Colorado to California: Hands off our water

Posted by etharris 10 years ago to Politics
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"Under Eklund, Colorado is drawing up a water plan for the state. The draft, which has been presented to Hickenlooper, calls for Colorado to save for the future. It would keep its legal share of the 1922 Compact allotment, rather than spread the wealth."

What a novel idea in a liberal state...


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  • Posted by $ winterwind 10 years ago
    California has a long coastline. On one side is water - salty, but water. On the other side is land. Doesn't it make sense to anyone that some of the water be magically mutated [or desalinated] from salt to fresh, so that it can be used by humans? It will eventually run back into the ocean anyway.
    Maybe they have never heard of this idea. Maybe desalination plants, which work in the Middle East, do not work in California. jus' wondering..

    P.S. only some parts of Colorado are liberal - the Front Range, which has the big cities can be quite liberal. The People's Republic of Boulder is... hopeless. The rest of the state has a variety of non-liberal vioepoints. Mountain areas [not ski areas, which have to be "de-liberalized" after every season] are quite "just leave us A-lone, willya?"
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    • Posted by Lucky 10 years ago
      winterwind is correct- desal water is used in many places.
      There is one big problem, if you are used to someone else paying for your water then paying for desal will not appeal, it is pricey.
      The solution to the water problem is the market. As much of it at whatever quality you want can be provided. A couple of nuclear power stations, or (heaven forbid) eliminating the stupid restrictions on frakking, will provide the energy to desal all California's water needs.
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      • Posted by 10 years ago
        Its Cali, though, so literally everything logical that you just mentioned is off the table :D. Well said, though. All those options would also drive down energy (living) costs in that state too.
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    • Posted by 10 years ago
      Trust me the same thought was running through my head as I read it. Lefty MO is to "mooch" however, so it's not surprising to me that they haven't mass-implemented de-salinization. They're probably worried they'll take all the water from the fish *sigh*. Anyways, I continue to hear mixed reviews on Colorado, which further instigates my desire to visit it... Thanks for your viewpoint/input on it :)
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      • Posted by $ winterwind 10 years ago
        Let me know if you'd like to know some places to visit &/or some guided tours. I can show you the highest airport in the U.S.! I can show you the step on the Capitol Building which shows the exact elevation of one mile above sea level! I can take you to a place where it feels like a frigid wind breezes gently right through you, and you can see forever and almost fly. If you want to eat the best Mexican food in Colorado, I cannot help you.
        almost any time!
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