Happy 110th birthday Miss Rand

Posted by $ JohnAglialoro 10 years, 1 month ago to Government
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Benjamin Franklin provided the answer to a question upon exiting the Constitutional Convention so many years ago... he was asked by a group of citizens what sort of government the delegates had just created.

His answer was, "A republic, if you can keep it."

Ayn Rand's philosophic wisdom gave us the means to KEEP our Country upon the principles of its founding.

Now it is up to us to do just that.

Happy 110th birthday Miss Rand.

John Aglialoro
Producer, Atlas Shrugged

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    Posted by JoleneMartens1982 10 years, 1 month ago
    I have been so lost and confused for 32 years. I just didn't understand why I was so different, why I cared and no one else did. I just wandered seeking answers and finding none. After reading this book, it now makes sense, I am proud of my achievements and I desire more because I should. This book trained my mind to understand what is wrong, and that it isn't me. I really am doing the right thing by striving to be all that I can be, by working so hard on even the little things, and by making every breath I take count! Thank you Ayn Rand, your birthday should be a holiday, and on here, it is!!!
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 10 years, 1 month ago
    Retired military. I spoke with an active duty senior commissioned officer the other day and asked, "When is the military going to uphold it's oath of office? "Do you think the country and the people are worth the effort?" "No but upholding my oath of office takes precedence. It's a legal counter revolution. Doing nothing is not an option. People can be educated. Think about it. Re-read the oath and choose a side."

    Then ensued a good conversation and people can be educated or re-educated.

    Worth the effort.

    I celebrated by giving out my 110th copy of AS.


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  • Posted by $ allosaur 10 years, 1 month ago
    I lived almost all of my 67 years ignorant of Ayn Rand until those movies came out with their intriguing promotions.
    A couple of months ago I w watched The Fountainhead and wondered how that Gary Cooper movie got by me.
    Anyway, I've come to deeply appreciate the philosophy of Ayn Rand as well as this board,
    Happy birthday, Ayn. Wish I had discovered you during the 70s
    The 60s? I was too power to the sheeple counter-culture lib-tarded and PO'd over Vietnam.
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  • Posted by term2 10 years, 1 month ago
    I read that on the average a civilization lasts 250 years before it becomes corrupted and loses the things that made it great. That seems to be about on target for the USA. The founding fathers did a pretty good job of gaining freedom for THEMSELVES and THEIR religion.. However the early history of the USA was in clear violation of the very constitution they wrote. Ask the Indians, the Mexicans, the Mormons, etc. Contained in the constitution were the very things that would bring it down- mainly a lack of sanctity of private property. We see every day now the taking of money from one group to give to another more politically favored group. Even Ayn Rands disciple (Alan Greenspan) became a statist and turned on his Randian roots once he got the power of the FED. It would be nice to think that we could educate people to appreciate capitalism, but I dont think this is the way it works. It will take collapse, as Rand predicted would happen, to change things.
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  • Posted by RanScott 10 years, 1 month ago
    Perfectly written! Thank You, John, for your excellent adaptation of "Atlas Shrugged" for the silver screen! Happy Birthday, Ayn Rand - "Atlas Shrugged" was published two years before I was born, but I thank G'd for the opportunity to see the films and read your exceptional work! Now, if only enough Americans will wake up...
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    • Posted by Riddler 10 years, 1 month ago
      I recently bought the triple set of DVDs, trying to figure out why all three Parts had totally different cast playing all the key characters. Disappointed in that approach, but actually each cast did pretty well- probably better to stick with first group, though. Curious to know- why not??
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      • Posted by $ winterwind 10 years, 1 month ago
        I don't remember exactly where this is discussed, so I'll take the short route: it costs money to get actors to promise to be in a movie 2 years from now [especially if you don't have the money for it yet]. It costs MORE money to ask them to sign up for 2 movies, with the same conditions. The took other jobs - some weren't available, some didn't have the right look with members of the new cast. It's a fact of the movie business - actors cost money.

        Given that, watch them some more, thin about the story and especially what points they get across, and see if the cast change is still the first thing on your mind. Bet it won't be.
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  • Posted by Nyanard 10 years, 1 month ago
    My life has been an Ayn Rand novel with a purpose. The Barry Academy students delved into ANTHEM and I used it in communication classes at the community college level as a starting point to further reading of her works. I had the pleasure of hearing her address to the business community in New Orleans when I was on the chamber board and shall never forget her strong warnings that have come to pass. Atlas Shrugged has been my inspiration for 47 years as an educator, having used my retirement funds to support my school research. Rand lives through multi-thousands of my past students who join me in this Happy Birthday greeting.
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  • Posted by johnpe1 10 years, 1 month ago
    Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum, a.k.a. AR, gave
    the world as much in terms of clarity about healthy
    human nature as Einstein gave us in physics;
    her excellence continues to inspire us!!! -- j

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  • Posted by term2 10 years, 1 month ago
    The only way socialism dies is when civilization collapses. This is what happened in Atlas Shrugged, and its what will have to happen in Venezuela, Russia, and in the USA
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  • Posted by Zero 10 years, 1 month ago
    I always loved Ground Hog Day. My favorite holiday - of those that didn't give me presents or candy.

    Imagine my delight, many years later, to find it was Her birthday.

    Long past knowing or caring, I'm sure, but Happy Birthday anyway Miss Rand.

    I thank god for you every day.
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  • Posted by gerstj 10 years, 1 month ago
    The US is in dire need of a revolution against a dependency culture. Ayn Rand's birthday could well be the date that such a revolution begins.
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  • Posted by Tpalermo 10 years, 1 month ago
    I didn't know that 2/2 was Ms. Rand's birthday, but how fitting that she shares the spotlight with that other harbinger of things to come...Pauxatawny Phil! It's not 'Groundhog Day' for me anymore, it's Ayn Rand Day...
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 10 years, 1 month ago
    I want to get back in to the site. I didn't get to answer the question "Tell us about yourself."
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    • Posted by sdesapio 10 years, 1 month ago
      Hi Liberty. Click on "Submit Post" in the upper right-hand corner, put your name in the Title field, tell us about yourself in the Notes field, pick "The Gulch: Introductions" as the category, and then submit the form.
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  • Posted by jbrown314 10 years, 1 month ago
    Happy B-Day Ayn - I am honored to say that you taught me the things being hidden by the US government. Your geneous 70 years ago is overlooked today by all the takers...
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