The last Code Talker WWII veteran dies
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 10 years, 1 month ago to News
This was sad to read. These men were instrumental in shutting down the ability of the Japanese to decipher our military's coded communications. It is the closing of a chapter in a history that is fading from the minds of the younger generations. That to me is a terrible tragedy.
The History Channel also did a documentary about these WWII heroes.
God speed to the final survivor....
Hi stranger! :-)
Interestingly, there are only five major clans in the Navajo nation.
When I went on a several hour canyon tour in northern Arizona, my tour guide was a cousin who knew my student.
I've seen enough of Watter's World to be convinced of that.
Our future is in the voting hands of ignorant children.
They are the next generation lambs of sheeple.
They are blissful Eloi who await the Morlocks.
Look for Obama in the link--
I am sorry the gentleman is gone.
sanskrit, no one could translate it if it were spoken.
it's twisty logic;;; I know. -- j
Jan, sometimes not too bright
the fog, daily -- and Thank You Much!!! -- j
Jan, flattered and preening
complex. . . what ever became of plain old privacy? -- j
Another sink hole for money.
That privacy protection is, for all practical purposes, gone now that the IRS has complete access to our records.
This one is another lesson in the value of diversity, and I don't mean hiring and not offending minorities in the workplace.
I took great pleasure every year in my self-evaluation, describing real reasons this is important, for example: diversity of problem solving approaches to help ensure objectivity; getting electric and mechanical engineers to identify system design approaches, etc. Separately I'd argue with HR that, if this had to do with race/gender, the score must be middling, and any other would be detrimental to the company. That generated some interesting discussions. Another small act of defiance, supporting my jousting at windmills moniker. Since my boss disliked this category as well, it went smoothly. That silly category is now gone, along with the corporate HR staff supporting it, even though we went from Republican to Democrat as the CEO!
Whenever my wife and I are in a restaurant and I see a WWII vet eating, I pick up their tab. In appreciation for what they went through.
I couldn't tell.... ;-)
the tradition of wonderful members of the u.s. -- hooray!!! -- j