Think Like Thomas Jefferson Do

Posted by exindigo 11 years, 3 months ago to Government
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I know liberals like to quote Jefferson to support all their nefarious causes but he was actually quite a conservative thinker. He had an inherent distrust of organized bodies and that included governments and church hierarchy. Here are some quotes from Jefferson that seem apt now:

"The whole art of government consists in the art of being honest." we are now being led by the biggest group of liars and opportunists in our history. Neville Chamberlain is dancing in his grave over the misdirected "negotiations" carried out by Kerry and the Iranians. What a colossal joke on us from a feckless crew of miscreants.

"Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost." While publishers have always slanted the press, there was a tradition of exposing corruption and harsh government criticism. With the current administration, the press corps is more like Pravda than a free press. Now news is generated from government press releases to the press pool who then disseminate the government line to the people. Investigative journalism into government wrongdoing does not exist and we may never see it again.

"When the representative body have lost the confidence of their constituents, when they have notoriously made sale of their most valuable rights, when they have assumed to themselves powers which the people never put into their hands, then indeed their continuing in office becomes dangerous to the state, and calls for an exercise in the power of dissolution." Folks, we have hit that point. Nothing else need be said.

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  • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 3 months ago
    "Investigative journalism into government wrongdoing does not exist and we may never see it again. "

    I disagree. Michelle Malkin, Steven Crowder, O'Keefe and his Veritas videos, and a host of others are investigating government wrongdoing; it's how we *know* we're now being led by a group of liars and opportunists.
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    • Posted by 11 years, 3 months ago
      I think we know they are liars and opportunists because they are in office. Career politicians from either party should be suspected of abusing the office by everyone. Investigative reporting is dead. There are some gadflies but real in depth exposes are few and far between. Where Snowden should be lauded, he is vilified. Government press releases should be completely disregarded by the press and the opposite of what is "put out" by the propaganda machine that is government should be reported. If the government says it, it's probably a lie to further ideology, period.

      Twenty-four seven news has done more to destroy the flow of information that any other factor. Reporters are lazy and cater to market share and core supporters. MSNBC is a p;rime example of a "Government or statist press" but newspapers looking to get advertising dollars and cable/network news looking to get market share both temper messages to fit audience. But that is not investigative reporting. The pair who exposed /acorn was investigative and well done and they were attacked by the rest of the press as if the duo were traitors. It was disgusting. And what happened? Acorn is still in business and the fired people were hired back. The people you mentioned with the possible exception of O'keefe in some of his ventures, have an ideology too and it is the promotion of government doing what so-called conservatives want. But for the life of me, the word Conservative, which I always thought meant people who want to conserve the constitution, has taken on meanings that baffle me. Hannity is a self-professed "conservative" yet I find his ideas reactionary and myopic at best.
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  • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years, 3 months ago
    Well....I think something else does need to be said. How do we go about dissoluting... and prior to that how do we get others to SEE that THAT is what needs to be done???
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    • Posted by 11 years, 3 months ago
      Krishamurti was an outstanding philosopher. One of the major points he made was that one cannot change anything without understanding coming first. There is always oppression and suppression which are the tools of governments. But even oppressive, corrupt governments can change if they lose support of the people. The Soviet Union collapsed after the people gave up on the whole socialist agenda to a degree.

      I'm not suggesting anything happen in a day, month or year and I know anything I write here is pretty much preaching to the choir. But maybe my small missive above can spur some reader to pass it on and it can gain legs of it's own and get people thinking outside of their own limited sphere. Nobody ever said awareness and change are easy. Any endeavor to open eyes is fraught with pitfalls.

      One thing we can do is write our representatives and let them know they are receiving a vote of no confidence from us and each of us represents a constituency of like minded people.
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