Meet Bloomberg’s Latest Idiot: Shobhana Chandra On Why Falling Prices Cause Hungry People To Starve
From the article by David Stockman:
Did the Onion hack Bloomberg’s website? Or perhaps it was Charlie Hebdo and The Strawman Collective. Surely only a prankster could write the following with a straight face:
On the surface, everything getting cheaper sounds like a dream come true. It’s not. The prospect is so terrifying that it’s prompted central bankers around the industrialized world to pour trillions of dollars into their economies to prevent a sustained drop in prices.
That’s right, one Shobhana Chandra—–apparently an unpaid Bloomberg intern who snuck one by the night editor—finds honest money to be “terrifying”.
Did the Onion hack Bloomberg’s website? Or perhaps it was Charlie Hebdo and The Strawman Collective. Surely only a prankster could write the following with a straight face:
On the surface, everything getting cheaper sounds like a dream come true. It’s not. The prospect is so terrifying that it’s prompted central bankers around the industrialized world to pour trillions of dollars into their economies to prevent a sustained drop in prices.
That’s right, one Shobhana Chandra—–apparently an unpaid Bloomberg intern who snuck one by the night editor—finds honest money to be “terrifying”.