Brenda Battle Jordan
Posted by bbjordan 10 years ago to The Gulch: Introductions
I have the " Atlas Shrugged " Who Is John Galt"? DVD, I Attended A Course, From , Dr. Yaron Brook, About Ayn Rand..and her fight to limit Government, I have many books about Ayn Rand, I'am following the Ayn Rand Institute, Student programs. On my own.. Iam in the educational system... Pass teacher, now as a school board member, I am the Dean of the board of ed, my husband and I sit on the Genesee County Republican Executive Committee,[ ]...Ayn Rand, I had the opportunity to sit in on a review of ,Who Is John Galt?..With my Facebook friend, Harmon Kaslow, the producer of the movie, how cool is that? .( (,) .I hope that you can see my YouTube video..keep up the good work, Ken and Brenda Battle Jordan..810-787-1985,( )
As you probably learned from Atlas Shrugged, producers are valued, and no more so than here in the Gulch. But producing is more than just paying a fee to be a member, it means contributing - in whatever way you are comfortable with, of course.
or am I missing something vital?
I am now, one of the Directors of Galt's Gulch.. Wow..thanks. Brenda Battle Jordan..
Galt's Gulch is the Official Atlas Shrugged Movie forum - a community of like-minded individuals who come together regularly to share ideas, and debate politics, economics, philosophy and more.
I think you mean "Producers." Welcome to the Gulch Brenda.
Brenda Battle Jordan, Is A NEW: Galt's Gulch Members Directory PUBLIC BETA - Galt's Gulch
Galt's Gulch.....
Welcome to Galt's Gulch, the official Atlas Shrugged Movie 'Collective.' Galt's Gulch is a community of like-minded individuals who discuss Ayn Rand's ideas and more.
Brenda Battle Jordan, who is John Galt?
In the past 6 years, I’ve asked myself that a lot. Under the Obama presidency, our economy is struggling to create jobs. DC regulations are making it harder and harder for our economy to grow. The Constitution is under attack from radical progressives.
That’s why Ayn Rand’s story “Atlas Shrugged” is more important than ever. It’s a story about how big government crushes the American Dream and why we must reject Washington’s overreach.
The concluding part to the epic Atlas Shrugged movie trilogy has just been released in a special FreedomWorks Edition. “Atlas Shrugged Part III – Who is John Galt?” portrays just what happens when individuals reject government tyranny and fight for their freedom.
You can get your copy of “Atlas Shrugged Part III – Who is John Galt” right now. The FreedomWorks 2-disc special edition includes features that you can’t buy in stores, including a special commentary from FreedomWorks President Matt Kibbe.
In the age of Obama, few stories are as important as “Atlas Shrugged.” Make sure you buy the DVD today!
In Liberty,
Adam Brandon
Executive Vice President, FreedomWorks
Who Is John Galt Ask the Atlas Shrugged Movie Producer,Are you an Ayn Rand fan? Or maybe you’ve heard of her, but want to know what all the hype is about. The third Atlas Shrugged film will be released in movie theaters this week. And Watchdog Wire is hosting an exclusive webinar with the Atlas Shrugged film producer, Harmon Kaslow, on Wednesday, Sept. 10 at 2:00pm ET. We will have a Q&A session where you can ask Harmon about making the movie and how its philosophical lessons apply to today’s modern politics...
As the parent or legal guardian of ___________________________(child’s
full name), having the fundamental and legal right to direct the
upbringing and education of this child, I hereby respectfully and
formally demand that this child:
[_] be placed in a classroom that will not be using the Common Core State
[_] be placed in a classroom that provides explicit example-based
instruction, guided practice, and independent practice to reinforce
the learning.
[_] not be administered any assessment related to the Common Core State
[_] not be administered any assessment involving the use any computer or
electronic device.
Keep this demand on file in my child’s cumulative folder.
I further request:
that this school avoid enabling or otherwise lending legitimacy to the
usurpation by the federal government of power regarding education,
which power the tenth amendment to the Constitution of the United
States of America denies to the federal government and gives to the
states and the people.
that the adoption by this school of any part of the Common Core State
Standards be preceded by disclosure, to the parents or legal
guardian(s) of all students, of a true and honest accounting of any
and all direct and indirect costs related to the adoption and
implementation of the Common Core State Standards and all related
that any expenditure by this school for anything related to or supporting
the adoption and implementation of the Common Core State Standards
or related assessments, professional development for teachers and
administrators, or CCSS-aligned instructional materials, be preceded
by approval from a majority of the taxpayers of the school district.
that this school avoid disclosing to the state longitudinal data system,
or to any other state or federal or private entity whatsoever, any
child-specific data or information, without prior full disclosure to
and approval from the parent or legal guardian of the child, of the
data and information to be disclosed, how and to whom it is to be
disclosed, and how it is to be used.
Child’s name___________________________ Grade Level_________
Parent’s name___________________
Parent’s signature__________________________ Date___________
School Name_____________________________
School District_____________________________ School Year_________
lkaneshiki says
MARCH 18, 2013 AT 1:21 PM
Home Schooler's will not be able to opt out of Common Core unless you are not college-bound, because there is going to be a college entrance exam based on Common Core.
Monday says
MARCH 26, 2013 AT 11:12 PM
College is not the end-all be-all of a persons life or career. There are other ways to succeed.