Puerto Rico Lawmakers Debate Fining Parents Of Obese Children

Posted by $ prof611 10 years ago to Legislation
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"If the bill is approved, public school teachers would flag potential obesity cases and report them to social workers and counselors.''
SOURCE URL: http://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/puerto-rico-lawmakers-debate-fining-parents-obese-children-n304571

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  • Posted by peterchunt 10 years ago
    This what you get when the government thinks it has the right to dictate what they would call “for the public good”. First obesity, next free speech or mandate electric cars, prevent sale of cigarettes (as much as I hate them, they are a right of citizens to do as they please with their bodies), maybe try a second attempt to prohibit the sale of booze and of course prevent the sale of guns.
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  • Posted by DennisKebrdle 10 years ago
    LOL, amazing for a couple of reasons. heavy poverty in Puerto Rico--poor people don't have enough to eat do they? it isn't that people are eating wrong, when we were young and poor we ate lots of pasta and potatos. what is wrong is the lack of excercise, gym, recess, runnig around like kids. we should penalize the school people for a lack of excersie stuff! feed them and run them! of course keep the lawsuits out for when the kids fall and skin thier knees!
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    • Posted by plusaf 10 years ago
      But the kids can't run around at school or play on playgrounds Because They Might Get Hurt....
      And why is there So Much Excess Sugar all over the place? Government subsidies have anything to do with it?
      Hey, Moochelle, why not oppose sugar subsidies?
      Oh, hell... SUCH a silly suggestion... Now I'm embarrassed I even brought it up... :(
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  • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years ago
    Curious. Now the Latin American countries are experiencing an obesity epidemic, now that hunger has been obliterated. You can never win.
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    • Posted by strugatsky 10 years ago
      Puerto Rico is the epitome of the US welfare system. Almost everyone is on welfare there. That's why obesity there is even worse than in the States. Looks like we're overfeeding hunger...
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  • Posted by plusaf 10 years ago
    Yeah, Michelle... sure...
    but follow the money, follow the power, follow the Desire To Control Other People first...

    I chose bariatric surgery to help me lose 130 pounds and get down to a healthy weight, but I shed 45 or more of those pounds BEFORE surgery by changing my diet AND 'eating habits.'

    Snoring and sleep apnea... gone. Energy and stamina ... Up. Did I need the surgery? Yes. The 45 pounds would have come back just as they did many times before. My weight is now pretty level at about 172 pounds, down from the 307 when I made the Big Decision two years ago.

    But Moochelle, when you lose YOUR fat butt, maybe then I'll even start to listen to you. Until then, I avoid Control-Freaks, and you've got all the earmarks... just like your 'advisor.'
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  • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years ago
    And if the parents don't do it and don't pay the fine, then what?
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    • Posted by plusaf 10 years ago
      Call in Child Services?

      Funny how all of the alleged 'solutions' they're calling for seem to have a lot of expenses associated with them...

      Oh, silly me... forget that.. "The Government Will Cover Those Costs..."

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      • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years ago
        Of course there is.. throwing money around and at things is what gov does. But really, they should name the end game. It's a threat, but to what end if not complied? Bullies.
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        • Posted by plusaf 10 years ago
          One of my suggestions/wishes/pipe-dreams, too...
          Any law or program created by 'government' shall include 'success milestones and benchmarks' to be measured against; failure to meet the goals leads to automatic sunsetting of the program/law/whatever.

          THAT would clear a lot of crap off the books in DC, dontchathink? :)

          [ps... never happen... the same bozos would have to enact THAT kind of measurement, and I'll bet money it can't/won't ever happen...]
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          • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years ago
            Yeah, that's not conducive to fear mongering and gaining control (their real goal). What they need to do is stay the hell out of other people's lives.
            By the way, the mention of "success and milestones and benchmarks" is what common core is all about. A litany of never ending tests that do more harm than good because it steals learning time. Teaching to the test is not strong learning. And all those hurdles don't work and turn kids into easily herded sheep.
            Also... "programs by the gov" for milestones etc...is also how bocare is operating. Health coaches, pressuring businesses to opt for healthscreenings of their employees. This is some seriously nosy intrusive practices that are being implemented more everyday. Refuse a health screening you get fined, opt for it and you're assigned a monkey on your back you have to answer to about your "progress". Big Brother needs to go die somewhere.
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            • Posted by plusaf 10 years ago
              Nah, I've covered the Teaching To The Test issue elsewhere... somewhere, anyway... it goes like this...

              The Tests are computer-generated under high security from a large inventory of questions that can measure the comprehension and understanding of the students at any grade level and for all subjects.

              The student logs on (iPad style or whatever) to get The Test. The student gets a test unique to that instant in time, but still a fair cross-section of questions to challenge them. There's no sneaking looks at classmates' tests because the questions and/or the order of them are randomized.

              The student answers the questions as best they can, clicks 'submit' when they're done, and the same central location counts the 'right and wrong answers' and outputs a score to the student, the teacher and the parents...

              Algorithms massage the data and indicate the areas, whether generic or specific to that student or the class or everyone who took the test, as to which questions were answered incorrectly and Why, so that the student, teacher and school administration can evaluate how to improve the instruction process.

              I believe that this kind of concept could have been the central concept of Common Core so that All Parents of All Students in the US could gauge how their kids And Their Kids' Schools compared to All Other Schools in the country (or beyond...) as to effectiveness in funneling the information And Thinking Skills into their tykes' minds.

