Obama's positive outcome from negative policies
Posted by Eyecu2 10 years ago to Government
I have been kicking this around in my head for the last few weeks and I think that I see a positive outcome from the myriad mistakes of Obama's foreign policies.
I do not believe, nor have I ever believed, that it is in America's best interest to be the world's police and it looks as if Obama's abysmal foreign policy failures have had an unexpected good side effect in this theater. I have often wished to see America take a less involved role in policing the various things around the world that need policing, both economically and militarily, "boots on the ground." I am thrilled to see headlines like these:
I do think that America needs to have a hand in the fight against ISIS, but I feel it should be more of a blocking access to funds to ISIS and then selling weapons to those opposing ISIS. Yes, I know that we have a questionable history of supplying weapons to groups and then later things change and those that were our friends become our enemies. That's why I suggest selling arms to them and not supplying arms. A fine line but at least we would garner some gain as opposed to just giving them stuff that they may later use against us. As for any direct actions taken by America, I think we should use devastating missile attacks from afar on any identified strongholds as retaliation for any affronts we receive, even something as simple as an insult.
Of course with our current Muslim-in-Chief these are just musing with no hope of actions.
Just my 2 cents worth, your thoughts?
I do not believe, nor have I ever believed, that it is in America's best interest to be the world's police and it looks as if Obama's abysmal foreign policy failures have had an unexpected good side effect in this theater. I have often wished to see America take a less involved role in policing the various things around the world that need policing, both economically and militarily, "boots on the ground." I am thrilled to see headlines like these:
I do think that America needs to have a hand in the fight against ISIS, but I feel it should be more of a blocking access to funds to ISIS and then selling weapons to those opposing ISIS. Yes, I know that we have a questionable history of supplying weapons to groups and then later things change and those that were our friends become our enemies. That's why I suggest selling arms to them and not supplying arms. A fine line but at least we would garner some gain as opposed to just giving them stuff that they may later use against us. As for any direct actions taken by America, I think we should use devastating missile attacks from afar on any identified strongholds as retaliation for any affronts we receive, even something as simple as an insult.
Of course with our current Muslim-in-Chief these are just musing with no hope of actions.
Just my 2 cents worth, your thoughts?
I do not believe that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, but I do believe that the enemy of my enemy can be useful. Additionally I strongly believe that they should clean up their own mess as opposed to us going over there again and again. As things stand now they hate us for going over there and if they hate us for not interfering they still hate us either way and we bleed less.
Yes, I hate that America is failing in our abilities to be the one in Roosevelt's words to "carry a Big Stick." I love that it is not our boys having to do it.