enemy of liberty.

    Looters get outta the way!
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