              I've also proposed the concept of using that kind of testing/grading to redesign the entire educational system from an Engineering Point Of View.... actually a sort of kanban concept...
              at http://www.plusaf.com/mydeas.htm#educati...

              I dropped that into a conversation with some neighbors a few years ago and they actually thought it was an interesting idea... and they were highly educated, affluent, successful people in their own rights... one was something like National Sales Manager for the US part of an international corporation.

              Hey, whatever... I'm just a lowly BSEE... what the hell do I know... :)
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 10 years ago
    What's that got to do with the USA. Last I remember PR was listed as a sorta kinda separate country in a vaguely described partnership with the USA. More to the point what are the results of the US Navy's Ethnic Exception regulation on the same subject AND since when were parents given any responsibility? I thought that was the sole province of teachers and social workers.l

    Stranger and stranger.

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    • Posted by $ 10 years ago
      Wha? Please refrain from insulting territories that are associated with the United States. I happen to live in the US Virgin Islands, which is the adjacent territory, and I don't appreciate the slur!

      For those of you who are Objectivists, I posted this as an example of the extent that some people will go to violate our freedom.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 10 years ago
        The term I was searching for is Associated Republic reported by some sources as being the current status while awaiting the possibility of Statehood by Executive Order. However I can find no evidence that this was/is anything more than a position taken by one of the PR political groups.

        Recently they have voted on numerous occasions to petition for status as a State but nothing has happened for various mostly political reasons.

        They have representation in Congress with no vote and may not vote in Presidential elections as an Article 14 Independent Commonwealth Territory of the US. Taxes are paid on income to the PR Government roughly equal to those they would pay if a State of the Union. All of this is constantly changing EXCEPT the loss of income from converting military bases to other uses mostly tourist oriented.

        A seemingly curious point is they may be come US Citizens but upon obtaining Independence may lose that as a group apparently place of residence is not counted.

        Size nor population are an issue as with the other territories. As far as size goes Singapore is quite small although with a huge population and with no natural resources outstrips the US 50 in standard of living. The main attraction for the other territories to remain as such seems to be mostly economic and somewhat cultural.The economy of some was recently described as sun, surf, sea, swimming with most no longer hosting a military presence. PR and Guam the major exceptions to that statement.

        Sadly, VI's refinery operation shut down a few years ago. We used to haul for Hess Oil out of there. I recall getting off work and going diving off the ship in very clean water during off duty hours.

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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 10 years ago
        The messenger has been executed. I don't believe I was in on the change in Puerto Rico's status so I won't take any credit or any blame. Personally I would give USVI and Guam and opportunity to be States, Encouraged American Samoa to rejoin Samoa or the same opportunity. Of all the territories PR is large enough to emerge either as a State or as an Independent Country. Now that viewpoint you can attack I hold the same for the lands of the Original Inhabitants INSTEAD of running what is little more than an apartheid system. What part of that was a slur on USVI escapes me entirely. The continuation of the status quo under a different name is not solving the issue. If size was an issue Rhode Island wouldn't exist. If population was an issue Nevada and Alaska might not exist. If joined together in one land area a requirement Michigan and Hawaii wouldn't exist. So what about our apartheid system for our original inhabitants? Why not Statehood? All certainly larger and more deserving than one federal district which brings military reservations to mind. However all that was back in the old days under the Constitution. Not sure where it would fit in anymore.. So what is the attraction? Fine if you want to remain a territory it seems to work but that word game business with PR could use some objective explanation.

        Which is off track in any case the real question was that Navy Program which I ran into six or seven years ago. It was their answer to Weight Control. But no one was asking if those on it could they comply with their duty requirements during a fire drill.

        There. Now I have done it. You can kill the messenger a dozen times.Truthfully. Can't you imagine USVI as a State? I can.
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  • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 10 years ago
    This scenario is SO twisted...
    Our boys were brought up to make their own lunches to take to school. When our younger son forgot his lunch (for one or two days), the school fed him and then tried to bill me for the meals!
    Although I told the school to "shove it" (though I appreciated the free meals), who would be the responsible party, here? I'm not making him obese...the school is and then they want to report me???
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  • Posted by scojohnson 10 years ago
    Maybe if BO hadn't kicked up the welfare and food stamp rolls to 40 million people, this wouldn't be a problem... (Puerto Ricans are eligible for US benefits). ⅓ of their population gets US government food stamps (as of 2012) and it is probably higher than that now, since they probably figured out it is easy to scam the system and get them. So if you have a debit card with several hundred dollars a month on it that you can only use for food stamps (or I've even seen people buying organic dog food using their EBT cards), then of course its going to be easy to grab all the junk food the kid is begging for and whoops, they are now fat.

    PR is a US territory, they get many of the benefits of a citizen, and include the ability to move to the US without much of a green card problem, but they can't vote for US offices (no electoral votes). I think they do have some limited representation of some kind, but I'm not sure on that.

    They do have to pay taxes to the IRS... but being a poor territory, I highly doubt more is collected from them than what is going in there.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 10 years ago
    They have talked about fining parents in the US as well.Puerto Rico or the mainland US, it is everywhere, the attempt to control. Now way are parents solely responsible, as the schools have the kids for hours, after school programs as well. There is no phys. ed. anymore. My daughter had a teacher who decided the class would learn better if they ate throughout the day, the class gained weight, parents had no say, none that was heeded. This is just another anit-parent legal move to get into the home.
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