Hi. My name is Tracy
Posted by Tracy 10 years ago to The Gulch: Introductions
I am completely in love with Atlas Shrugged. I want to be Dagny when I grow up and I believe there is no John Galt in this world but believe there should be and wish there were. I think this book should be a mandatory high school read! I am so happy to be in this community. Thank you for allowing me to be here.
You owe us no thank's for "allowing you to be here."
From your intro, I suspect you will exchange value for value and earn your place. :)
Had Rand not written her as she did, I may not have found the guts and integrity to turn from my temporary slog on the dark side and become a Damned Proud Producer. Heck, I even have a railroad calendar on my office wall (currently BNSF - too bad it's not TT!)
Welcome home!