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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years ago
    The recent decrease in gold prices violates logic. I have suspected a fix in the Au market for a couple of years now, and had heard rumors of this back in 2012.
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    • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years ago
      If you're right, it can't go on forever. But if over the next three years nominal gold prices in USD stay constant, i.e. fall 8-10% in real terms, doesn't that mean the economy actually is producing goods and services commensurate with the money supply and the heard of investors around the world are not taking a defensive posture?

      I guess my real question what would have to happen in the commodities markets to prove you wrong or right?
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      • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years ago
        The problem with your analysis is that there is no good place right now to store value. Money should flow in the direction where the economy is actually producing goods, but right now it is flowing in the direction of the "least bad" or "least evil" in the private sector, or to the most evil in the government sector. Savers are being punished, while moochers are rewarded.

        You're right. It can't go on forever, but if AR was right in AS, it can go on for a very long time.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 10 years ago
    I predict a patsy and a few fines coming that enrich looters in government and penalize taxpayers who already bailed out the banksters that were fined. Fines will be less than a couple months income for the banksters, and they will continue to operate as before with the blessing of their puppet regulators.
    No one of any stature will get jail time or take blame or responsibility for the devastation they continue to inflict on the sovereign people.
    It will also be used in an attempt to deflect the demand for any action against the fed.
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  • Posted by Technocracy 10 years ago
    I remember when the tech bubble burst very clearly. All the people with stock options kept chanting "the stock has a hard floor, the stock has a hard floor". Struck me as whistling past the graveyard.

    I bailed and informed them they were correct, the stock market does have a hard floor, but that floor is ZERO not some fantasy number in your head that makes you a millionaire with no effort.
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    • Posted by Technocracy 10 years ago
      oops dropped my point in there somewhere. Something's value can be manipulated in either direction.

      Remember the precious metals and currency games in the UK some years back?
      That is how Soros got so wealthy if I recall. If it can be done once it can be done again.

      Drive the price down and buy, then let it rise to sell.
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