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  • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 10 years ago
    This is just jingoism. I saw this 30 years ago when Ross Perot's EDS came into General Motors and GM employees in the UAW were being "forced" to train non-union EDS employees who did not understand factory production.

    Really, none of the Southern California Edison employees is being "forced." No one is being held at gun-point. They are free to quit. Heck, they are free to deliver misinformation and disinformation…

    That all being as it is, so what if the new employees come from India or Indiana? The jingoism is that only red-blooded Americans are qualified to hold these jobs; and that is just nonsense.

    Moreover, what if Southern California Edison employees were complaining because the government monopoly jobs that were protected by regulation were threatened by a new invention that drew electricity from the atmosphere?

    The bottom line is that ONLY A SLAVE is guaranteed a job.
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    • Posted by frodo_b 10 years ago
      I think you miss the point of the article. The companies are bringing in foreign workers *on H-1B visas* Those visas are supposed to be granted to foreign workers who are coming in to jobs because there are no citizens who can do the job. Obviously, there are citizens who can do the job since they’re training their replacements.

      I’m ambivalent about the actual situation, though. In theory, a business should be allowed to hire whomever they choose and pay them whatever the two parties agree on. But we don’t live in that theoretical world and I think allowing those companies to do that is the wrong way to start moving towards that ideal world.
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      • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 10 years ago
        I agree. I got stuck on the H1-B thing, also. But I have worked side-by-side with H1-B imports in roomful of native products. We agree that businesses should be allowed to hire whomever they please. We agree, also, that this is an example of "some animals are more equal." Some companies get to flaunt the rules. In this case, it is a public utility, no surprise.
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