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I guess my real question what would have to happen in the commodities markets to prove you wrong or right?
You're right. It can't go on forever, but if AR was right in AS, it can go on for a very long time.
Yes. T-bills are the world's standard for lowest risk and have a negative real yield, which supports your claim.
No one of any stature will get jail time or take blame or responsibility for the devastation they continue to inflict on the sovereign people.
It will also be used in an attempt to deflect the demand for any action against the fed.
I bailed and informed them they were correct, the stock market does have a hard floor, but that floor is ZERO not some fantasy number in your head that makes you a millionaire with no effort.
Remember the precious metals and currency games in the UK some years back?
That is how Soros got so wealthy if I recall. If it can be done once it can be done again.
Drive the price down and buy, then let it rise to sell.