Trends of apathy

Posted by AndreaK 11 years, 10 months ago to Politics
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Apathy, I deem this trait to be one of the worst qualities of man. It’s both the opposite of love and the opposite of hate, and generally the absence of actual thought. Someone who truly puts so little effort into their life that they lack passions or any sort of deep thoughts must be a miserable individual, or a miserable addition to an irrational collective aimlessly following the teachings of one gifted with the art of human manipulation. Ever notice how dictators are able to attain their positions on the platform of ‘free speech’ or ‘minority representation’? No matter how evil it is to try to control one’s rationality, they’re the genius’ in this situation, or at least better than those who can be led so easily. Yes, there is trickery in place, but this comes after years of the public becoming comfortable sacrificing little freedoms and generating little original thought, or dumbing themselves down until they are apathetic and opinion-lacking, what else is left but to follow the only individual with the brains (or the mirage of brains mixed with good intentions) to lead?

Is that what’s occurring in the US? Are we slowly surrendering our rationality for the easy alternative of apathy? Is this why we’re led, for the most part, by charismatic fools?

Just some thoughts I’ve had that I thought I’d share…

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  • Posted by $ Susanne 11 years, 10 months ago
    It's a combination of people being conditioned by each other to seek the lowest common denominator through the messages promulgated by our dotgov and the media, along with a general looter/slacker philosophy of "If they don't have to work that hard, then by gum I don't have to work that hard, so I'll see if I can get away with just less than they do." Add this to the general moral and psycholigical disintegration caused by feeling (a) you have to rip off what you can to stay on top, and (b) the subconscious degration of ones own soul that occurs from living a life that has replaced integrity and honor with corruption, deceit, and dishonesty...

    And if you look at basic news feeds... even those journalists who are the pinnacle of keeping the meaning of words sacrosanct can't even get 5th grade grammar and spelling right; it's not just Typos, but using the wrong word (Write vs Right, or Their for There for They're, etc.) and using the lowest common denominator and grade school vocabulary , easiest combinations of words, using neither intellect nor basic skills to make their story.

    Fortunately for those who wish to rule under the paradigm of the "Cuffy Meigs Plan to Leadership and Domination" it makes their job as easy and effortless as those who make up their populations. All in all, a sad state of affairs.

    What our grandparents worked so hard over the decades to improve for their progeny has been deleted in the matter of years, and not many of those. Is it any wonder no one remembers what Tyranny really is (after all, grammar and spelling, like history, takes *work*, annd who wants to do that when no one else has to?), let alone why we've fought in numerous wars to vanquish it... and why we've gone from a nation that Vanguards to a nation Vanquished.

    I wonder if there were a few Romans a millenium and a half ago that felt this way as well?...
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