Willie Soon. Target of smear, slime, censor, and witchhunt

Posted by Lucky 10 years, 1 month ago to Science
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Willie Soon Is an eminent scientist who has not joined the carbon gravy train.

Soon has published a peer-reviewed paper debunking climate models that predict carbon dioxide will lead to catastrophic global warming.

This is heresy against the great Green religion.
The NY Times springs into action.
An article tells us: he got money for doing work, and to compare with tobacco.
Amounts of money are stated but without context, no mention of amounts received by climate alarmists.
His employer, the Smithsonian in Washington, DC, is mentioned as allowing this scientist to be paid.
(but, NYT Journalist Justin Gillis does not deny getting money from Greenpeace.)


See here for a tribute to Soon from actual scientists.


See also- character assassination is not science

" Where was the outrage when a lead author of an IPCC report was paid by Greenpeace?
Do the puritans of science funding care when GE lobbies for renewables subsidies, or owns parts of media outlets? GE makes $21 billion a year on “Clean Energy”.

" But Justin Gillis and John Schwartz of the New York Times, and Susanne Goldberg of The Guardian don’t worry about these influences and conflicts, instead they are “shocked” when an independent thinker indirectly receives 0.003% of the money dished out by the biggest vested interest in the game. "

Late news-
Head Green Pachauri, resigns to protect his religion.
"For me the protection of Planet Earth, the survival of all species and sustainability of our ecosystems is more than a mission"
SOURCE URL: http://joannenova.com.au/2015/02/ny-times-willie-soon-character-assassination-is-not-science/

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