What good is solving the issue of energy without a clue of business or political sense in a good old boy system. You need a rich Altruist or a group of Altruists so you dont drown and lose everything to liars cheats and theives.
Posted by deleted 11 years, 3 months ago to Technology
I'm like the library of Alexandria. I am getting burned out and its a pity there is none to run in and grab what they can to preserve it.
1. SBIR/STTR means that those contracts were govt paid. OWNED. the govt has interest in the property right. this is not insidious. The inventor is being paid to research.
2. begging for a modest fortune. this is not a good game plan gavastardis. value for value.
3. "rich people" successful business people understand the risks/rewards in whatever deal they are looking to make. It is not coercion if an inventor settles. It is choice given the circumstances
4.My job is to deal with inventors. Altruism is an inefficient "hope" some inventors pine for. It rarely puts food on the table OR technology in humanity's hands
1.30 years backlog is insidious. The gap leads to dictatorships and loss of freedom in any society not just ours. That is historical. That is not up for debate. the Phalanx, siege weapons, etc lead to others falling to tyranny. Now can you show me an example of an individual who got in to a good contract with the SBIR/STTR? Show me how or who did and I will learn to do it and would welcome with wide open arms the absolute honor and privilege to be proven wrong, for that would be an opportunity found and to be learned!
2. A modest fortune is all I need, the rest is up for grabs to those who want it. (the carrot / incentive) Common business practice to incentivize a win win and not a winner take all and to get what I want that is within reason and to my satisfaction not someone else's belief that they need to get it all.
3. I see money still defines success and not how you got there. So cliché, Its the very reason why we suffer with non producers controlling progress with an anchor to protect their old interests and not move forward. I would quote the core of story in this web site for that but strip the money part. It is an error to say the wealthy make progress. That may have been true back then but not today. The whole mindset of humanity has shifted. We don't believe in the golden rules anymore like we used to.
4 the "Inefficient hope" is how we survived as a species through devastating environments and voracious predators. That made us top of the food chain and able bring down mastodons for lunch and make lions think twice before making us lunch. It lead to humanity conquering the planet. It is still the driving force of progress even when the only devastating environment left to conquer and predator to be vanquished is now the cancerous black hole thoughts in humans. The altruists are the ones who gave the privilege and the ability to scrap around for that food on the table or someone greedy enough would have perpetuated the feudal society we so recently escaped and not a working republic or democracy. Lets use an example of inventor altruist and results: Was polio initially eradicated through greed? or an altruist researcher? I have to concede that the invention lead to the medical industry losing massive amounts of money for a short time and then came in the greedy to eradicate "cures" in place of medical "maintenance". They believe cures are not profitable endeavors. I cant imagine that attitude eradicated polio. It also wasn't greed that created freedom. Feudalism is the greed game. Republics and democracies come from altruists and such persuasion and the freedom to be an entrepreneur.
One thing though I see in this forum is that altruism or greed is not fully defined. One persons greedy is actually an entrepreneur and not really an Ebenezer Scrooge. So we need to define what we are saying within those contexts. Same as one persons Altruist could be a modern Union activist or an old time Union activist for they are 180 degrees different today. One fought not to die at work and the other not to work at all. Guess I started rambling :-)
2. Greed and altruism: Ayn Rand's philosophical definition of altruism-you must "sacrifice" yourself to the state, God, anybody who comes along with a need.
Greed. You're right, we do not normally define the term greed in here. It is not a broad philosophical concept. It is considered a vice by many. Pursuing one's rational self interest is NOT greed. If I proposed a definition- Anyone willing to sacrifice others' natural rights for their material gain.
The only other definition I can think of would be aggressively pursuing something past the point of rational self interest. Avarice
Well you tell me. Lets think about this for a moment. If someone found the holy grail of free energy or near free energy what or how would vested interests react and where do these interests live and work? would that be held up? Why would it? or why wouldn't it? I can think of many scenarios where I wind up, dead in a goo lag or on a pedestal. Either of these is a viable end and either is scary to me but one is preferred over the other.
I don't have a PHD but my resume is that as a child my science year books were my comic books. I am a Physics major drop out who never finished. A whole line of tragedies are between then and now that would make a great movie leading up to this point in life including so many occupational near death experiences in the military.
This is just a simple thing. I studied a plethora of scientists as a hobby and their opinions and then I combined ideas while reading a wiki page on magnetism. A eureka moment happened.
I am just reaching out for help. The goal is a scenario where I don't get left out or wind up like Tesla penniless and in debt with such a discovery in hand. If you can direct me or join with me to produce my second prototype the rest will just be history that will make itself. I am willing to set up a conference call or a meeting with my patent attorney and just get moving on it. I need to make that second prototype out of materials that wont fly apart. Wood and glue last about 30 seconds before it winds up and busts out a window. I need a real composite prototype. They cost almost 20k when done right. That's my hurdle.
Oh, the only thing I wanted to claim on the greed and altruism definitions is that I don't fit any of those definitions at least in self observation. I am looking out for family though, just not in an extreme.
have read the posts by the individual who stated this topic several times.
It appears the author is "implyng" that he has discovered or developed an energey source that will provide unlimited energy at a very low cost.
All he needs is an Altruist to make him a trillionaire.
What is wong with this pictue?
Who is John Galt?