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  • Posted by tkstone 10 years, 1 month ago
    The level of hatred in the comments after the article explains a great deal of what is wrong with is country. Not one drop of a substantial argument just hate and venom. I know little of Ayn Rands personality and really do not care. Right is right regardless of the messenger. Character assassination is they have so they have use the only weapon they have....evil. Reason drives them crazy. Truth sends them screaming. The level of irrationality in our society is almost unanimous. I see no way out of this mess. No one is willing to address reality. We have been too good at kicking the can down the road. No one wants to be the adult and if one tries they are shouted down......I am done now.
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    • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 1 month ago
      "Not one drop of a substantial argument just hate and venom."
      I have never met someone who hates Ayn Rands writing who actually read one of her books and could state, "I didn't like when ABC happened b/c that was saying XYZ."

      So I don't get too upset when people say they hate Rand. They probably heard her books were about supporting fascism but never read them.
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  • Posted by Rocky_Road 10 years ago
    Blown up, it appears that the quote is photo shopped onto the billboard, and the symbol has clearly been 'placed' in the center of the letter 'O". It almost seems to be an attempt to copyright the altered photo, for some reason.
    I think that the entire article is a fake, to stir up some reader activity on the blog.
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  • Posted by $ winterwind 10 years ago
    How can we possibly make the world we want to see when confronted with the kind of vitriolic imbecility demonstrated by comments like those after the billboard post.?
    Never a reason, never an example, never an argument, just "I hate her and everything she stands for".
    and what can we possibly do with them? We obviously can't educate them, can't teach them to think. They're worthless, yet when we build the world we want to see they will still be in it.
    I'm just overcome.
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  • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 1 month ago
    There's some sort of symbol inside the "o" for John that looks like a Boy Scout fleur-dis-lis, but the pixilation makes discernment problematic.

    I find it funny that the first person that they cite as an AS fan is a Satanist. I also found it funny that the last person they identify in the article paid so much attention that they thought the sign referenced John Doe.

    Lastly, Ted Turner was an AS fan? I find that hard to believe. Not impossible, just very difficult, I mean, CG is here...
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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 10 years, 1 month ago
    I love the billboard. The article seemed a little snarky and this comment just made me cringe: A block north of the Galt billboard sits Home Care Plus, a medical equipment supplier. Manager Dawn Portokalis says she once inquired about advertising on the billboard and received a quote of $8,000 a month. The amount puzzled her, just like the billboard’s message. “I’ve never researched who John Doe is!” she says. —Jake Malooley
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