Liberal budget "math"
Posted by Robbie53024 10 years ago to Government
They keep promising that the budget deficits will decrease, yet they keep spending more, year after year.
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- 2Posted by Ben_C 10 years agoSomething about "fuzzy math" comes to mind. While we have great discussions and debate about time/space/and the origins of the universe one paradygm remains constant - the Federal Government is made up of liars. I don't believe anything said by a politician on either side until it is verified ad naseum by disinterested third parties.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
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- 0Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years agoDeficit was in the 400s billions, on track to decrease very slightly. President Obama proposes a budget with deficit in the 500s. This is not the Change people want. It seems like they're ignoring a serious problem because it's not a crisis at this moment. If we keep it up it WILL be a mini-crisis. It seems like President Obama does not take this seriously.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|