Pelosi, as incomprehensible as ever
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 9 years, 11 months ago to Government
My brain hurts after reading these. Take something before you read... Tequila, bourbon, a nice dark rum or some wine might stave off the worst pain...
Jan, scared away
....Of course it could be both
uttered on the days she's let out from the
"Some people die at 25 and aren't buried until 75."
Benjamin Franklin
Didn't help; my brain hurts too.
Her rant kind of goes with Elizabeth Warren's nonsense - "You didn't build your business, We built your business". Yeah, that's why 'everyone' is cut out to be a business founder/owner.
The Dems absolutely promote class warfare... if not, 'tax everyone' to pay for freebies... not "tax the rich" (but never define what 'rich' is to them).
Dems have done nothing for energy policy... that's been the brute force of American capitalism, and the market price which made it profitable to extract from other sources in the US (and is no longer the case now). If it was government policy, we wouldn't be seeing every broker in New York spam-dialing people to sell them oil wells right now (I had to start blocking numbers it was so bad with 10+ calls a day). It costs $70 / barrel to extract oil from shale, and at a sell-value of $50 / barrel, everyone is scrambling for a chair... that will cap again, will she take the heat for that?
I agree with her on #10. That's it. No wonder I'm a Republican.
I'm so happy Boehner took away her Boeing 767 that taxpayers funded so she wouldn't have to 'refuel' on her cross country trips out of 'terrorism threats while on the ground in Kansas'. She still owes the Air Force hundreds of thousands of dollars in booze consumed on-board that she never paid for... actually...
I can't stand these people... (and a lot of Republicans are shady too)... but I kinda think Paul Ryan might be a decent guy. At least he's not in Neverland about the state of our finances.
I need a glass of wine now..
To what debate is she referring? The State’s role in the med/drug insurance biz? I’ve not seen that Repub/Dem makes much difference on that issue. They only debate about how much & in what details the state will intervene ‘twixt we subjects and our suppliers of chemicals and medical care, not whether the State has any business meddling & dictating in our lives.
Ah what the hey. Why not? The good comrade has no doubt heard worse since the days of working for Jiffy.
I submit itt makes far more sense than being a right on target of Carlinesque humor.
#1 - Makes no sense at all to me. Strongly disagree.
#2 - I agree with Pelosi.
#3 - I strongly disagree with Pelosi.
#4 - True, but it wasn't just Democrats and it wasn't a wholy good thing.
#5 - I don't know. It could be partly true.
#6 - I don't begrudge anyone's success, but many people do.
#7 - Simplistic. I disagree with Pelosi.
#8 - She's just putting forward the bogus left/right ideological conflict narrative. What she's saying is wrong.
#9 - I agree with Pelosi.
#10 - I agree with Pelosi.
I'm in about 40% agreement with her on these points. So she's shooting par considering the quotes are from an article critical of her.