Hello fellow Shruggers!

Posted by AndreaK 11 years, 6 months ago to Culture
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Can't tell you guys how refreshing it is to stumble across this site. Unfortunately, as a college student, I've been forced to listen to nonsense by professors claiming that raising taxes is the sole method to stimulate the economy (economics class too mind you). Also, my professors who believe that, as a working class American, I OWE something to those draining the system by funding governmental programs to those who don't work for themselves. And alas, when I state my opinion using logic and facts I am called a bigot, hateful, or selfish (the 3rd term I can handle). So there's the end of my short rant, I'll be glad to join this little community if you'll have me! Any shruggers in Michigan??

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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 11 years, 6 months ago
    Greetings Andrea,
    I am in Mi. You are not alone. You are outnumbered where you are, but you have reality, reason and history on your side. Ask your professor for fifty dollars. Tell him if others have the right to demand money from you, then you have the right to demand it of others. Scratch that... It isn’t polite to antagonize the simple.
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    • Posted by 11 years, 6 months ago
      Glad I have a fellow Michigander here! Normally I just keep my mouth shut because my professors have NO clue what I'm talking about, but I convinced one to assign some Rand essays from the Virtue of Selfishness, and then he read the whole book! It's all in the little victories here.
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  • Posted by Non_mooching_artist 11 years, 6 months ago
    Your economics prof said raising taxes stimulates the economy? Huh... I guess if you're one of the moochers ít would. None of those in here thankfully, so I think you'll find it refreshing to your mind, I'm sure! Welcome, and enjoy!
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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 11 years, 6 months ago
    You need to transfer to the college in Florida that requires Atlas Shrugged in the econ class.

    Really tick off the prof and carry a copy of Atlas Shrugged into class and selfishly sit in the front row. Of course your grade will suffer but his reaction would be priceless.
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    • Posted by 11 years, 6 months ago
      I did see the article on FGCU, now I have more to cheer for them then them being the underestimated team in the NCAA! Fortunately though, I'm graduating in 9 short credits, but then jobs and Grad schools will be in the picture instead!
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  • Posted by MrSelfish 11 years, 6 months ago
    Progressives frequently do poorly in debates when they are forced to deal with facts. They will often attempt to discredit facts they can not otherwise dispute by attacking the messenger's integrity or morality. The classic example is Gore Vidal's common use of this tactic and his well deserved eviseration by William F. Buckley.

    Any Rand identifies and analyzes this leftist tactic and explains how to deal with it in 'The Virtue of Selfishness' in the chapter entitled 'The Argument From Intimidation'.


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    • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 11 years, 6 months ago
      Quite right MrSelfish. Mr. Buckley was right on this issue. He was also persona non-grata as far as Ms. Rand was concerned due to other reasons, particularly the less than favorable review of AS, which Buckley later expressed regret for it's severity.
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  • Posted by mowhaveerat 11 years, 6 months ago
    You are certainly not alone, although it may feel like it at times! Hang in there! You'll get through it and will, oddly enough, learn a lot about capitalism and freedom as you watch the moochers try to talk their way into convincing themselves that A is not A. I still do and college was a long, long time ago for me! Atlas Shrugged I and II or the audio book make GREAT background noise while studying!
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